No not that one. Not that one either. I mean this one…

Oh, the school shooter yesterday in Iowa was a trannie of some sort…
The Associated Press published an article Thursday claiming that the latest school shooter was a victim of bullying.
Yes really.
The shooting at Perry High School in Iowa claimed the life of a sixth grader and injured several others.
It quickly emerged that the now deceased shooter, 17-year-old Dylan Butler, had a social media footprint showing he identified as trans nonbinary.
Well now, that seems to be similar to other recent school shooters that were “trans” or some other mentally ill sort. Now his social media record is being scrubbed from the interwebz and we are told that yes indeed, Dylan Butler was actually the victim here. The usual suspects are attacking “right-wing” types for the common crime of noticing.
The Advocate, a long running LGBT outlet, asserts that right wingers are “gleeful” that the shooter “may have been LGBTQ+” just because some pointed out that there is a recurring pattern and clear mental health problem here that is being encouraged by the media, government and society in general.
May have been? The kid was mentally ill, nutty as a fruitcake, and apparently wasn’t getting any psychiatric help. Sort of like the Nashville school shooter Audrey Hale and the one in Colorado before that, I don’t remember the specifics.
Who could have foreseen that encouraging young people who are troubled to embrace their mental illness would backfire? Or perhaps it isn’t backfiring at all but instead is working as intended…
Psychotic to think you change genders.
Psychotic behavior follows.
Episodes such as this, and worse, will continue as long as we lionize the mentally ill and encourage those who are not mentally ill to accept and celebrate them without treatment. I will not be forced to play “let’s pretend ” with someone who should be medicated or institutionalized.
One question…who, exactly, is scrubbing these social media accounts?
Same people who are pushing this shit on children…
Oy vey goyim that’s just an antisemitic conspiracy theory!
Or perhaps it isn’t backfiring at all but instead is working as intended…
Well when there is no consequences to bad behavior it always gets worse…How bad does it have to get is the question?
Just read about Germanystan psych head shrinker stating that getting rapey with the locals is letting off steam for their poor downtrodden trip to the gravy train of Europe economic migrant replacments.
Do they have Magic Soil to insure first world status? (smirk)
Is that refugees welcome photo of the cupid stunts later showing them with their heads hacked off a photochop? (smirks)
Another cartoon showed a purple haired mutant freak getting uptight over a Merry Christmas generic greeting out in public after historic buttplug day and historic dildo day agitprop forced on others.
Too bad so sad for useless idiot dullards who thought that Cultural Marxism would bring about the workers utopia, the WAR of all against all is what we get.
Note to the Magic Soil true believers-Wakanda isn’t real.
I’m genuinely curious to know whether that pshrink is German or Your Fellow German.
“Psychiatry” is a creation of (((them))) and is nothing but about their inherent mental inversion/perversion/inferiority ‘issues’ caused by Inbreeding and the ‘babylonian talmud’ and its moloch-worshiping Hatred of all normal Humans.
So if shooters are the victims then they don’t need to ban guns. That would further traumatize the victims.
Im not gonna fed post even after what i dealt with yesterday. Let me say this, men need to say enough is enough and where ever that leads you, so be it. Yep, ill get a lot of philosophical hate on this one, but we are here for a reason. I didnt grow up this way. If you did your the problem.
Well said! I concur.
More ATL monkeyshines
Guy was previously tried for murder, but not convicted…..
A bit more grist for the mill. The American Psychiatric Association has been behind a text to be used in medical schools that is – totally – one-sidedly advocating for hardcore gender transitioning. Oddly enough, many of the authors involved are themselves gender transitioners, and almost no countervailing views ( or even research studies along those lines) are represented in its text.
So lots more loons are in the pipeline to afflict our society with their presence and behaviors. Wow.
No mugshot, but Destiny Mytess Daniel, could be white trailer trash…
And who leaves their vehicle with keys in the ignition/running at a gas station…..and what fool deputy got flatfooted by a perp who was lying on the ground, but got up and stole his cruiser?
The world is turning to shit around us.
It all started with participation trophies, I swear.
These fornicators are not the “live & let live” crowd. By going along with their insanity we are complicit in their evil and collectively have contributed to the demise of our culture. They rightfully belong in mental institutions–but the Left has eliminated such facilities. So now, thanks to them–thanks to “equity”–normals get to live in the same space as the mentally ill.
Just one more aspect of Life in America that TPTB force upon us.
For TPTB, this rainbow mafia crap is not a bug; it’s a feature.
Mental illness aside we all know that..
but one thing that sticks out to me in most of these incidents.. the press circularly blames the actions of the perp on being bullied, yet the perp doesn’t shoot it’s peers. it’s almost always YOUNGER kids. Maybe always younger kids.
..almost like IT is being guided to target the weaker and less likely to fight back.
Also this has been allowed to go on too long; the corruption, rot and decay of industries that are supposedly for “health” or the “good” of society, yet cause more problems than they ‘solve’.
Psychs make money on the tranny agenda just like the medical establishment because they are a permanent customer base, Also schools get kickbacks from the more kids they put into the {figurative Pink Floyd the Wall reference of a meat grinder} mental “health” feedback loop. Threat of CPS removal of kid from home is underlying.
I know because public screwel forced me to send my one kid to a shrink for “help” and luckily she was a good one (a psychologist not a psychiatrist ) and she asked me why my kid was there. she was obviously NOT needing help from a ‘professional”.
Annnnd that story was buried faster than Scalia’s corpse.
Alternate (and good!) news is that bullying is back!
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