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Like Vietnam But 15 Times Worse In Only One Year

Remember Ukraine? That little war that we were told was going to see the triumph of “Muh Democracy!”, led by a diminutive would be dictator, over the latest incarnation of Literally Hitler, Vladimir “Vodka Man Bad” Putin and his unwashed hordes of Russians? We were told that Ukraine was definitely on the cusp of victory time and again, and that Putin was dying of cancer, or about to be arrested in a palace coup, or perhaps on the verge of being smitten by a stray meteor. Even some of /ourguys/ were jumping on the Slava Ukraini! bandwagon.

Yeah, that has kind of faded away. Now Ukraine is like a beloved, aged sportsball player that can’t compete anymore but no one will tell them because we don’t want to admit they are embarrassing themselves. The main difference is that instead of an middle aged guy limping down a court, thousands of young Ukrainian men (and not so young men, and women….) are dying in droves in an unwinnable war because no one will admit that Ukraine isn’t going to pull this off.

One of the few bloggers still paying attention is the Zman and he has been a lot more realistic without slipping into Russophile cheerleading, compared to others I could name (looking at you Saker). Something he wrote yesterday in his post Orphan Child really caught my attention, emphasis mine:

The news from the battlefields is uniformly bad for the Ukrainian army. The West is slowly coming to terms with the reality of the much publicized counter-offensive, which ended in disaster soon after it was launched, but the West spent the last few months in denial. Ukraine does not publish numbers as far as casualties, but independent guessing suggests they lost between seventy and one hundred thousand men in the counter-offensive.

The counter-offensive, starting later than anticipated, only lasted for a few short months, and in that time Ukraine wasted as many as 70,000 to 100,000 poorly trained young men and gained nothing of any significance. I wrote in a comment:

“…independent guessing suggests they lost between seventy and one hundred thousand men in the counter-offensive”

That is just in the “counter-offensive”. In Vietnam during the entire conflict the U.S. total KIA number is around 47,000 combat deaths, this in a nation that had over 200 million people at the time. Ukraine lost around twice as many young men, in a single year, out of a nation of only 33 million. This is a demographic disaster for Ukraine that can only lead to even more child trafficking and prostitution as the female population of Ukraine will be missing hundreds of thousands of potential husbands.

In less than a year, a country with 1/6 the population of the U.S. had around twice as many young men killed as the U.S. did in more than a decade? Not to mention the tens of thousands killed prior to the ill-fated counter-offensive.

The end is in sight in Ukraine and hopefully soon, even though they are still making ridiculous demands like this:

A particularly striking request made by Zaluzhnyi was for 17 million shells, a number that reportedly surprised Austin due to its enormity, as it exceeds the total number of shells available globally.

All your artillery shells are belong to us. This in a nation running out of cannon fodder but they are still talking about reclaiming the territory they have lost when they should be frantically negotiating to keep the territory they have left.

Pravda-on-the-Potomac, more commonly known as the Washington Post, has been running stories like these:

The second article had this grim recounting:

Soldiers in the 47th Separate Mechanized Brigade waited for nightfall before piling — nervous but confident — into their U.S.-provided Bradley Fighting Vehicles. It was June 7 and Ukraine’s long-awaited counteroffensive was about to begin.

The goal for the first 24 hours was to advance nearly nine miles, reaching the village of Robotyne — an initial thrust south toward the larger objective of reclaiming Melitopol, a city near the Sea of Azov, and severing Russian supply lines.

Nothing went as planned.

The Ukrainian troops had expected minefields but were blindsided by the density. The ground was carpeted with explosives, so many that some were buried in stacks. The soldiers had been trained to drive their Bradleys at a facility in Germany, on smooth terrain. But on the mushy soil of the Zaporizhzhia region, in the deafening noise of battle, they struggled to steer through the narrow lanes cleared of mines by advance units.

The Russians, positioned on higher ground, immediately started firing antitank missiles. Some vehicles in the convoy were hit, forcing others behind them to veer off the path. Those, in turn, exploded on mines, snarling even more of the convoy. Russian helicopters and drones swooped in and attacked the pileup.

Troops, some experiencing the shock of combat for the first time, pulled back to regroup — only to attack and retreat, again and again on successive days, with the same bloody results.

“It was hellfire,” said Oleh Sentsov, a platoon commander in the 47th.

By day four, Gen. Valery Zaluzhny, Ukraine’s top commander, had seen enough. Incinerated Western military hardware — American Bradleys, German Leopard tanks, mine-sweeping vehicles — littered the battlefield. The numbers of dead and wounded sapped morale.

The official propaganda organ of the D.C. elites is doing a post-mortem on why Ukraine (and the U.S.) lost. That means it is all but over, as it was inevitably going to be since this thing kicked off. The article closes with this:

On Nov. 1, in an interview with the Economist, Zaluzhny acknowledged what had been previously unutterable — the war had reached “a stalemate.”

“There will most likely, he said, “be no deep and beautiful breakthrough.”

Even Ukraine understands it is over and now they will have to come to the negotiating table with their sponsor about to cut off their funding and Russia in a position of dominance, a much worse place than if they had negotiated a peaceful solution before this started.

Maybe the goal was simply to denude Ukraine of fighting age White men, leaving behind a Slavic shiksa playground for Zelenskyy and his tribe in a reformed Pale of Settlement. Or maybe it really was all about a money grab for the U.S. military-industrial complex, the Big Guy and Zelenskyy. Regardless, is has been a devastating demographic disaster for a nation that was already a basketcase and America is largely to blame for those deaths.


      • Mike_C

        Oh yeah, vengeance is huge with that ilk. Not only revenge, but PREVenge. Which is totally justified because “we know what you really want to do to us.”

        Somewhat OT (but relevant to the dangers of resentment-filled “reformers”): at age 101 Norman Lear has become a GOOD undermining propagandist. I remember watching All in the Family with my parents. One day my mom said, “I know we’re supposed to laugh at Archie Bunker, but he’s a good man, and that Meathead IS an idiot.”

  1. SirLawrence

    Modern warfare brass polishers, historians, and fourth-estate squatters enjoyed a long run of flexing on the hubris, rigidity, and wonton waste of life of those directing wars of yesteryear, especially the War to End All Wars. The “first” one I mean. Over the trenches men! Again and again. This time will be different. One more wave perhaps.

    And yet when globohomo grips the shriveling sack of the next ill-fated backwater proxy and squeezes, well, all that history is memoryholed in favor of muh technology and muh democracy muh funding “package”. Or so they say.

    What is so remarkable about this war is that it at once unbelievable and all too believable; a planned and heavy-handed production, a media fabrication in its entirety and an out-of-control cascade of reality pouring into one of the multitude of voids gashed open in humanity by the global death cult.

    After our own grand fleecing of the 20-year goat-fuckery that alternated between the most televised event since the Super Bowl and not happening at all but for the KIA footnotes and thank-you-for-your-service 10% off at Lowe’s homefront charades, this war occupies an even stranger frontier of technology is everywhere, but this revolution is not being televised.

    In the ever more curated, deepfaked, social media twitterspaceforce global empire of lies the possibility that the entire thing is a sham cannot be completely dismissed. Nor can the dungeons and dragons approach to death counts and fiat and weapons chatter be trusted to reveal the truth.

    It feels much like the “covid” and subsequent war over what it was, or if it was, and who died of – or with, which is now fully in the battlefront of the vexx and whether covid was the main event or the vexx and then whether the stroke-poke is intentional murder toy or sloppy greed or both, and how many have died, are dying, sick, etc. And who is in control and what of this NARRATIVE war?

    It is all so far beyond tragic.

    If indeed the meatgrinder in the kraine has chewed through two generations of men and indeed the curious actions of Russia can be explained in part due to the absurdity of her enemies wonton desire for suicide, then like covid, we should all be very concerned about what is coming here because that level of evil will not be satiated.

    It has tasted the blood, refined by decades, even centuries, of Progress eclipsing what is true and good and the perversion and temptation of the material world in an abundance never before known to the world fueling such a great fall in the will and spirit of men that there is no possible way to turn it back from the buffet that is the vestigial western civilization.

    We are led by demons. Gouls. And even if we reject their most obscene and perverted affronts, we are drunk on the same “tech” and comfortable lies and processed, hydrogenated alt-reality that can produce a war among wars that could destroy so much for so little and still leave the table hungry for the world.

    • Arthur Sido

      Having never served it still baffles me that they were able to get those young men to go over the top and charge into barbed wire and machine gun fire over and over again. I would like to think I would have shot that asshole with the whistle in the head before I ran to my death.

      • JimmyPx

        Arthur, WWI was a different time and culture. People were not jaded and did not realize that they were being fed propaganda and used as cannon fodder. Also like the US Civil War, regiments were formed in towns and cities and you were fighting with your family, friends and neighbors. Forget the generals but you couldn’t let your family and friends go over the top without you (plus they’d shoot you if you didn’t and your family would be disgraced).

  2. Ohio Copperhead

    I’m 99% this was more incompetence than malevolence on the part of the Tribe’s US branch (mostly neocons): they hate the land of the Czar and its fabled pogroms (see below for the insanely exaggerated nature of them) with such a fury that if they had truly thought that the sanctions wouldn’t be a massive flop that dealt more damage to Europe than to Russia, they could have set up Ukraine to do MUCH more damage to the invading Russian forces than they did. Hamas vs IDF has shown just how much damage those on home turf can inflict on a more advanced invading army IF they have planned and prepared. That the neoconners missed a huge opportunity to really bleed Ru shows just how much pride goeth before destruction.
    True nature of pogroms:

  3. TakeAHardLook

    The Losers (ranked in order of importance):
    The Ukrainian People
    The Ukrainian Economy
    NATO/U.S State Dept./Pentagon/pResident Biden Faux Administration
    The American Taxpayer
    The E.U.
    (((Zelenskyy))) and his ((( ))) International “handlers”
    (((Kagan))) and (((Nuland))), (their personal credibility)
    All future Ukrainian children & adults who will lose life & limb to mines, etc.

    The Winners (ranked in order of importance):
    China (by its closer association with Russia)
    The U.S. Military-Industrial Complex
    (((Kagan))) and (((Nuland))) (their personal credibility notwithstanding)*

    * Not an error. These murderous (((Fcuks))) appear in both lists because, like virtually EVERYONE in the U.S. State Dept. and the Biden Faux Administration, they can misjudge, fcuk up everything they touch, and still–STILL!–keep their jobs, free to malevolently attack and corrupt the Next. Best. Thing. (insert name of country here_____).

    Power Corrupts. Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.

    • RegretLeft

      I am trying as well to take a hard look; and I just can’t see much of “win” for Russia in this mess. A purportedly fearsome military machine grinding it our for nearly 2 years against the poorest nation in Europe the air force of which was destroyed in the first 72 hours. Their KIA are hardly less horrific than those of Ukr – they have been “denuded” of fighting age white males as well and started the two years deep in a demographic crisis. (Watch the replacement populations pour into both “nations” in the next 5 years and beyond.) And it turns out the Russian military is pretty adept at deploying mine fields and defensive fortifications. And that is a “win”?

      • Steve

        Russia’s strategic mistake was assuming the West was sane. That while during the leadup (mostly 2014-2021) the West did nothing but supply the Azovs with shells to kill ethnic Russians esp. in Donetsk and Luhansk, they would keep their word re: Minsk Accords, or at least be able to realize Russia didn’t commit to the attack, even to the point of refusing to annex the breakaway territories.

        Russia is down on men, sure, but they were losing men to suicide before. At the moment, Russia is feeling a patriotic fervor not unlike America on 9/11, except that it lasted more than a week. So long as Russia continues to make the case that it’s Russia vs. The World, (and where’s anything disputing that?) they can probably keep that emotion rolling. The only question is whether it takes out enough real men to make Russia as weak as happened when Europe lost her real men in the Great War.

        Re: 17mm shells, Zaluzhny likely knows it’s more shells than exist. But how else do you get the point across to the West that it’s over?

      • TakeAHardLook

        I placed Russia in the Winners column relative to the U.S’s pitifullly embarrassing performance, propping up the corrupt Ukraine leaders and their corrupt country.

        Proxy wars are just that–there are winners & losers.

        We lost. To Russia.

        • RegretLeft

          Thanks guys for reading my note. I think it’s still in play – in many ways. When (not if) the flood of replacement population into Russia becomes a torrent – your “relative” win may seem extremely meager and transitory. And just to be clear, I am making every effort not to be a cheerleader. Medium term, long term certainly, whoever produced this war will turn out to be the winner – and by then it may all be moot in whatever even more horrifying conflagration comes next.
          And, by the way, we need more analysis and awareness of the extremely peculiar fact that in a major 21C war, air power – on both sides – played almost no role (excepting drones) – it was a WWI-like slug fest all the way and the damn drones were really just more effective and lethal hot air balloons.

  4. saoirse

    One need not believe in karma to realize that the repercussions coming to this nation for being the prime enabler and spearhead of the modern jew onslaught will be immense.

  5. doomguy

    The war was set up for white men to lose.

    I don’t see any Russian dominance. All I saw was Russia unable to do anything but … kill white men (on both sides). None of the stated goals of the invasion were achieved. But it sure has made money for both sides.

    If I was a Slav I would be pissed.

  6. Gryphon

    The Death Toll of White Men (on both sides) is a Feature, not a Bug for the (((satanists))).
    Wake Up, White Men, and get Away from (((their))) fake ‘money’ and false ‘god’ yahweh.

    While it is Clear that (((their))) Plans are to Genocide as many Whites as possible, I don’t think (((they))) ‘thought this through’ in Terms of when (not if) they Fail, this Time the ‘Pogrom’ will be World-Wide, and “Biblical” in its Intensity.

    • Mike_C

      “World-wide and biblical”
      Maybe so. My admittedly science fictiony bet is a genetically-targeted infectious disease (one truly as deadly as they claimed the coof was), and the actual antagonists the Han Chinese and Ashkenazi Jews. AJs can probably be targeted through some mitochondrial DNA marker (remember that halachic Jewishness is matrilineal, and so is mitochondrial DNA). Han probably have multiple fairly unique genetic markers that can be exploited.

      Han are smart and practical enough to realize that Jews are the Cordyceps fungi that have hijacked the nervous system of the Ant that is the West (search on “zombie ant fungus” if you don’t know what I’m talking about). And the Jews are smart enough to realize their usual bullshit of victimhood and G-d’s Chosen People carry less than zero weight with the Han, so it’s gonna be game on between two very ancient groups each of which thinks that IT is superior to all others, and despises outsiders as subhumans. Both groups are supremacist bastards. The difference is that the Han are less hypocritical, and despise race mixing (for anyone, especially negroes; Han despise negroes). Han have zero interest in tikkun olam, which makes them markedly less assholish, though they aren’t as funny and tend to be annoyingly literal. But I digress. Unless the average normie white gets his head out of his ass, gives his balls a tug, and tribes up against the Tribe it’s gonna come down to Chinks vs Kikes.

  7. Jeffrey Zoar

    I seriously doubt there was some grand design for it to all work out this way. I rather very strongly suspect that, like most every war ever fought, one or both sides thought it was going to be easy and that victory was assured. Speaking of Vietnam, that view was a big part of what precipitated GAE involvement there. They thought it was going to be a cakewalk. It never would have happened if they’d had an inkling of what they were in for. I think ditto for the GAE provocation of Putler re: Ukraine.

  8. Max Wiley

    “17 million shells and $400 billion”
    It occurs to me that Zeluzhny’s impossible ask is another way of saying the task is impossible.

  9. Tree Mike

    The other “independent” Guessers and a publicly aired Ukrainian TV broad cast put the total KIA and MIA at one million plus (not including Russian). All official info and numbers are lies and propaganda. In this relativistic world, the Russians are not the bad guys. Putin has a public record of speaking going back more than 2 decades, he qualifies as honest. I give him 1st place for truth and being the grown up in the room. But wudda I know, I’m just a geezer who pays attention and has hated Commies since I was 10 ( thanks to a dad born in 1913 and older brothers that went to Korea when I was wearing diapers).
    EVERYBODY is the loser in this shit show, though the Russian economy and public moral seem to be winning.

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