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Happy black History Month!

If you haven’t triggered a self-loathing White liberal and some We Wuz Kangz blacks already on this first day of black History Month, you aren’t doing your part.


  1. TechieDude

    Hoof! as if the stolen valor/stolen esteem machine wasn’t already running at capacity. They’ll crank it up to 11 any time now.

    Thanks for the reminder.

  2. Dobbs

    Considering they’ll be playing the black national anthem at the superbowl and the star spangled banner, here’s a helpful reminder

    Star Spangled Banner: Remove hat / place hand over heart

    Black National Anthem: Homies, pull up pants & grab d*ck / Ratchets, secure weaves & twerk for the camera

  3. Bean Dip Tray

    Area 8 has the hilarious Chimpcongo city council passes resolution demanding a ceasefire in Gaza.
    It’s Kangz month after all and there is an actual WWK song by (c)rapper O’hene Savant.
    Latrino Mexcrements are going to love this month.
    Si se puede!

  4. Xzebek

    Hmm. Neither Hiroshima nor Detroit are “diverse”. I wonder could possibly have been the cause of the disparate results.
    Just like so many violent attacks (alahu akbar) we may never know the reason why.

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