In the spirit of watching the hidden hand instead of the shiny object.

“News” outlets like CNN and Fox are aimed at the low information normie crowd, people that consume news in bite-sizes and are only paying attention long enough to get snapshots of the news between celebrity gossip and sportsball. That sort of “news” is more Red Team v. Blue Team stuff. That is why Tucker got fired, he was bringing up topics that the low information types weren’t supposed to be exposed to. Might start them thinking and can’t have that.
The elites* get their information from the New York Times and Washington Post but also from online mags like The Atlantic. A regular Joe Six Pack on either side of the political spectrum doesn’t read The Atlantic and has never even heard of it but those are the official party organs of the elites in America.
In the wake of the Debate Disaster, I saw this very brief posting at The Atlantic from neocon dirtbag David Frum.

The gist of Frum’s essay is that the real problem wasn’t that one candidate on the stage could barely function, stammering and freezing up at times. Biden had spent the prior week getting his meds fine-tuned, adjusting his sleep schedule to try to stave off “sundowning” during the debate and drilling him with prepared talking points. You could see the latter when Biden would try to spit out what was clearly a rehearsed line even if it didn’t really apply to what he had been asked. Trump was far more extemporaneous as one would have expected.
Before I get to Frum’s essay, a quick word on neocons.
It cannot be overstated how enormous the neocon influence was and continues to be over American political policy, especially foreign policy, for the last half century or more. The neocons were mostly (allegedly) former Trotskyite Jews that were bitterly angry at the Soviet Union both for running the Jews out after the Bolshevik revolution and that their boy Leon Trotsky lost the intellectual war for the Soviet Union and was run out of the country by Stalin. Trotsky ended up in exile in Mexico and was later assassinated by means of an ice axe. The neocons apparently never forgot and never forgave the Soviet Union for these slights and managed to seize control of conservatism, turning it into a primarily anti-Soviet movement that manipulated White conservatives into voting for Their candidates even though few of those candidates gave a crap about normal White people or what was important to them.
Back to Frum’s essay: Trump Should Never Have Had This Platform.
According to David Frum, President Trump should not be afforded the courtesy of being addressed as President Trump, a gesture of respect extended to all former Presidents including Richard Nixon. This is an outrage according to Li’l Dave because President Trump is “a failed coup leader”.
We live in a political culture in which some of us think the supreme issue of our time was an attempted violent overthrow of the Constitution, while other Americans think it was Hunter Biden’s laptop. There are means and institutions to arbitrate those differences. That’s what elections do. But television debates cannot do it, because television debates don’t happen unless they get buy-in from both sides. Therefore, television debates are designed necessarily to ratify the concept of “both sides.”
Does any Republican voter think that the supreme issue of our time is the Hunter Biden laptop? Compared to out of control violent crime, an invasion over our southern border, raging inflation, the threat of getting dragged into a war or three and the laptop is pretty far down the priority list. This once again proves that David Frum, a Canadian Jew that once worked for George W. Bush as a speechwriter, knows absolutely nothing about the very Republican voters he find so repulsive.
Frum is outraged that in our two party system, the chosen candidate of one of those two parties who was selected in the primary process by a ridiculously overwhelming margin, and the former President of these United States, is given the standing that every candidate from the two parties has been given in the debates since the modern TV format. Implicit in his statement is that Trump should not have been allowed on the stage with Biden, or at least certainly not as an equal participant. Perhaps if Trump had been gagged and straitjacketed so he couldn’t even speak and Biden could throw things at him instead of answering questions, that might have met Frum’s approval. But letting the Orange Man actually be asked questions and give responses? How in the name of our most sacred democracy could that be allowed?!
It is interesting that Trump’s “felony conviction” was only mentioned once by Frum in an almost throw-away manner. Instead his outrage was focused on the most important High Holy Day on the leftist liturgical calendar. Not Martin Luther King Day. Nor the day George Floyd died. The honor of Holiest Day on the liturgical calendar is January 6th, The Day We Almost Lost Our Democracy. Trump has many flaws and I don’t think he is especially bright but even Trump wouldn’t try to “overturn the election results” by siccing a few hundred guys on the Capitol building.
This raises an important factor, the absolutely insane way people on the Left talk about January 6th.
To a normal person that is not infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome, January 6th was exactly what it seemed to be. A bunch of people were angry that an election was lost under what are dubious circumstances no matter how you look at it. They went to the Capitol and thanks in no small part to the agitation of Federal agents ended up scuffling with law enforcement, entering a public building where they walked around for a little bit with a few causing some damage, and then left of their own accord. Was it unfortunate, counter-productive and ugly on video? Probably. Was it an “insurrection” or an “attempted coup d’état? Let me ax you this: if the dangerous right-wing in America that has half a billion firearms was going to attempt a coup d’état, would we show up unarmed and then leave on our own? Poor AOC was looking forward to being bent over Nancy Pelosi’s desk and ravished by dozens of MAGA hat wearing Chads but instead had to go home to her pasty White ginger boyfriend for cuddling.
That is not at all how it is portrayed by Them. The language They use is carefully chosen. Worse than Pearl Harbor, as bad as 9/11, an insurrection, an attempted coup d’état, trying to overturn an election and destroy Our Democracy. The over the top histrionics and hyperbole serve an important purpose by imprinting on the mushy minds of the average American a narrative.
The same basic thing is going on with the Trump trials. They chose a favorable venue, got a sympathetic partisan judge and made up some bullshit charges. The outcome was never in doubt. Trump was going to be found guilty of 34 felony charges, a level of overcharging that you would never see with a violent criminal. Not a single person talking about the Orange Man Felon could explain to you what exactly Trump was “guilty” of or why it would rise to the level of a felony, much less 34. It doesn’t matter to those idiots, Trump is guilty of being the Orange Man and that is all that matters.
Or the risible claims that Trump raped some homely, crazy chick decades ago. No one can look at that chick and believe it and Trump was never found guilty of rape but he was found “guilty” of “defamation” and ordered to pay a ridiculous sum of money to her. The same people talking about the Orange Felon and LITERAL INSURRECTION will call Trump a rapist.
These narratives seeks to delegitimize the nominee of half of the American electorate. It is not that Trump has bad ideas, no one seems interested in interacting with his policy proposals. Instead it is that Trump himself is beyond the pale, that he ought not be given a platform for debate nor that he should even be permitted to stand for election. Not only is Trump himself unpersoned politically, but so are his followers. It isn’t a long walk from “Trump shouldn’t be allowed on the debate stage” to “Trump supporters should not be allowed to vote”.
I would put the odds at nearly 50-50 that the second “debate” never happens but I am starting to consider more strongly that the election itself doesn’t happen.
While I am for now sticking with my theory that the plan is to let Trump “win”, unleash the quiescent antifa mobs to burn our cities and then force him out to be replaced by a leftist strongman to “Save Our Democracy”, I do not discount out of hand that there may be a movement in the works to avoid a Trump win by simply not having an election at all. Make no mistake, a lot of people in influential roles, people like David Frum, would very much like to see the election cancelled and Joe Biden simply declared the “winner”. Frum won’t say that out loud, not yet, but he is the sort of loathsome worm that would have no problem with single party rule as long as the correct party was ruling.
In the spirit of “we have to pass the bill to find out what is in the bill”, there are plenty of people who believe that we need to destroy the democratic process in order to Save Our Democracy. Whatever They are planning, it won’t be what you are seeing the mainstream sources talking about. Watch the hidden hand that holds the knife.
*The elites in America are not elite in terms of being especially smart or well educated or wealthy but are elite because they are connected to the powerful. I call them the mandarin class, professional sycophants who orbit the really powerful people.
And we have Jessica Tarlov. She was on Fox, mewing that she was among “only 17 million jews” in the world. An endangered species. How curious.
Jan 6 is the Reichstag fire for thr leftist uniparty– a fake crisis, manufactured to justify anything they want to do
Except the Reichstag fire was a real event, actually carried out by actual Communists, that the communist press then ran cover to disavow…
History is funny sometimes.
Butthurt Yankee queefs still with their panties in a twist over some kabuki.
Be thankful you aren’t that out of touch.
Watched a BBC Northern Ireland Troubles circa 1972 and an astute general said we can’t defeat them [IRA] and he knew the soldiers didn’t want to be there and weren’t trained to be police, it showed no movement unless it was a squad with cover at all times.
One said he had no beef with Catholic or Protestant but he was doing a job for good pay like a true professional.
Maybe we just can’t coexist with Yankee anymore?
We are wired differently as a sibling says.
Trump is a like a sportsball defense in this debate to torpedo Joepedo, it’s not his job to let up and allow any scoring.
Jessica Tarlov should be asked why the majority of Bolsheviks–who exterminated over 60 million White Christians in the Russian Revolution–were jews. Jews personally killed the Tsar then sadistically destroyed the Romanov women by knifing them to death.
Google “Russia and the Jews–200 Years Together” by Aleksandr Solzenyitsyn.
Her “jews” run the world, via Rothschild and City of London banking, near-total domination of the MSM and massive infiltration/control of the U.S. FedGov.
Never forget that the jews in charge consider themselves a race apart (The Chosen People) and hate White European-extraction people the most, which explains why they are here in our nation working overtime to destroy us.
Sit down already, Jessica, and enjoy your jewishness.
Jewish women, like many non-jewish women, love to play the victim…That’s one reason why most jewish men (2/3) can’t stand them, and marry the more attractive goy women, often Catholics in my experience….
Everything is going to change (again) in 12 days when Merchan sentences Trump. If there is no other new Thing that happens in the meantime.
I see fracture among the GAE braintrust. Hillary’s fingerprints are all over this coup attempt against Brandon. The Precious appears to be standing by his man. Some of the big jews are going over to the Orange side now. I don’t think anybody is really in charge of this clown show, it’s an internecine war at the top of the regime.
Hillary definitely, and probably some of the billionaires…Her problem is that even Democrats can’t stand Hillary….
If you listen carefully you can hear the beat of her leathery wings as they hover over the Biden Crime Syndicate–and the DNC–just waiting for her call to Greatness.
That David Frum still has a platform says about all you need to know. One of the major supporters of the whole middle east quagmire. I don’t even have to look up early life, I already know (we all do).
I have to say I do believe there’s gonna be an “election” but pretty much like all communist elections. Only the people that count the ballots matter. No way they can release even the view of power to Trump. Trump is clearly a uniparty guy but he sure seems to expose a lot of stuff (that doesn’t get fixed, but at least it’s out in the open). And the last thing they can have is this stuff being exposed even more.
It’s not like voting matters at all, nor that voting is going to fix anything.
May we live in interesting times.
I’d say he’s a holocaust survivor or he comes from holocaust survivors. He overcame huge obstacles to get where he is today. In previous lives he was murdered by evil nazi’s repeatedly.
“Hello my name is David Frum. I was born in New Jersey in 1956. During WWII, I was in seven different death camps…”
We could have it all but instead we won’t even be left with crumbs…Sad That…
“The over the top histrionics and hyperbole serve an important purpose by imprinting on the mushy minds of the average American a narrative.
The overwrought kvetching from the pundits and politicians should signal a disgust response in normal men. That this sort of sniveling little jew twat remains in the toady class is a reminder of the sort of “men” the elites really are
Again, I am in broad agreement with your analysis. One thing I would add is to expand on their carefully chosen language. When they say, “Our democracy…” know that is a carefully chosen phrase. We know it’s carefully chosen because every single leftist communist commentator and politician parrots it nonstop. They chose the phrase because they want normie Americans to think they are referring to our democratic style of representative Republic. The Constitution, rule of law, separation of powers, three branches of government, all the Schoolhouse Rock stuff.
However, that is not what they mean. When they say, “our democracy,” they mean their democracy. The one that they control, are in charge of and can censor, squash, jail and (in their dreams) execute anyone who disagrees with them.
I’m still stunned when the average conservative is shocked to learn that they are branded a threat to “our democracy.” The truth is, heterosexual white families that go to church, own guns, believe in the Constitution, run businesses and want to left alone–not live in zee pod and eat zee bugs–are in fact a threat to their democracy.
The left is all about power; amassing more power, maintaining power and wielding power and we refuse to bow before their “power,” well, that’s a problem for them.
“Democracy” is faggotese for “bolshevism”.
Arthur – I’d very much like to hear your take on all the big money Jews who are supposedly abandoning Biden for Trump, like Bill Ackman. Gayway Pundit is always highlighting Jews/blacks/mestizos who have suddenly ‘seen the light’ (latest is David Sacks). Except, of course, none of these people have suddenly acknowledged that White people built the societies in which they live and have enriched themselves. None of them have given up their hatred and resentment of White history and civilization. I consider this a temporary strategic realignment at best, simply to head off the up and coming POX who have no guilt or sympathy re Jews and prefer Palestinians. They are all still anti-White and ought not to be trusted even as fair weather allies, let alone ‘fellow’ murkans.
There is NOTHING that any big league American jew can do that would cause me to trust him. They are constantly plotting, calculating and moving pieces across the board to promote their cause and to the detriment of actual White civilizations.
Remember that “goy” and “goyim” are jewish slang for “cattle.”
First, with regard to Leon Trotsky,(Lev Bronstein). The Man who Assinated him was a Mexican Leftist who served in Spain in one of the Left wing Factions during the Spanish Civil War.
Secondly, when I hear someone claim, “Our Democracy”, I feel my Eyes will roll back in my Sockets. The Founders feared a Democracy, plus the likes of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and some of the early Romans. That is why the Romans founded a Republic that lasted some 500 Years. The Founders took to Heart such ideals, and followed suit, also founding Constitutional Republic. I suggest you go to An American MInute. They have an excellent overview of Plato’s warnings how Democries lead to Tyrannries.
Thirdly, Politics is a largely a joke and a Farce. It may come to the point to where we may stand for our Rights, to stand to preserve them for our Families. I fear that not to far in the future, we may need to say,” today We Must be Stubborn”,
P. S. I believe that should the time arise, I feel that I proudly the words that Martin Luther proclaimed. ” Here I Stand, I Can Do No Other”.
They’re already back at “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain”
I must refer to the FBI Agents who acted as if they were Trump Supporters, who misled people to enter to the Capitol Building. Then they cried Havoc. We used to refer and call such types as Fith Columnist, or Fellow Travelers.