Might as well engage in a little SWAG (Scientific Wild Ass Guessing).
As a (not very successfully) recovering political junkie, all of this shit is like crack cocaine.
Biden is out. Coming at the ass end of the weekend, and after all of the Sunday morning political shows that are very important to D.C. insiders, makes me think different factions spent the weekend lining up support for Kamala or other preferred candidates. According to Fox News….
Here is what you need to know about the Democratic Party’s nominating process following Biden’s decision to drop out of the 2024 race.
Biden was the presumptive nominee for his party, having secured the vast majority of its delegates, which were awarded after primary elections this year. But now that the president has withdrawn, the delegates are no longer pledged to him and are free to vote as they choose.
Now, any eligible candidate can run for the nomination. Vice President Kamala Harris, Gov. Gavin Newsom, D-Calif., and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, D-Mich., are often mentioned in the media. If Biden endorses a candidate, that person would have a clear advantage.
In order to become a candidate, someone must receive signatures from at least 300 delegates. A maximum of 50 can come from each state delegation.
To win the nomination, a candidate must receive the vote of a majority of pledged delegates at the party’s roll call vote, which would be 1,976 or more delegates. This is not a “popular” or “public” vote….
…..If no candidate reaches a majority in the first round of the roll call, then multiple rounds of voting take place, and superdelegates can also vote. At the Democratic convention a superdelegate is an automatically credentialed delegate — such as party leaders, governors and members of Congress.
In short, Biden might have “endorsed” Kamala, or at least whoever runs his social media accounts did, but that doesn’t mean shit. Right now the power brokers in the party are on the phone with delegates trying to lock down support. Kamala’s backers are trying to get enough delegates pledged to keep anyone else from challenging her while others are seeking to get enough delegate signatures to get a vote.
While the Clinton’s apparently endorsed Kamala, Obama is calling for an open convention.
Obama Fails to Endorse Harris, Wants Open Convention
Former President Barack Obama, in a statement Sunday praising President Joe Biden for his decision to leave his reelection race, did not endorse Vice President Kamala Harris’ candidacy, instead calling for an open convention to decide on a new nominee.
“We will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead,” Obama said in his statement on Medium. “But I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges.”
That mulatto faggot still is enormously influential in the Democrat party. His refusal to endorse Cameltoe is pretty significant.
The end result is that for whatever reason, perhaps as Plan A or perhaps Plan B after the assassination attempt failed, Biden has been shoved aside and now the party elites will pick the nominee. All of the blacks, mestizos, fat purple haired freaks, the people that showed up in the primaries? Tough shit, your votes no longer count. The only votes that count now are the delegates who are free to do what they want or to sell their vote to the highest bidder.
If Kamala prevails, it will reinforce my theory that Trump is being set up as a scapegoat. Kamala is terrible, unpopular, unlikable. She got kneecapped in 40 seconds in the primary in 2020 by Tulsi Gabbard and disappeared. How is she going to do with Trump on the stage? Yoiks. If someone else bland and inoffensive is chosen, it might mean They think that person can beat the Orange Man.
It is hard to not get caught up along with the normiecons doing a premature victory lap. None of this is happening by chance and They have a plan. Keep your eyes and ears open and your brain working. We are at the beginning of Their plan, not the end.
Even though he may be gaining more “establishment” backing than he’s had before, the mere fact that the Ds are going to all this trouble should rule out the possibility that the fix is in for Trump. They could have left Biden in there if they wanted to lose. I don’t think it’s gonna be Kamala either.
Something fake and gay this way comes.
Civil War II followed by South Africa?
With some make good commie and yankee thrown in.
Good, good.
No room for commie or yankee.
Wait until the blue of the helmet fills the entire sight.
My concern, along with all the other things with which I am concerned at present, has to do with the behaviour of large institutions when they are undergoing a process of power reduction.
Case in point is the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages. Once the Enlightenment began, and the influence of the Church began to wane, the impulse to do increasingly drastic things to hang on to historical power became overwhelming. Terrible events took place in pursuit of this objective.
Similarly, I have been dreading the time when this ‘president’ of yours found himself facing the end of his term, and the ability to enforce the ridiculous agenda he has so firmly devoted himself to. It is under such circumstances when things get potentially very dangerous, unstable, and erratic.
I suspect large numbers of executive orders to be effected, same way ‘that mulatto faggot’ did in his last week or so.
The DNC should be lots of fun, from a distance.
I have mucho respect for the good Catholics of the planet. Despite this brown, disgraceful Pope.
I’m lucky to have been raised by a mom (no dad around) that had us in a Lutheran church every Sunday. Including catechism (grades 7-9).
Martin Luther (not monkey King) is the original religious dissident who changed things in a big way in Europe and subsequently the world with the corrupt Roman hegemony.
I think we’re in for another Enlightenment sir. Religious, political, economic, etc. As was the Reformation and Counter-Reformation.
But everything in the non-Catholic religion was distorted after Luther- way past his intent- which led to more and more distortions until we get to the current loons raising red heifers in Texas for The Chosen People. Those nobles who aligned with Luther got to take over what had been church property.
There is a lot more to that discussion than we can cover here.
Oh, my, in no way was I disparaging the Faith. I hope that was clear. Truth is what it is, and the dangers are manifold.
I would give a great deal for another Enlightenment, especially if it was guided by truth instead of desire.
Unfortunately, time is flying, and ours ever-shortens. I had hoped for more.
No offense at all taken by any of the comments.
What Martin Luther did was bust a religious/business monopoly up (I realize huge assets were transferred) and what spun off were more and more options for White people to worship Christ. Some good, some weird, but we have options.
All part of the discussion- the different perspectives.
No REEEE here.
You raise a very good point, and one that has been looming large in the recesses of my mind for a while, even though I’ve not spoken of it publicly. No big org willingly – or gracefully – accepts a reduction in it’s accrued power and influence, nor in it’s size, which is directly tied to the former two factors. This means that even if we somehow get to the stage where fedgov (and state gov, and local gov) can actually be cut down to size, there will be much violent thrashing about as they enter their death throes, before their power and reach are sufficiently diminished to reduce the threat they present. That – in my estimation – is when we will be most at risk.
As for what’s next? Hell if I know. While I’ve been reasonably accurate about specific events actually coming to fruition (even if not on their specific timing) a surprising number of times in the last few years, I now find that the level of unprecedented and plum crazy ass shit coming down on the regular has me much less comfortable prognosticating. Considering the events of just the last month, who the hell can even take a stab at what these fucking maniacs will unload on us next.
Since we are now into the realm of the absurd, where anything can happen, I may as well predict that an AI created supermodel becomes living flesh, appears to me spontaneously in my bedroom at midnight tonight, and provides me a evening of lustful debauchery that gives me a fatal heart attack. Yeah, that’s how strange shit has gotten now.
So, if this is my last post, just assume I died with a monster hard on and a smile on my face.
See you guys tomorrow.
Still breathing, BigD?
(No details, please. We quality men do not kiss & tell).
Yeah, it’s 8:15 am on Monday morning, and I gotta go to work. Dammit.
Maybe I should’ve held this reply until lunch time to build a little dramatic tension.
It’s impolite to kiss and tell.
Speaking of my exploits isn’t my style, and discretion is a good general habit to maintain. Kind of like the “3 S” method.
Well, George, er Alex, Soros has endorsed Kamalhoe.
They also cleared Joey’s schedule for the week. Guess they haven’t told him yet.
I’ll tell you what’s next. Me waddling down to the local merchant-o-death and picking up a black rifle.
Haven’t really had any use for them in the past. But for some reason, I feel like I may need one.
I seem to recall reading that more than a few States have Election Laws that require Candidates to Register to be on the Ballot by a certain Date (this was from when Ballots had to be Printed in advance) and the ‘deadlines’ for a Candidate to ‘register’ have passed. Of Course, the ‘law’ means nothing to the Criminals in the CPUSA, but it leaves open the possibility that one or more States’ ‘Election Results’ could be disputed, at the State Level, under State Laws.
Another ‘disputed (s)Election’ is not going to be able to be ‘Blown Off’ by (((courts))) and (((media))) like they did last Time.
She’s got half the delegates she needs pledged already, and $50million (at least) in the bank. Not a bad 24 hours for her.