I try not to take pleasure in other people’s personal misery but this one is infecting me with a bit of schadenfreude. In the case…
The Lügenpresse works full time to keep the normies ill-informed and misinformed, distracted by flashing lights and shiny baubles while carefully emphasizing some news while…
From Li’l Ben Shapiro, comment from yours truly….. Feel free to leave a snarky comment of your own here. Ben has to know how that…
Just a month ago, the Gun Owners of America (GOA) posted on Facebook to celebrate “Juneteenth”, a completely made-up holiday that became a national holiday…
Our weather went from muy caliente to muy húmedo pretty quickly overnight. At around 2:50 the house went silent as the power went out but…
It has been late July hot and muggy here in the Hoosier state the last couple of days and today is promising to be the…
Found a new slang term and you can bet I am going to use it liberally: nugly. I was looking for something else when I…
As the summer scorches along, American cities are warzones of black on black violence. The leftist Gun Violence Archive reports over 400 mass shootings as…
Billionaire investor Leon Black was accused Tuesday of raping an autistic teenager inside Jeffrey Epstein’s Manhattan mansion two decades ago after the pedophile financier facilitated…
It was a very busy day so no time for blogging but I did want to toss this out there, and it is an ugly…