Which type of Miracle-American is more dangerous at a McDonalds, customers or employees?

In footage from a Lakeland, Florida McDonald’s on June 14, 2024, defendant Chassidy Gardner allegedly pulled a gun on a customer before walking outside of the restaurant and firing two shots at a customer’s car (footage and booking photo courtesy Lakeland Police Department).
She wasn’t loving it.
Police in Florida arrested a 22-year-old McDonald’s drive-thru employee, Chassidy Gardner, and charged her with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after she allegedly fired two shots at a customer who was unhappy with their order on June 14.
“The dispute began in the drive through when the customers/Victims felt their order was incorrect. The employee Chassidy Gardner (age 22), argued with the customers at the drive through window. Gardner threw a drink at the customers as they were attempting to leaving. [sic] Two of the customers got out of their vehicle and opened the drive-through window to throw drinks at Gardner who then armed herself with a handgun,” police said.
Officers said once the customers drove around the side of the fast-food restaurant, Gardner went outside — her gun in hand — and kept arguing.
Notably, in a police affidavit, Gardner confirmed the weapon was her pink, blue and purple Glock.
“While still outside, Gardner fired her weapon as the vehicle was leaving the parking lot,” police said.
Dat pink, blue and purple Glock is dope.
Miracles plus fast food. You know what happens next.
Metal detectors and security at fast food eateries on top of $21 an hour minimum wage for surly, misanthropic, violence-prone employees? A romantic dinner for two at Mickey D’s is gonna break the bank.
No, thanks. I can spit in my own food at home.
They should do an All-Miracler remake of Pulp Fiction where at it opens with a breadcrumb couple deciding to rob the McDonalds, and the scene at the end has EVERYONE at the restaurant having a Mexican standoff with everyone else pulling out their guns, including the employees, and then . . .all hell breaks loose when some NFAC militiamen accidentally shoot someone next to them and the retaliations and bad aim/glock switches leave most of the restaurant dead. The ending could be a dramatic voiceover by the only surviving main character who ran out in time to escape the blloodbath blaming YT/structural racism for the whole thing.
Anybody want to fund it’s production?
I guarentee it gets, minimum, at least one Oscar nomination.
Didn’t you just have a post about a fast food customer chimp that fired into the restaurant because he didn’t like the service? Hey, turn about’s fair play in negro land.
People still eat that Frankenfood synthetic horseshit?
I almost feel bad for them.
The guy that ate nothing but McD’s for a month to make the Supersize Me documentary recently passed away but is cancer and that docu was 20 years ago.
Crap food is also fuel for cancer and it is worse than a daily drug habit on cognitive abilities.
Joggers spit in your food and worse, count on it.
How about that glorious let’s stick something up our butt joggers are sacred Fundamental Transformation.
Yes we can!
‘We will corrupt the West so bad that it stinks’
Comrade Willi Munzenberg, Frankfurt School.
The food has probably killed more people than feral niggers have. Could we get rid of both McDonald’s and the miracles, please?
We could if we had our own country Brother… Until that happens though things will continue to get worse, count on it…
I’m keeping the fries !!
Crazy. Usually I use three to five colors of rattle can to paint a Glock. None of the colors are ever pink, purple or blue though.
Jeez! That one fell out of an Ugly Tree and hit every branch on her way down……
It’s fun to think of what, if any background check was done on chimp Chassidy to get her job at McNoggers.
For most of the jobs I’ve had I have had to piss in the cup, credit, criminal and rest of background checked.
I enjoy watching the wheels fall off the clown car while the chimps shoot at each other and bitch about gibbs and reparations.
I will not eat at an establishment that “might” have a negro on the payroll. Yes, that eliminates about 90% of the places to eat.
Negros are constantly fondling their genitalia.
It’s like their brains stopped growing at the age of 4.
The very idea of eating food that a negro touched makes my skin crawl.
The negros flourish in this country because retarded white people encourage and assist them.
Left to their own devices, negros will die on the vine in 1 or 2 generations.
Would that all of those vines existed only in Africa……..
When S. Africa (The Jewel of Africa) was given over to blacks I posited that the country would devolve into anarchy within a decade or so.
I was not wrong. Farm production, GDP, murders of Whites by blacks, murders of blacks by blacks, basically every metric for a healthy, prospering nation has tanked!
These nogs cannot feed themselves. They are most excellent at murdering productive White farmers but do not pick ups the plowshares themselves so as to produce food; no, S. Africa is now on the receiving end of millions of tons of food aid per year, generously provided by the usual Leftard, well-meaning, virtue-signaling, dumbass White do-gooders in the UN, USAID, etc.
A 2014 short article about what happens when we feed “Africa:”
And yet even over there they still don’t get that they need Tribe to survive…
ALL of you are right on EVERY comment! I haven’t spent a dime at Mc. Dogshit’s in 35 years. Nigger factor being a major consideration… never mind the Soylent Brown they serve. Hell, raise the wage to $50/hr. The imminent crash and burn will just, thankfully, happen SOONER. Fact: Mc. Dogshits, Booger-eater King, etc., have been poisoning the apes for generations. Their only saving grace, in my opinion.
I guess Juneteempf went down as expected. Oakland had a particularly vibrant holiday.
3 Niglets in Philthadelphia tap a white guy. https://taphaps.com/
Link to Juneteenth mass shooting in Oakland, Ca.
Just when I thought that I’d seen the most nigger thing ever, the Great Nigger Emcee in the sky tells us, “WAIT! Deyz MO!”
And even a new nigname – Chassidy.
At least no humans were involved (NHI).