The eight years of Bill Clinton’s tenure as President were marked by narcissism and degeneracy, oozing from the top down as it were. The highlight, or low point, of his administration was being impeached for perjuring himself while under oath before a grand jury about his “relationship” with one Monica Lewinsky, a homely White House intern who famously slurped on the Presidential pecker, leaving definitive evidence on a blue dress, while Bill reciprocated by poking her with a cigar. I mean seriously, look at the mug on that chick….
I have never been drunk enough to even consider that. Egad, look at that mouth.
Monica became famous overnight for being the skank that sucked off Slick Willie and didn’t get a famous blue dress dry cleaned to get the jizz stain out. Classy!
The story is pretty well known. Clinton was being sued by Paula Jones and in his testimony was asked about Monica Lewinsky, seeking to show a pattern of sexual misconduct. Clinton lied under oath about it and later lied to the American people when he famously claimed “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky”. I have lived a fairly sheltered life I guess but where I come from if you are jabbing a cigar into a chick’s nether parts and she in turn is giving you a blowjob? That counts as “sexual relations”. Anyway, Clinton was impeached but not removed from office in his Senate trial. His reputation as a degenerate was frequent fodder for comedians and his tenure marks the beginning of an accelerating downward spiral in American culture.
Meanwhile Monica Lewinsky managed to monetize her infamy for being a whore. According to Wikipedia she cashed in to the tune of $1.5 million for a book she helped write and a Barbara Walters interview. She did weight loss ads for Jenny Craig and slapped her name on some handbags but mostly lived off the notoriety of her actions while becoming “an A-list guest in the Manhattan social scene”. That gives you an idea of what sort of degenerates are considered “A-listers” in Manhattan. Somehow Monica managed to live in very expensive Manhattan while never holding anything anyone would consider a real job. At least Kamala Harris managed to turn being a whore into the Vice-Presidency while Monica Lewinsky has done nothing of note in her half century on this planet other than blowing Bill Clinton, and yet she describes herself as “patient zero” for cyberbullying and also claims she is a “survivor”.
In a sane world, she would have been shunned for being a whore and disappeared from public life to perhaps work as a clerk in a DMV or collecting tolls on the Jersey turnpike instead of cashing in on her infamy. Now at 50, she is still being portrayed as something other than a woman who was a skank back in the 90s as if she is someone noteworthy. This just hit social media….
Does any woman see her as an “icon”? What exactly is she “resisting” and how is she leading that resistance? Also, how much work has she had done? Look at her from 1997 when she was 24 versus her today at 50…
At a few years older than Monice, I also don’t look much like I did when I was 24 but that is because I look much, much older because I am much, much older. She looks way better now than she did in her early 20s. That seems perfectly natural and not at all the result of a great deal of expensive plastic surgery.
Back to the claim that she is an “icon” and a “resistance leader”. As implausible as those notions should be when attached to a woman who has as her single claim to fame being instrumental in the impeachment of a President of the United States because he spewed on her dress, it is unfortunately completely believable for modern women to see her as some sort of role model. While she was almost universally mocked and derided as a homely slattern used by Bill Clinton as one of who knows how many “mistresses”, called a “portly pepperpot” by the New York Post, now she has over 1.1 million followers on Twitter (I suspect 98% of them are young women and middle aged cat ladies). She is selling a new handbag, the “Monica Crossbody”, that retails for 448 pounds or around $567. According to the article….
Those in their fifties now reflect on their younger selves watching the slut-shaming vilification of a peer and doing nothing — or joining in. Those in their teens and twenties are meeting Lewinsky afresh as the patron saint of young women whose lives were casually ruined by rapacious men in power.
Was her life “ruined”? Looks to me like she has made a very nice living cashing in on her infamy, supporting herself in Manhattan by retelling the story of being the most infamous cock-gobbler in American political history until Barack Obama hit the scene.
Instead of being a cautionary tale for young women to not be skanks, she is apparently an icon for “resistance”. Her story has been retconned away from her slutty behavior and instead portrays her as a survivor and someone to be emulated. Rather than encouraging young women to avoid her behavior, she is being used to declare that she didn’t do anything wrong and it was all that man’s fault. Certainly Clinton used his position of power to get what he wanted, and apparently what he wanted was a chubby, homely Jewish intern, but she was an adult and should be accountable for her own decisions. After all, she was old enough to have been voting for years but somehow was taken advantage of at the same time? She knew what she was doing. She knew Clinton was “married” and she sucked his dick anyway. She knew nothing would ever come of the relationship other than brief sweaty encounters where Bill would paw at her and she would perform fellatio on him. Now she wants to play the victim and be held up as a feminist icon and leader? GTFOH.
Far from a stunning and brave leader, Monica Lewinsky is the living embodiment of the worst female traits. Trading sex for access to a hint of political power, perhaps thinking that she could use her beaver to get ahead in the political world. Being shallow and vain. Claiming on the one hand to be a strong, independent woman and on the other demanding to be treated as a victim and “survivor”. Living a vapid, meaningless life of endlessly yammering about how unfair life is, getting plastic surgery and selling overpriced, ugly handbags. If she had an ounce of self-respect and dignity she would have faded from public life into obscurity instead of trading on her notoriety and claims of being a victim.
When the scandal broke, Monica Lewinsky was condemned almost universally….
In 1998 a national poll reported in The New York Times showed that only 5 per cent of Americans held a favourable view of Lewinsky, and very few of those were women. During the scandal women’s loyalty to Clinton actually rose: a CNN/Gallup poll in 1998 showed that his support from women grew by two points.
By contrast, Lewinsky was the villain in women’s eyes. A Pew Research Center poll found that Lewinsky consistently got higher favourability ratings from men: among those under the age of 30, only 15 per cent of women thought well of Lewinsky, compared with double that among men the same age.
Today she is doing quite nicely for herself and her image has been completely rehabilitated, or almost completely as some of us remember her for the skank she was and still is, just as we remember Bill Clinton is the same perv he was back then, while he was visiting Epstein’s island and even as an elderly old man leering at Ariana Grande during a funeral.
Women used to police behavior among women by shunning those who committed acts like those willingly engaged in by Monica Lewinsky. Now they apparently celebrate a woman who has no accomplishments to her name other than cashing in on the notoriety of being a whore.
Yet again we find someone from the Tribe leading the way into degeneracy.
It’s all so tiresome.
I read somewhere that she wasn’t just an intern who blew the president, but that her handler had her do it as a blackmail scheme. After all, she is a Jay-oh-oh.
I don’t know, Arthur. I’ve read some evidence that the Israelis used the whole intern/perjury thing to get revenge on Bill for making (supposedly their) Oklahoma city from a false flag to be blamed on Sadam into one blamed on a “lone nut” and the militia movement. Michael C. Piper of Final Judgement fame makes the case that it was orig to be used to start a war against Iraq but Clinton derailed that plan–enraging the Jews in the process. Want the link to the book ch online if I can find it?
Found it! It’s just ch 11 if you want a quick read but the whole book is great.
Minor correction: it’s chapters 11-15.
Ribbit, I’d hit it. Even frog leg is good leg.
Im nearing AARP membership and single, ya’ll seen wtf is out there? Im not even getting into the financial or 20 something year old “kid” drama these women are still having and enabling. Its a shaartshow.
Technically, she embarrassed a Clinton publicly and Killary had to go on TV and “stand by her man” which must have been extremely embarrassing for her in more ways than one. Given the standing kill count, I’d say that Monica does deserve the “survivor” label, if nothing else.
I remember the look on HIllary’s mug as she “stood by her man”. Her expression reminded me of Joan Kennedy leaving the courthouse with Teddy & his neck brace prop after letting Mary Jo Kopechne suffocate in the submerged car.
Yes, repeal the 19th. And also revoke the franchise from dual citizens, or better still tell them they can keep their Israeli citizenship, but that their US citizenship is hereby revoked. They can take up residence some of that new beachfront property in Gaza, the development of which is being eagerly anticipated with much hand rubbing.
As to the women, in order to tamp down the resulting bitchiness of removing their direct political influence, enact a new franchise for them. They get to vote on an official national celebrity it girl, and who she is going to be getting banged out by (from a slate of eligible sportsball, movie and music industry doofuses). They can cast their votes at any Starbucks. If we can get them all concentrating on inane bullshit popularity contests like taytay and travis, serious men can actually get some stuff done unimpeded.
Oh, and Monica is a slag. Yeah, she looks better now than she did as a young, jewcy trollop (and one wonders, how much did that cost to achieve?) back when she was serving as a silo for the presidential missile, but I still wouldn’t hit it with slick Willy’s dick. She is revolting just on account of her reputation and personality. The only thing she is a victim of is hoeflation, and that was a self-imposed consequence of her actions.
That expression she has in the photo from the magazine article is the classic schoolmarm “that’s not funny” look. Yeah, like I’d really want to spend time with a woman like that. Perish the thot.
Your last sentence is gold.
There was a limerick contest at that time; one had to use “Lewinsky” and “Kaczynski” in the same poem. The winner:
“Said Bill Clinton to young Ms. Lewinsky
Let us leave not a clue, like Kaczynski
Since you look such a mess
Use the hem of your dress
And wipe all that stuff off your chinsky.”
Bravo. That is an effort that could’ve been penned by the resident poet laureate Jenkemview Cancers, I’d say. Hell, maybe it was. I don’t know how long he’s been practicing the craft.
Schroedinger missed out on explaining his theory by using a cat as the experimental subject. had he used women who can be strong, independent, brave and stunning yet at the same time be helpless victims and perpetually persecuted, everyone would have known exactly what he meant.
Lewinski is a Schroedinger woman, both a victim and a millionaire simultaneously.
Meh, once a tramp, always a tramp. She hasn’t changed.
Has anyone seen Lewinksy & Kari Lake in the same room lately because….
Lewinski isn’t in politics like Harris because the experience with the Clintons soured her on it. However, she learned how profitable pole smoking can be, especially if you need to live in Manhattan.
Yeah, politics left a bad taste in her mouth …
G Carlin called him Bill Jeff and said Sally Suckemsilly I was a government clerk while JFK had Marilyn Monroe and Nancy Pelosi.
Red dress only I see, the blue one was at the dry cleaners with a gnarly stain. (rimshot)
At least the CPUSA (D) owns all of the FAIL of the Great Reset Leap Forward and they were out to burn it all down long before Slick Willie.
The worthless useless neo-Whig republicants, how they hunger for their own demise but they aren’t even lovable losers.