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black History Month? More Like White Knighting Month

Holy crap did I make a bunch of self-loathing White people upset over at Faceberg yesterday by mild trolling of posts about black History Month. Not a single black responded, reinforcing what I already knew: black History Month is by and for Whites to make themselves feel less “racist”.

Social media is mostly the equivalent of genital cancer but yesterday was pretty amusing.


  1. Harbinger

    The big issue I have with white knighting is that it is never done in a vacuum. The self-anointed noble white knight must have an audience of fellow Whites to applaud like trained seals, for what is the point of white knighting, otherwise? Minus social media or a captive audience of children in a classroom or paid employees under the domination of HR, would Karen even bother to knight whitely at all? Probably not.

    We’ve got a family of smarmy, unctuous, virtue-broadcasting “bornies”* living next door who throw loud, irritating parties on the regular for their fellow born-again church mice. This includes a lone, unattached black guy. He is always the guest of honor and watching them fawn over the dindu makes me want to puke. Can’t wait for the day when he busts a move on their fat, underage daughter.

  2. Big Ruckus D

    Ah yes, the performative moralizing bullshit of libtard (and even so many so called “conservative”) whites. It’s sickening to watch all this tripe done for the sake of…brown nosing (see what I did there) for the social approval of similarly brain damaged honkies.

    These are not my people, and they are just as disposable as any other ruinous and incompatible demographic in our midst. Probably more so, in fact. Traitors are always worse by matter of degree than clear enemies.

    • Berglander

      Most of us were retarded normies at one time. We don’t abandon our White brothers and sisters simply because they aren’t yet where we are.
      Our brothers and sisters have been told that Racism Is The Ultimate Evil their whole lives…this takes time to undo.

  3. Troy Messer

    “He is always the guest of honor and watching them fawn over the dindu makes me want to puke. ”

    Yeah, I hate these normies more than I hate niggers. I can understand niggers: low IQ, low impulse control, low ability to cost/benefit analyze. Blaming a nigger for acting like a nigger is like complaining about water being wet.

    These self-loathing white traitors though…… I dont understand why they hate their race so much they’re willing to sacrifice their nation. These extroverted, liberal cocksuckers that live for attention and validation of others. Covid must have been a hell for them because there was no one to virtue signal to.

    “Ah yes, the performative moralizing bullshit of libtard (and even so many so called “conservative”) whites”

    Especially the “conservatives”! There is a web site called Ace of Spades full of these moralizing “conservative” faggots. Every election, they get the Charlie Brown football pulled from them and still “gotta vote harder.” Their latest go to thing is to bomb Iran because reasons. These “conservative” faggots don’t have the balls to protect, to conserve, their own nation from low IQ migrants, but they are more than willing to bomb a civilization that goes back into the mysts of time. And when one of their kin is murdered by a nigger, they can’t help but to fawn all over the nigger rather than be called a racist for protecting their kin.

    IMHO, I think it is genetic. Some whites, Swedes, Norwegians, Finns, have been domesticated to the point where they will willingly go to the gulag. Where as Hungarians, Chechs, Russians, value their kin more than the opinions of others. So a traitor and his who damn family deserve to be [redacted] when the SHTF.

    These I-just-want-to-grill normies are literally too fucking stupid to understand they are hated from both the left and the dissident right.

    You know which cultures survive? The ones that have the capacity to be psychopaths….. when necessary. Say what you will about Afghanis and Yemenis, shit-hole countries they may be. But they still exist because 1) they really believe in the God they profess to believe in and 2) they will get psychopathic on your ass to insure their survival.

    • Big Ruckus D

      Amen to all of that. And isn’t it interesting how advanced civilizations keep falling down and fucking off at the 250-year mark give or take, while backwards places like Afghanistan just keep going in perpetuity, despite the episode misery of their existence. That’s a point that deserves a lot more recognition. Apparently it’s impossible to hang on to modern society for more than a quarter of a millennium at a stretch.

      • Arthur Sido

        It is similar to what you see on a smaller scale, a man builds a fortune through hard work and sheer determination and by the time the grandkids show up they don’t appreciate what it took to build the fortune.

        • Big Ruckus D

          Oh yeah, but it strikes me that the time to piss away a hard earned family fortune has historically been more on the order of 3 generations. So, the great grandkids of those who “made it” are lazy, stupid fuckups and blow what was so generously bequeathed to them. Admittedly, it sometimes happens at the 2nd generation removed.

          Many large (formerly) American companies followed this path, and it was the 3rd generation down line that lost control, the company got sold and corporatized (publicly traded) and the trust fund kiddies basically piss away what’s left and leave nothing to their even more dysfunctional and stunted progeny. Not that they’d deserve any more than that, mind you. Not having to work – or even struggle – for anything ruins the human character.

          Families like the DuPonts, Hearsts, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Kennedys and so forth, are quite demonstrative of this effect. Even if they still have money, consider the screwed up causes they become obsessed with, and the rampant sexual degeneracy amongst the American aristocratic set. Eyes wide shut indeed.

  4. Jonas Grumby

    I love the opportunity when some idiot uses the term BIPOC to troll their ass in front of everyone. I giggle noticeably and say “Boy you’ve been had. Did you know what BIPOC actually is?” “No, what?” “It’s a medical description. Almost all hemorrhoids are characterized by a single radius protrusion. When that protrusion is a double radius, it’s referred to as BIPOC.”

  5. Warren Shafer

    “The inheritors of a State, having not known the struggle needed to acquire a State, will waste it away on luxurious living. Then they lose all that was built before them”. Nicolo Machiavelli

  6. Bobsuruncle

    Happy black “shitstory”, Mauri Povich (hoi), guess who’s your daddy month. Thank you caucasian apologists for another make-believe, virtue signaling, celebration of cuckdom and homage to a group of many marginal human beings. these two yoots were future nascar drivers, apparently and just working on their rubbing is racing techniques, the new bubba wallace race team, aye!

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