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Happy Valentine’s Day

To all my people. Hope you spend it with someone you love!


  1. Squib

    How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

    “ Man shot to death over fender-bender at San Bernardino Walmart; woman charged with murder”

    Could it be that THIS is the kind of reparations they are talking about?

  2. Nobody you know

    Here’s a heartwarming Valentine’s Day story for you. Kansas City turned out today to celebrate its Negro Felon League Super Duper Bowl win. And of course, some nogs must have felt ‘disrespekked,’ because they got all shooty. 10 shot, 3 critical, one dead. Some of those shot were actually humans, from the looks of it – probably got caught by stray bullets. One of the arrests is captured in video on this page, and it’s usual suspect time.

  3. Bean Dip Tray

    Dayam went out to Pineland to visit Harold the Brain and enemedia is on about shooty at KC Chiefs victory parade.
    Amish Youth are out of control!
    And of course muh gun control with Peppy Pierre.
    Bailed out before supper so they could have lovey day and scuttlebutt about some threat from Russia even from HTB.
    The pronouns are wrong? They have a racist ICBM?
    Ahh…nuclear weapon in space.
    Be vewwy afwaid and don’t forget to register with selective service.

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