Over to Big Country’s place and check out his post: Flammenwerfer Sunday or How I Might Break The Internet Today and learn how you can make a device to werf der flammen.
I also converted his post to a PDF and put it on the ol’ Proton drive, so if you prefer that you can click here to access it.
This is a flammenwerfer, it werfs the flammen.
They also had the Sdkfz 251 halftrack with a triple FW and blast shields for each and the Panzer IV flamethrower tank.
The cleansing flames of purification will burn down the sodomite sewer pipe Clown World.
The RS-28 Sarmat/Satan-II at 8 megatons in a multi-warhead is the ultimate werfer.
This time by fire.
BDT – Rumor has it that the RS-28 can carry a single 100-Megaton Round, the new version of the “Tsar Bomba”. These are also carried by the “Poseidon” Strategic Nuclear-Powered Torpedo, now in Service.
How do you get from Berlin to Warsaw on one tank? Buy a Volkswagon. 🌈💩🤡🌏=🔥
It does werf the flammen.
Thanks for PDF’ing that. Saved me the effort, and since you’re posting it here, helped with disseminating the info.