My wife and I are both in what I would classify as “The beginning of the end of middle age”. I am around a decade away from the earliest date I could start drawing Social Security which is a startling thing to realize. It is a time of transition for us in many ways. We each have lost one of our parents and in my case I have two older sisters that are already at retirement age. As many of you know, we have 8 children and that means that since the birth of our first child over 30 years ago (!), the raising of our children has dominated our lives. Now most of our children are adults and that stage of our lives is pretty much over.
My wife and I are in a good place as of this morning. We are in a nice home on some property that we paid far less than half of what it would sell for today with silly low property taxes. Our businesses are something we can do without much concern well into retirement age and beyond. Most of our children are within 2 miles of us and the next closest is starting a new job about 1 1/2 hours away. We have a pretty solid support structure in the community, if I need to I can call on Amish friends to help put up hay (and just did a week or so ago) or to fix the barn roof or whatever we might need that we can barter for. I know all too well that things can change quickly, especially when the potential is there for health issues as we get older, but right now I am pretty content with where we are. I could use more ammo though…
Not everyone is in as secure a place as we are.
I have been thinking about women. Being a red-blooded American man I am pretty much always thinking about women but more specifically I have been thinking about the state of women in various age brackets and what the future holds for many, if not necessarily most, of them. Two things stand out about that future:
- It isn’t pretty and
- It isn’t what they were promised by feminists.
Family has always been the most critical societal foundation and especially for women. Despite what we see in Marvel movies and in lesbian space witch covens on The Acolyte, women are significantly physically weaker than men. When you peel away the contemporary romantic and religious aspects, marriage throughout human history was mostly transactional. Women would trade what men want from women, namely sex, in return for what women wanted from men, security. To be more graphic, what prevents the strongest men from raping whatever women they come across is that other men protect women.
In World War II as the Wehrmacht retreated in the face of the Red Army, women and children were left behind across Eastern Europe and Germany and as a result the Red Army raped their way across Europe. The true magnitude of what happened will never be known but it was a crime against humanity like few others. If they knew anything about history, the rape of Eastern European and German women would terrify modern women when they look at the border being overrun and violent criminals intentionally being put back on the street via the prison revolving door, but of course they don’t know any actual history. When the wheels fall off the rule of law will be the first thing to go out the window, followed closely by feminism.
Slowly over the years, more quickly since the end of World War II and at breakneck speed in the last quarter century, the perceived need for a male protector for women has been nearly eliminated. The police are the protector and the woman herself is her own provider, with Uncle Sam as a back-up or primary sugar daddy.
In turn this has led to many women eschewing marriage and child-bearing. This is going to have enormous implications for those women in the very near future. This chart is pretty ominous, from 2020:
It is impolite to talk about it but the window for childbearing for women is biologically limited, starting when they are in their early teens when it is obviously not a great idea and ending for most women in their late 30s. It also isn’t a uniform window, women are much more fertile when they are early in their childbearing years than when they are at the end. That doesn’t mean that women in their 30s can’t have children, four of our eight were born when my wife was in her 30s, but it does make the odds significantly worse. Four years ago almost 40% of women in their early 30s did not have children and over 20% in the latter half of their 30s were likewise childless. Being generous let’s say that 25% of them leave their childbearing years without children. That is on top of the approximately 15% of women in their 40s that are almost certainly never going to have children.
What does the future hold for these women? If they could look into a crystal ball at the rest of their lives, I suspect a lot of these childless 30 year olds would run out and find the first fertile guy to knock them up they could find.
Lots of childless/unmarried women in their 30s take to social media to cope, declaring how happy and fulfilled they are. None seem to realize that being 31 and reasonably attractive means lots of male attention so they can keep riding the cock carousel but by the end of their 30s not only is their fertility gone but for most so are their looks. All of a sudden in their 40s men aren’t looking at them anymore and the ones that do are carrying all sorts of baggage. When you are the Hawk Tuah girl some men will find you attractive, because you are probably easy and reasonably attractive, but being a drunk whore in your 40s is decidedly less attractive as there is always a new crop of young drunk whores to prey on.
You see this on social media all the time, especially TikTok, with women sliding into their 40s suddenly realizing that they became invisible to men. Being single and lonely in your 40s is one thing but what happens to these women later?
It gets a lot lonelier with a lot less sex.
Imagine millions upon millions of single, childless, used up and bitter about it older women. All of those unpleasant HR chicks, middle management types, retail department supervisors and assorted other petty job types that pretended to find fulfillment in their bullshit careers but now are retired and staring down the barrel of 20 plus years alone, getting older and lonelier.
As they get older, time and biology catch up to them even faster and they start to have issues. At some point they can’t even care for themselves or their cats. In days of yore, older women were cared for by their children, the great circle of life when the care-provider is now being cared for by those they once raised. With no children, who is going to care for them? There were over 70 million baby boomers in 2020, at least half of those are women and the older Boomers are turning 78 this year. The youngest Boomers are turning 60 this year so within 5 years all of the surviving members of the largest generational cohort will be in retirement.
With people living, or at least lingering, decades after retirement age, the demand for caregivers is going to explode and with more women eschewing child-bearing in their younger years that means more women will need to pay someone to care for them. That is another problem. Who exactly is going to do that since American women are having fewer children, and especially White and Asian women are well below the replacement level?
The “solution” here and in Western Europe is mass immigration.
That crystal ball younger women should be looking into would include scenes of them in a nursing home, helpless and with no family to advocate for them, being “cared for” by Somalis and Afghans. This necessarily includes a racial component as the caregivers of the future will be overwhelmingly non-White and those receiving care will be largely White. The first thing non-White migrants are taught in America is how to game the system for gibs, the second is racial resentment towards White people. We are already starting to see videos and news stories of elderly Whites being abused, physically, mentally and even sexually, by non-Whites in nursing homes. Would you bet that will get better or get worse in the future?
One could hope that these older women would warn younger women about the future in store for them if they reject marriage and motherhood. One would hope that in vain as that would require these older women to swallow their pride and admit they screwed up. There are few groups more stubborn and intractable even in the face of facts than feminists.
All of the feminist rhetoric in the world won’t be worth a hill of beans compared to biological reality. To younger women, and I doubt many read my blog, you need to know this: You will get older. You will need care at some point unless you die early. If you don’t have children to care for you, you will have very little choice in who does provide your care unless you are fabulously wealthy. Is it worth a few years of whoring around to show the world how free spirited and independent you are if it means decades of misery when you are elderly?
It is going to get ugly for women just down the road, whether that is because the rule of law collapses and leaves women at the mercy of less genteel men or because they simply get old while alone. It is hard to feel sorry for them and for the most part I don’t but it will be an ugly end to an empty life for a lot of women.
It’s much bigger than that even and way worse.
The whole single mom thing cuz Uncle Sam is actually daddy is going away too. And men (esp younger) aren’t coming to help said single moms. For even the slightest thing. “you’re a strong independent woman that don’t need no man, shovel your own damn walk/fix your own damn car/etc/etcetc”
And protection? ha. 20 years ago men would probably come to help a woman in trouble. Today? Social media? cameras everywhere? don’t need to get cancelled/called out as a creep/etc. you’re a strong independent woman that don’t need no man, shovel your own damn walk/fix your own damn car/etc/etc/etc
Most single women are BURIED in debt much worse than men are, esp in their 40s with no real prospects to get out. One thing many of the younger gen looks for in a marriageable woman is how much debt she is carrying. (because then it’s yours too and it shows serious red flags in both judgement and money matters).
Women NEED companionship much more than men. They are social creatures in ways that men aren’t. There are plenty fo stories of men being happy to go off into the woods for 20 years. There are NONE for women. It’s not their thing. They are going to be VERY lonely after 40.
Girls/young women literally live life on easy mode. They really don’t have to DO anything but look pretty and be pleasant and grab a mate. And they can’t even do this anymore. Heck just being skinny nowadays makes you a minimum 7 on the 10 scale and makes you pretty rare and again, no real effort in this.
I could go on for days on this. We haven’t even touched on mental illness/depression of women as they age.
There’s a great meme floating around about what women believe they are going to do when civilization collapses and has a picture of Katniss with the bow and arrow fighting for whatever. And then the 2nd panel is “reality when civilization collapses” and shows a scene of streetwalkers.
You make some good points, and while I agree that women need companionship more than men, your conclusion from this–that they are going to be very lonely after 40–doesn’t really follow. Because they do need companionship, most women have a network of friends in a way that men don’t, and as they age, are more likely to keep those friends.
So they won’t be ‘lonely,’ necessarily, but they will indeed, as Arthur predicts, be very vulnerable, unless they’re lucky enough to have nieces and nephews with enough love and resources to at least watch out for them, or they’re very wealthy.
These women will be lonely, but not because they don’t have friends. There’s a big difference between a network of friends and a loving, committed spouse.
I’m sure that would vary from individual to individual and marriage to marriage, but you make a good point. I feel extremely fortunate to have both, but the latter is, of course, my priority.
By the way, on a completely different subject, are you the person who recommended the book “Empire of the Summer Moon” to Arthur? I got it from the library after that–what a great read.
“Empire of the Summer Moon” is a really good book.
Free pdf here:
Women don’t have friends. They have rivals they can tolerate. Those rivals won’t be there when the chips are down. Single spinsters won’t have a support network.
It was. Always think of pioneer life as being simply arduous; book was a good reminder that it could be positively terrifying, too.
It could, yes, but it a lot of ways it was just life. This era of peace in the homeland that we Americans have enjoyed for so long is an absolute aberration in the river of history.
I completely agree. We Americans have lived in an unprecedented span of relative peace/safety, luxury, and ease that is very anomalous in the grand history of humanity. We now somehow expect it as our birthright. If and when truly hard times come knocking, people are either going to have to adapt or die.
Berglander: This. Most of history life for most people (regardless of race) was nasty, brutish, and short. Women who think this is the norm have an exceedingly unpleasant wake-up call coming.
Might have been me. I have recommended that book to a few people. If for no other reason, to understand the savagery that a human is capable of.
My wife is quite possibly a rare exception in that she really doesn’t like other women. “Too judgmental and often crazy” is her reasoning. We fit well together.
Pretty much.
Not my kid, not my woman, not my problem.
For those of you who have found a woman worth wifing and plenty of kids, good on you. Some days it sucks being single but so many women are fat, vile harpies with or without some mutt hellspawn. It’s horrible out there.
LGC: Very well said.
I have had the same thoughts, many times. Older men who never married or had children will be in similar danger as physical and mental frailty encroaches. I am older than you, but still in great health and good shape, and I thank God every day for children and grandchildren who will return my investment of time, love and care in them by looking out for me if/when the time comes that I’m too frail to do it for myself.
I am not very knowledgeable on the subject of health care and insurance, but it certainly seems like it’s in an unsustainable position, which will only be accelerated by the Boomers entering their eighties and nineties. Even _before_ the rapid accumulation of so many trillions of dollars of debt and the invasion of illegals, a nursing home is the last place in the world I’d want to be, as a helpless old person.
You are correct that for many people, their ‘twilight years’ are going to be ugly.
Pop culture is basically ruled by 20-something women. White women, that is. They can seemingly do no wrong, and despite their over-the-top entitled attitude, there are always more than enough beta sap “men” willing to White Knight for them for a pat on the head.
My experience is admittedly quite old, but I saw how things were during my years tending bar at dance clubs. Guys knew enough to tip if they expected good service and a drink that was not too watered down. But the girls almost never tipped cash, believing that a smile, a kiss or a flash of boob was reward enough for the guy slinging rum.
Imagine the shock and horror when 21 year old Miss Hawt Chick with a thousand followers wakes up at 33 and suddenly the sales help and especially polite youngsters are referring to her as “Ma’am”. Those first few gray hairs and wrinkles land like a pallet of bricks on a former Mistress of the Universe.
As another commenter mentioned, they are not necessarily doomed to being “lonely” as they age, for women are indeed herd creatures and will always seek out one another’s company. But far too many are doomed to a loveless existence in middle age and beyond, having squandered the best years of their lives playing hard-to-catch and then realizing that the music has stopped, with no more empty seats remaining in this game of musical chairs.
Taylor not so Swifty still prattles about the patriarchy because she is so terribly oppressed in evil America, just like Obama and Oprah.
Maybe they could all go have a cry together with Halfwit Harry and Me-Again Sparkle?
Careful what you wish for as the old saying goes, kicking against Big Daddy means he won’t be there when the wolf is at the door.
Good luck with those box wines and kittly litter boxes…yes you can, go get ’em like the girl in front of the bull statue.
Is that mean?
Good, good.
Well said: Bean Dip Tray.
Bear in Indy
“Because they do need companionship, most women have a network of friends in a way that men don’t,”
“for women are indeed herd creatures and will always seek out one another’s company. ”
I don’t know if I believe that. There is a joke… Women know how women think. Which is why they hate each other. Women might have “friends,” but I bet these friendships are pretty shallow especially when compared to a life long male companion. Even if twomen have the female friendships, I bet many will still feel that something is missing.
But it isnt just women that are fucked. All of society is. I think that AINO is on its way to collapsing in the 2030’s. At a minimum, the federal government is going to default on its debt. When stuff like that happens is when you get the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror that ensued. I think women will be hardest hit because many men have decided to “Go Galt” or quiet quitting. Some dude in New York is being prosecuted for stopping some nigger from chimping out on the subway. Men notice this stuff. Women don’t.
Women live in a bubble of constant and incredibly large amount of validation through the internet and social media. I am estranged from my only daughter because I cannot compete with the validation and volume she recieves from society and a constant line of simps that will tell her what she want to hear. For example, who want to hear from ole dad advising “you shouldn’t get tatoos” when there are literally thousands of guys on the web that tell her how hot tattoos are.
Women also don’t understand that the cops to not have an obligation to protect them. See Township of Castle Rock vs Gonzales from SCOTUS. If spicy times come, women will be left on their own. When reality hits, it is going to be ugly. Unless, of course, they rethink their position and fall back on the past transactional security they secured from being with a man.
One reason, among many, that I admire Arthur is 1) he had a big brood of kids, and 2) he somehow managed to raise them to be non self-destructive, contributing members of society despite that satanic culture we live in.
Sorry to hear your daughter estranged you for tatted savages and social media tripe.
You’re not obligated to leave such an ingrate anything in your will.
I’m sure there are lots of shallow friendships out there, especially among the younger cohorts of women, but speaking for myself, the backstabbers were easy to spot and I avoided them, which is why even as a young woman, my group of friends was small. For women who do get married and have children, time for friendships diminishes greatly, so they often get winnowed down to the ones worth keeping.
Among my handful of close friends (most of whom have been my friends for decades) are two never-married ones, one widow, one divorcee (her husband was a cheater whose girlfriend forced him to choose, so he could no longer have his cake and eat it, too) and one who’s been married for over forty years. The two never-marrieds appreciate certain aspects of their lives, but neither chose an unmarried life on purpose, and would happily trade it for one with a husband, but pickings, for both women and men, generally get slim as time goes on.
I don’t like it when women are stereotyped as all being a certain way, and I don’t like it any less when men are. I’m sorry to hear of your estrangement from your daughter. I’m grateful mine was an adult before smartphones ever appeared.
Arete: Stereotypes are based on experience and reality. I believe you make the error of projecting your life and beliefs (based on age and society at the time) onto subsequent generations. The past was a different country. My husband is grateful we never had daughters given the poisonous culture post 1960. While both sexes bear blame for today’s dystopia, women own the greater share – for embracing feminism and careers before family and children, for indulging in their own short-thinking narcissism, and for being air-headed, emotionally incontinent attention whores absent male control.
Stereotypes are indeed based on something of substance, but people who approach everyone based on those generalizations are missing out. I expect a certain something based on stereotypes, but am always open to the exception, and sometimes find it. I’m better off for it, I’m sure.
Not having daughters allows you to look at all young women the same way when not all are. I’m not in any way projecting, nor am I claiming that negative stereotypes of young women have no basis. But since I have a daughter who brings me a lot of joy, along with being a great mom in these challenging times, it’s a little funny, but also repulsive, to hear people (especially men, and one wonders how much of their cynicism stems from bitterness/rejection) make pronouncements about the female character as if it’s monolithic. It’s a bit laughable to listen to them pontificate about the nature of female friendships, when I’d bet few have any female friends.
Most men have male friends, as they ought to. No idea where you’ve gotten the idea that it’s the norm for men to have female friends with absolutely no sexual tension or component involved. And if men are bitter and cynical, they have cause due to women’s nature and the lies men have been told about what women truly want. I am highly fortunate to have both love and friendship from my husband, but I don’t pretend it’s the same as the male friendships he has maintained since childhood.
So if they have male friends and not female friends, they shouldn’t be opining about something they know nothing about.
Arete: Classic female solipsism.
Of course…you have no daughters yet you’re an expert on young women today. Men don’t have female friendships and aren’t supposed to, but they’re experts on what motivates the women who do have them…
Feel free to have the last word. I usually check out of discussions when they cease to make any sense.
Well thanks for the kind words.
“I don’t like it when women are stereotyped as all being a certain way, and I don’t like it any less when men are.”
There are outliers in any population or demographic. Sure there are Thomas Sowells and Dr. Ben Carsons. But I still would not like to live next door to any negro.
I don’t like being 5′ 7″ in a world where most women won’t even consider being with a man under 5′ 9″ (which is average). But it doesn’t matter what I like because women have their preferences and many of those preferences are baked in from an evolutionary point of view. I stopped being mad at women a long time ago for being hypergamous. Getting mad at women for being hypergamous is like getting mad at a dude for checking out Kate Upton’s hooters. (yeah I know she is getting up there but I don’t know any current hot ladies)
FWIW, I would have guessed nearly zero ladies read this blog. So it was a nice surprise to see these comments.
The current situation is one reason why I think religion is important. Even if you question the divinity of Jesus Christ, religion serves more than one purpose. One purpose is that it is social glue. See, i.e. the Amish, Mormons, or Sedavist (spelling?) Catholics.
Re female readers, not sure how I stumbled across it (probably on Gab, which I checked out after leaving Facebook but never look at at, anymore). Can’t say I’m not put off sometimes, but so what? It’s still refreshing to hear opinions that aren’t ‘allowed’ elsewhere.
I agree with you about religion. It’s not exactly a surprise that as people have rejected it, much about human relations has gotten worse, not better. I’ve always laughed at Lennon’s “Imagine,” agreeing instead with Benjamin Franklin, who asked, ‘if men are so wicked with religion, what would they be like if without it?’
well said. Women don’t have friends like men do. And they always trying to change their status within the group. (which is why they are always fighting/bringing others down/etc). Whereas men pretty much accept where they are within any group. (which is also why bossbabes are so awful and no one (men and women) want to work for a woman, they are ALWAYS fighting). Lonely is the right word. Superficial friendships where they might do things, but they never really talk deeply about things. All the BS about women communicating better than men is clearly nonsense.
Most older single men are relatively ok with their life and where they are. Sure there are things they could have done better (or worse) but it is what it is and they just move along. Lots of friends, little friends, etc. Most older single women are bitter as hell and it’s obvious.
Hawk Tuah
This is just downright sad.
We don’t have a daughter, but I can emphasize with this dood.
The chick is already monetizing her “fame.”
Also, I can’t help but notice that the “dad” and the girl have different last names.
Yep, all of the above is true to varying extents. Women don’t have to do anything – just don’t be fat, and the world is laid at their feet. They truly can have it all. They are pampered, protected and respected without earning any part of it. No wonder all this power goes to their heads.
Men are less than utterly worthless until we have learned how to make money and acquire assets that she can use to raise her kids, or simply take half of because she deigned to live with a man for 6 months. Is there any wonder we can’t trust the average young woman?
What is the solution? I seriously doubt any of these issues are new. Personally I’m inclined to only look out for me & mine. Fuck fixing women, men & society. I don’t have kids, why should I care a single whit? I’m buying a smallish acreage to grow much of my own food, catch my own rain, generate my own power & live my own life with out debt. I’ll join my local community and the rest of the world can go get fucked. Probably won’t live to see a nursing home because rural life is hard & accidents happen and if you’re remote & alone tend to end tragically. Just like what happened to 99.9% of my ancestors.
The unfortunate truth is that nobody anywhere can offer anything to a woman that’s as good as the life she can have on her own when she’s young and attractive (so long as she’s willing to put out, which pop culture has trained and educated her to do). The world is her oyster, if she’s dissatisfied with one guy, there’s 20 more lined up waiting to give her what she wants.
Family life, while more enduring and permanent, does not compare. Nothing compares. And the ones with a little bit of money and a gym membership and a plastic surgeon can keep this going for a long time. Into their 50s. 60s even. I’ve seen it. Some parts of the country there are a whole lot of them like this (southern California and south Florida are two places they flock to, because that’s where the rich men are). “The wall” comes later than it used to. When Joan Collins was 69 she married a 38 year old man. She was (is) a genetic freak, but thanks to modern medicine and chain franchise gyms, there are a lot of Joan Collinses now. And there are always thirsty guys.
So for every woman who gets old alone with her cats, there will be one living “her best life.” And the younger women will hear it from both of them, as well as from the family ones.
There is no silver lining. Western civ is fucked. There is no effective or even honest rhetoric to convince young women not to have the time of her life in her 20s (and beyond).
An old friend of mine, now deceased, told me a long time ago that the problem with modern society is that women are allowed to enjoy sex. At the time I didn’t understand what he meant, but now I do.
Big picture, I figure all of modern American culture from at least the 1950’s onward will have to be dispensed with if a decent, functional society will ever be reestablished in any part of this former nation’s soil. This means the shitcanning of feminism and civil rights era thinking and legislation, and all that came forth from it. Like widely accepted single motherhood, two income households, universal franchise, the “right” for women to hold certain jobs they simply aren’t suited to (especially in the political realm), rampant consumerism, the notion that “everybody” has to go to college, the sexual revolution, contraception and abortion. How a society ever gets back to that sort of moral/ethical baseline is way above my pay grade, but in short, a full return to the mean and nasty patriarchy.
I figure the only chance at it is a full on collapse that destroys the current system (and most of it’s inhabitants). Unpleasant and practically unthinkable? Well, yeah. Now tell that to those present for the closing acts of the fall of the Roman empire, and the onset of the dark ages. It’s gonna suck really bad. And those who don’t end up dead early in the snafu will probably wish they were. But, precluding nuclear holocaust, or mother nature dealing a similarly severe extinction level event card, small pockets of right minded humanity can survive and work towards recreating civilization. It’s a project that will take generations over at least a hundred years, maybe longer with the knowledge and skills that will inevitably be lost. I won’t live to see any rebirth of decent society, and may not even live to see the worst of the collapse.
I’m heading into old age right as the collapse is really gathering steam, and between that, and my status as a dissident and internationally reviled thought criminal of the worst kind (to the perception of those in control) it will be challenging to stay both healthy and off the hit lists that will undoubtedly be employed. And if I find myself actively engaged in some *ahem* activities for the betterment of society, the odds of a tap on the shoulder from the grim reaper go up exponentially. And so be it; there are things far worse than death, and I don’t want to live long enough to end up at the mercy of fucking orcs providing my “care” in a nursing home. I’d rather stroke the fuck out at 60, than live to 80 and be in misery for 20 years.
And yes, old and frail men with no family to assist them will be fucked. Especially since I see far less compassion and sympathy for men in that condition than there appears to be for women (though cultural changes are heavily eroding any advantage women had there). No matter how I envision it, the future is universally shit out beyond the end of my natural lifespan (figure that at ~30-35 more years under “good” conditions). I’m not throwing in the towel by any means, but I am being brutally realistic in my expectations.
Based on lots of men I’ve known (and I’m getting to that age myself), the thought process is that we’d rather eat a bullet that get put in an old age home, cared for by orcs. The moment I can’t wipe my own ass or fix my own breakfast, I no longer want to live. As my Dad used to say, those places are where you go to die. Might as well speed up the process.
Women are different and I don’t pretend to know anything more than what I know, but yeah. I expect most women won’t chose that same path.
Don W Curton: I have said this almost verbatim to my husband – When I can’t wipe my own backside I want out. Husband and I are of one mind on this. We do not want to impoverish or burden our kids/grandkids with our care and feeding. When physical independence and dignity are gone, and the mind fades, it’s the natural ending of life. I regard modern medicine’s artificial extension of life via meds and machines as entirely unnatural and evil. Many people SAY this, however, and then cling to a simulacrum of life because they are terrified of death, regardless of professed religious belief. Don’t be that guy/gal.
The collapse is the cure. With most things, the faster it hits, the sooner it’s over.
There’s a certain dignity in the Smith and Wesson retirement plan.
From what I remember when the X was having kids, I think if women have kids under 30, then after 30 their bodies are still in the groove. It was the first kid after 30 that was hard, especially if they had a decade of birth control.
This is why I told both my daughters that if they thought they wanted kids, they needed to find a dude and get busy before they turned 30.
Luckily for me, men in my family tend to drop dead. I can’t think of any that were in a nursing home. Same with most of the women. Only my grandmother went in a home, and then only for six months or so.
And if you can, when you find a home, look for a Mexican or Philippina staff. They, at least, have a culture of caring for their elders. My X-mother in law was in a godforsaken home in SW lousiana, staffed nearly 100% negro. Worst thing I’ve seen, ever. You need an advocate to mind them. In this case, one of the sisters in law took it on. Had to literally be there every day.
Himself: Still advocating outsourcing labor to non-Whites. That’s what killed White Civilization. If you want Mexican/Filipina staff, move to Mexico or the Philippines.
Allow me to post this short essay that is apropos to this discussion; the original website seems to be down forever and I believe that all here might be appreciative of the essay. I know that I did–I’ve had it in my files for a decade or so. In this way, others can read this and appreciate its merit (before it disappears forever into cyberspace).
“The Awesome Temporary Power Of Young Attractive Women” by Return of Kings:
More than once, a woman has told me that at some point in her forties, she became invisible. Before then, she was accustomed to walking down the street and having men smile at her. People were so kind almost everywhere she went. In stores, she was warmly treated. In a bar or coffee shop, strangers would approach her and start up a conversation. Like some 1950s advertisement, the world was full of friendly waves and welcoming nods. This is the magic spell of being a young attractive female. It is an awesome power, but one that most women are largely unaware of until the day it finally disappears.
Actually, We Do Know The Power Of The Dark Side
The allure of a pretty, young woman is substantial, and men struggle to resist it. I’ve often thought that cheerleading would decline in popularity among high school girls if they knew exactly what was in the minds of the men who saw them in those outfits. As all men know, it is sexual. If you are a slender, pretty, teenage cheerleader, every man you encounter wants to have sex with you. None of us care one iota about your cheer, your spirit, or your acrobatics. The whole thing is a joke; we want to look at your pussy. The fourteen-year-old passing you in the hallway at school, your male teachers, your classmates, your father’s friends, the bus driver, even the old men in the nursing home where you volunteer, we all want to fuck you.
If you are young and attractive, every man who smiles as he passes you on the street is thinking one thing: “I want to fuck that girl.” We do not smile out of kindness, not in the way we would smile at a puppy or a little kid. As you walk by, raw sexual images are what we envision. Fortunately, men have a modicum of willpower. Although a pretty sixteen-year-old might flirt with her teacher, virtually all men in that situation will resist temptation. But, oh boy would there be temptation! Every year, a few highly successful men in positions of power risk everything just to have sex with an attractive young female.
You’ve Won The Lottery
You float through life in a way that others can’t even imagine. Everyone is so darn nice to you. We are nice because we want to fuck you. That is the only reason. But you think that people are genuinely nice, that the world is nice. The guy at the Abercrombie store was so patient and helpful. He wanted to bang you in the dressing room. The 50 year old man at the DMV who failed you on your driver’s test was so sorry about it, apologizing in the kindest manner. He couldn’t pass you, but he so wanted you to suck his civil servant cock. This is how it goes. You believe you have earned your received kindness based on hard work and character. That is incorrect. It is only by virtue of the body you inhabit.
Take Off Your Makeup, The Party’s Over
But one day, you become invisible. The store clerk is impatient. No one cuts you any slack. People become professional, distant, businesslike. No one smiles at you in the street. You have lost your magic power and that loss comes with aging.
Now you are living in the real world as it is actually lived by most people. You have awoken from a dream and every kindness shown to you has to be earned. Nothing is free any longer. I think about the conversations I’ve had with women in their late 40s and beyond. There are no good men. Why can’t I find a man? Where have all the men gone? Well, ladies, the “good men” are out there trying to sleep with much younger women. I think to myself, you know how lonely and desperately Hot you feel right now? Aching to have even a semi-attractive, non-disgusting man want to spend time with you and make love to you? Well, this is payback for when you were young and had a sea of men in your orbit. You flirted with them and wasted their time. You mocked them for their horniness and neediness. Now you know their suffering. It is your just retribution.
Always Depend On The Cruelty of Strangers
Once I was at a party when two very nice looking, beautifully dressed women in their late forties approached me to flirt. Soon, they started commenting on the lack of good men. Normally, I would just smile and shrug, usually saying something like, “Who knows where they are? Perhaps hiding under a rock or stuck in the sofa cushions?” This time, however, I said that I know where the good men are. They are attempting to have sexual intercourse with women twenty years younger. I said that it is a fact of human biology that high quality men are just not interested in women their age. They were surprisingly reasonable and admitted that I was correct.
Many men hate the fact that attractive young women cast a spell over us. Unless you inhabit a Hot man’s body, you can’t even begin to appreciate how intensely a beautiful woman affects us, how we struggle to stay focused when you are around. Maybe one reason men seek to be players is that it helps weaken your power over us. We dislike that your very presence draws our attention to thoughts of fucking, no matter what we may need to accomplish at the moment. We resent that you have it so easy in life just because you are thin and pretty, whereas we have to earn every kindness that comes our way. You say life has not been that easy. You complain that your boyfriend cheated on you, but an older woman has no boyfriend. You complain that you got in trouble at work for your performance, but a less attractive woman never got hired in the first place.
Trading Places
Sadly, for aging women, there is no suit they can put on. Botox and plastic surgery will never elevate you back to the exalted position of a pretty girl under age 30. Perhaps you can take comfort in knowing that you once held enormous power over men, but now it is some other woman’s turn to possess it, however fleetingly.
The link above is dead. I know (see paragraph 1, above).
Takeahardlook: Excellent essay. As much as many will want to deny it, it is biological truth. And while some Christians will elevate the life of the mind and spirit above the body, Christ took on that flesh for us. Those weaknesses and temptations are human biological reality. Civilization and faith can put a veneer and patina on top, and self-control is always a good thing, but denying the physical aspect of human nature is foolish and doomed to failure.
This Clown World was created to a large extent by liberal women, so they will be getting what they deserve. The few non-liberal women out there will survive by having husbands and children and a normal life.
The women who created it, the Bretty Friedans and Gloria Steinems (hmmm what do they have in common), will not suffer at all. Their great granddaughters’ generation who were indoctrinated and didn’t know any better might.
The Purpose Of a System Is What It Does – POSIWID. Good analytical tool for cutting through BS and propaganda.
Who benefits from financialization and oligarchy, otherwise known as the debt plantation? The elites. That’s the financial aspect.
Who benefits from a divided electorate at war with each other? The elites, using one of the oldest playbooks in existence. That’s the political aspect.
Who benefits from hypergamy? Women are attracted to money and power, so once again, the elites benefit the most. That’s the social aspect.
First time is happenstance, second time is coincidence, third time it’s enemy action. There’s no way all of this goes one direction by accident. The only consolation we have is that history shows no polity survives this, what the West in general, and the US in particular, has been doing the past 50 years is the equivalent – financially, politically, and socially – of eating the seed corn.
BITFD it’s time to start over.
All the rights the young women rely on are just words on paper.
And as Cersei Lannister of GoT said: Just a piece of paper.
Those rights need defenders.
And normally this would be the sons and men of those women.
But as they decided against family and children they will have no defenders.
So, do they reallly believe that those orcs, muslims etc reallly care about those rights?
The women will reap what they have sown.
And many of us will pay the price (me included, because my line ends with me).
So much to unpack here. And not all of it fits together in one nice unifying theme, so bear with me.
First of all, as has been noted above, the primary beneficiaries of men’s protection has been White women. White women have precious little understanding of what their “rights” really are in countries run by men who have skin tones darker than a paper bag. In those countries, they basically have the right to be a place that men put their dicks and nothing more. This is why White women can cheer Third World immigration – they don’t realize that those third world savages have little regard for them.
When women say, “Where are all the good men?”, I say, “Think about the men in your past that you have rejected, or ‘friend-zoned’ because they were ‘such nice guys.’ There they are. They’ve probably moved on and married a good woman who appreciates what they bring to the table.” Many, many women like the “bad boys,” right up until they start doing bad-boy shit. Then, with black eye and bloody nose, they whine to everyone that will listen about how abusive men are. Then, given the opportunity, they repeat the exact same choices, and in many cases, pass those choices on to their daughters.
To take the previous paragraph to the next level, many of the “no-good men” that these women bitch about were made that way by women. Men are like anyone else – we respond to incentives. And, when you’re young, there isn’t a lot of real reward for being the ‘nice guy.’ So a lot of men end up going the other way, treating women like shit, and getting laid a lot more often.
The essay that Takeahardlook posted above is quite accurate. I know a number of these cat ladies in their 40s who now desperately want that which they turned their nose up at in their 20s and 30s. What’s really sad is that they have been riding the cock carousel for so long that they really wouldn’t even know how to be a good relationship partner if they found the right man and he gave them the opportunity to do so. I had a period of dating that lasted from age 48 until age 52, and I went out with a number of these women. They literally lacked basic relationship skills because they’d spent their entire lives being a “strong independent wahman that don’t need no man.” They weren’t even all that much fun to go out with and fuck because they were still up their own asses with 3rd wave feminism. Every day, for these women, is a stress test between “I’m lonely as hell and I want a man to love me” and “I don’t need a man, and I’m perpetually offended by masculinity.” I know a few guys who have married these women, and it’s come to a bad end every time. It’s honestly sad.
It may sound like I’m negative toward women. I’m not at all. My dating life ended when a wonderful, kind, beautiful, and giving woman with partnership skills took me right off the market. I’m a happy dude. But I’m also smart enough to see the catastrophe coming that Arthur is referring to.
One more note. Not that I care, but I do know a few gay men. There’s nothing more pathetic than an old faggot. If you think that straight men worship youth, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Faggots are obsessed with young men and boys. The younger the better. One gay dude I know found out that he was all washed up by age 30, no matter how much he dieted and worked out. Of course, what that really means is that faggots are really pedos who want to fuck underage boys (but will settle for young men who look like underage boys). These guys are heading toward a bad end. The suicide rate of over-40 fags is huge, because they are even less desirable to their targeted partners than over-40 women.
” How a society ever gets back to that sort of moral/ethical baseline is way above my pay grade, but in short, a full return to the mean and nasty patriarchy.
I figure the only chance at it is a full on collapse that destroys the current system (and most of it’s inhabitants). Unpleasant and practically unthinkable? Well, yeah.”
Well, I know how. But the majority of normies would balk. Summary executions for murder for example.
This all makes understand why Islam treats women the way it does. I ain’t saying it is right. I would not want to be a Muslim. They have bacha bazi boys and other pathologies. Be that as it may, Islam survives and is growing. Cultural success is defined not by whether your ideas are better but whether your culture thrives and grows. Afghanistan is a 3rd world shithole, but it is a surviving 3rd world shit hole.
I too figure that the only chance that at an ethical baseline is full on collapse. It will literally take white women getting ubiquitously getting stoned to death at the hands of Muslims in urban areas as white men watch before some white women pull their heads out of their asses. Having said that, I think geography will play a role. White women in Sandpoint, Idaho or the Panhandle of Texas are gonna be better of than women in San Francisco or Jew York.
Not all women are retarded. Traditionalist adjacent, God fearing women will see the writing on the wall and set up their state of affairs accordingly. The remaining retarded White women will normalcy bias their way into extinction. Which, in the long run, might be the best thing for the White races.
Great content and commentary. This would be right in Chateau Heartiste’s wheelhouse.
Jews started the feminism movement.
Gas the kikes and watch 95% of the problems go away!
People have been so brainwashed by them that they don’t even know where the problem stems from…
“We Americans have lived in an unprecedented span of relative peace/safety, luxury, and ease that is very anomalous in the grand history of humanity. ”
I don’t think this point could be made enough. It should be put on loud speaker at the corner of every intersection in AINO.
All I can add to these comments is that this has been the best black pill I’ve ever had.
I’ve never been more optimistic about like-minded folk, while simultaneously having never cared less about a corrupt, broken empire gasping for breath on its deathbed in a gay hospice.
Excellent post, and a big question – all those lost lives are a tragedy.
It is going to be even worse than you may think.
Women have unrealistic expectations, and they generally lack any accountability nor do they have much introspection. When things go bad for them, it is uncommon for them to reflect about how their actions put them in this situation. This will prevent them from finding a solution.
Women are consumers, not producers, for the most part. This is how they end up in massive debt, and rarely have any significant savings. Most of these women do not save for retirement, and treat the future with an emotional bias that “it will all work out,” “their soul-mate is out there,” and they will be saved in the end. But it is only when they hit the wall, that they realize things are tough, and by then it is too late.
Since women don’t really produce, they will be hit very hard in any bad economy. The HR jobs will go away, the marketing jobs, the IT jobs, the project manager jobs, all of it. All gone. Corporations will cut to the bone, wiping out middle management and any job that is not absolutely necessary for their main function. The vast majority of these jobs are held by women. The jobs that actually produce wealth are in the main, held by men. This will not change.
There is a significant percentage of women who own their own homes, but a large portion of them got them through divorce, not from servicing a mortgage for 30 years. These women can’t maintain their homes themselves, so they will have to pay men to do so, just like their cars, appliances, and everything else. Those who remain renters will struggle to afford housing into their older years.
The vast majority of wealthy women also got their wealth handed to them from family, or via divorce. Strong, independent women rarely are self-made.
Even now, we are seeing an increase in homelessness among women. It used to be that homelessness was an exclusively male problem, but now numbers of homeless women are reaching 25%. This will continue to increase.
Single mothers may have children, but those children are much less likely to be there to help their mom’s out in her old age. The pathologies of children raised by single mom’s are well documented in scientific literature. Women are very important in nurturing young children, but it takes a father to form them into responsible adults. And it is only responsible adults who are willing and able to take on the care of their elderly parent(s).
Divorce is viewed by many women as a retirement plan. They know they can leave and get the house, alimony, and child support. They may keep or lose the house, but the alimony and child support will run out just as their ability to find a new husband comes to a screeching halt. Many of the “good men” they are looking for have been ran through the divorce mill, or have suffered otherwise in lop-sided relationships, and have checked out. Many women who have received a good divorce settlement still have don’t have the skills and habits to manage their resources, so those resources do not remain with them.
Many of the boomer generation will be ok. They established their assets in the long post-war economic growth that was part of the expanding American empire. But late Gen X and younger will find it tougher and tougher to get by. The first indications of how this affects women are readily available by watching social media. Older, less attractive women with masculine attitudes complain that there are no good men. Former strippers and fat unattractive women want a high-value man who makes over 6 figures, is in good shape, and travels, but they never think about what they are offering such a man, nor how many of these men actually exist. Even young women are complaining that they don’t want to work the rest of their life, and there are many older women who cry into the web about how miserable they are.
Of course, men will have their struggles as well, but men have always had these struggles. It has always been men who bear the weight of civilization, and when they go, so does civilization. Women bear the children and raise the families that keeps the human race in existence. That is why they’ve been taken care of so well, and have always been protected. But women, to a large extent, have abandoned their responsibilities in this regard.
I think we are in the times prophesied by Christ on the road to Calvary:
“Do not weep for me, weep for yourselves and for your children. For behold, the days are coming when they will say, ‘Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that have not given birth, and the breasts that have never nursed. ” Luke 23:28-29
And maybe even Isaiah 4:1
“In that day seven women will take hold of one man and say, “We will eat our own food and provide our own clothes; only let us be called by your name. Take away our disgrace!”
[ ‘eye-roll’… yes, not all women are like that, etc. but give me a break. Use your own eyes.]