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Aw Lawdy!

Working on a longer post but I had to share this one quickly:

A Bridgeport, Connecticut judge ruled on Wednesday to overturn the city’s Democratic primary election after video emerged of a woman who appears to be the city’s vice chair of the Democratic Town Committee, Wanda Geter-Pataky, committing ballot fraud.

We were assured this never happens! Yet there she is on camera stuffing absentee ballots in a mailbox in the middle of the night, and isn’t even trying to hide it while enlisting an employee to help. Elon Musk asks the obvious question:

That this happened here is beyond reasonable doubt. The only question is how common it is.

Very, very common but most aren’t dumb enough to be so obvious about it. The person in question? Well you can see if this cover does indeed allow you to judge the book….

That is ugly on a stick. She is so ugly I refrained from referring to her as a water buffalo out of respect for water buffalos. She holds some sort of executive position but I doubt she is intelligent enough to spell executive.

Just a reminder that VOAT MOAR HARDERER isn’t a viable strategy, not when you have that thing and thousands like her cheating with near impunity.


  1. Bean Dip Tray

    Useful idiots do have a shelf life and external commies are not the Grand Old Politburo.
    Saw one earlier that a comrade who criticized esteemed CPUSA (D) CCP party member Adams of the glorious peoples republic of NYC got raided by the Federal Bolshevik Instigators.
    I thought Bolshevik Brandon was too busy pandering to external enemies so that order probably came from Bathhouse Barry.

  2. Harbinger

    Wanda Geter-Pataky. Now that is a confusing name. Not the ‘Wanda’ bit, but the rest. Geter? Pataky? With names like those I would normally wonder if there was a cracka in da woodpile. But one brief, painful glance at that charcoal black scowling visage with its indignant pursed lips (something they all do while being racially oppressed when caught red-handed) tells me that this one is pure Bantu.

    • Zorost

      That 45 degree slope of the forehead all the way up to the top of her skull gives it away too. Not much room for that part of the brain. I wonder what that part of the brain does…

      “This brain region has been implicated in executive functions, such as planning, decision making, working memory, personality expression, moderating social behavior and controlling certain aspects of speech and language. Executive function relates to abilities to differentiate among conflicting thoughts, determine good and bad, better and best, same and different, future consequences of current activities, working toward a defined goal, prediction of outcomes, expectation based on actions, and social “control” (the ability to suppress urges that, if not suppressed, could lead to socially unacceptable outcomes).”

  3. Hoho

    Ganim has been a lowlife crook since the 80s. And good lord, the profile on that critter… Tell me that’s not an ape. Like a legit ape.

  4. Jeffrey Zoar

    I recognize the futility of voting. Fully and completely. I realize the people I’m voting for are unwilling and/or unable to represent my interests, or deliver, or defend, much of anything I care about.

    Yet I’m unable to give it up. Next week I’m going to cast a vote for what I deem the lesser of two evils in my state. And if the Orange Man runs again next year I doubt I’ll refrain then either. But I’ll be astonished if his name is on the ballot come election day.

  5. Dr. Hollowpoint

    Placing creatures like that in an advanced civilization is cruel. Little wonder they’re filled with resentful, envious rage. The only merciful path forward is benevolent repatriation. Future generations on all sides will someday be grateful; ours immediately, theirs eventually.

  6. Big Ruckus D

    When I saw this story on the hedge earlier, my first thought was that we now have an openly confirmed case of precisely the sort of vote fraud that has been staunchly denied for many years. That’s…rather inconvenient for some people.

    My second thought was, when did Bridgeport become a subdivision of Planet of the Apes? I’ve never been there, and by the looks of things I won’t ever care to visit, either. But it was rather disappointing to see such a place under the influence of a belligerent simian.

  7. RCW

    Quite the specimen of an endomorph pictured there. For those of her ilk and her masters, it seems the ends always justify the means, notwithstanding their tomfoolery and claptrap.

  8. J J

    Ra-Wanda doesn’t look intelligent enough to do this on her own. Find the person/ persons who filled out the fake ballots and ordered her to put them in the mailbox.

  9. Gryphon

    Water Buffalo are Maligned as being Dangerous and Violent; they get Hunted for “Sport”, but I’d rather have one of them in the Neighborhood, because if left alone, they’re just another innocent Herbivore. This kind of Proto-Human creature is Violent, Stupid, and as Doc Hollowpoint said, they have No Place in Civilization.

  10. Dan McGuire

    This is a good old soviet era show trial. Arrest/convict a low level functionary so you can act like you did something. In the meantime ignore the whole apparatus that set up and controlled the whole scheme.

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