America has been called a “melting pot” where different ethnic groups come, leave behind their differences in the old country and blend together to make a new, better people in the United States. Whether or not that is accurate, it is a very common term to describe a nation like ours. I think the Prophet John Winger (Praise be unto Him) said it best in Stripes:
We’re all very different people. We’re not Watusi. We’re not Spartans. We’re Americans, with a capital ‘A’, huh? You know what that means? Do ya? That means that our forefathers were kicked out of every decent country in the world. We are the wretched refuse. We’re the underdog. We’re mutts!
I don’t know many people my age who are of one ethnicity and none that are younger. When my dad was a kid it was more common. Polish boys married Polish girls, Irish married Irish, Italians married Italians. East Coast WASP types married within their tribe. My Polish dad marrying my Irish mother was something of a scandal in both families. Ethnic slurs and jokes were still pretty common. Toledo’s world famous Tony Packo’s, immortalized by Jamie Farr playing Corporal Klinger on MASH, is in what we called Hunkytown in Toledo, the Hungarian neighborhood.
By the time I got out of high school, most of the unique ethnic enclaves in America seemed to have disappeared. They neighborhoods themselves were still there but the people in them were mixed. There are still ethnic events all over America but they are throwbacks to the past. Whether this is a positive or negative is up for debate but it is what it is. Americans, and I mean actual heritage Americans rather than the more recent locust that have shown up to crash on our couch and demand we feed, house and clothe them, are a mix of European ethnic ancestry that are blended to make a new White people.
There have always been exceptions to this of course. The most obvious are the descendants of African slaves. Try as we might, we have never been able to acclimate blacks to American society. Sure they live among us and have a place but they never have really become America. To them (with some exceptions), their blackness is their identity and it overrides everything else. Even one of their preferred self-references, “African-American”, takes pains to emphasize their otherness.
Today I wanted to compare and especially contrast two other groups that have a long history in America but still maintain a distinctness from the heritage Americans: the Amish and the Jews.
The Amish emigrated from Europe to escape persecution in the 18th century through the 19th century and today there are essentially no Amish remaining in Europe. Practicing non-resistance, a form of pacifism, meant that Amish refused to serve in the military, leading to some persecution in the U.S.. Some of the very old Amish around here remember angry mobs threatening Amish farmers who refused to be drafted. Later they did non-military conscription work as conscientious objectors.
While the Amish live among “English” people and pay income taxes and property taxes (but not Social Security as they are exempt and are not eligible to draw benefits), they intentionally live separately in many ways. They speak “German” which is not really German, sometimes called Pennsylvania Dutch, among themselves and they have their own school systems, although most kids around here ride public schools busses (they pay the same property taxes as everyone else, more in most cases, but still have to pay extra for bussing).
They are not without their faults. Sometimes they think some English rules are dumb and don’t apply to them. They buy up lots of property and price English people out of the market. As they do not join unions, they tend to undercut union tradesmen on price while getting the job done faster and better than their union carpenter counterparts. Some people bitch about their buggies and their horses shitting on the roads but that isn’t really a big deal.
Generally speaking, they make great neighbors and add a lot to a community. They take care of their own, divorce is unheard of and if an English neighbor is in need they usually pitch in to help. A few years back a derecho wind storm came through the area and took some tin off one of our barns and loosened up a bunch of panels, an Amish guy we knew came over right after it happened, climbed on the barn roof (with no safety equipment of course) and fixed it up for us free of charge. The Amish have figured out how to thrive in America while keeping themselves mostly distinct from the rest of Americans without being a pest or nuisance.
Now let’s look at our friends and frequent focus of conversation, the Jews. Like the Amish, the Jews came to America ostensibly to escape persecution as They had been pissing people off around the world for thousands of years. There have apparently always been Jews in what is the United States, back to colonial pre-revolutionary times, but They really came in large numbers at the end of the 19th/beginning of the 20th century.
My position is that when you manage to piss off the people in every country you land in for two thousand years, well the problem is probably you (See: I Have A Different Hypothesis). I won’t rehash it all but for a people that are only 2% of the population, Jews seem to be quite disproportionately represented in all sorts of crap from pornography and insider trading to anti-White hatred, demographic replacement and sexual degeneracy. Apart from the occasional contribution to the arts and sciences, They have been an enormous net negative on America.
To compound the issue, Jews are endlessly reminding you that They are different from you, simultaneously sporting a superiority complex while crying and moaning about being oppressed in a country where they control finance, entertainment, media and the government.
In short, you have one people group that choose to remain distinct from the American people in certain ways who are generally considered to be great guests in our country and good people to have as neighbors, people that still appreciate the religious liberty they found here in the new world. Then you have a group that is endlessly resentful of Americans for giving Them shelter and are typically at the forefront of every negative change to the society White Europeans built quite nicely without their aid.
I’ll say it again. If everywhere you go you end up in conflict, maybe it is time to start wondering if you are the problem.

To a large degree, this is a matter of gratitude and basic manners. When you have arrived someplace where you are generally safe have the opportunity to make your place in society, you should be grateful and polite. The gratitude does need to be express. Not being militantly obstreperous and abusive is sufficient. The manners part can be accomplished by going through your days without making life unnecessarily difficult for your neighbors and countrymen
. In other words, dont purposely be a conspicuous pain in the ass.Exactly what you describe of the Amish. Maintaining your culture (differences) is fine if you do not purposely become sand in the gears. Unfortunately, some groups, particularly blacks, can’t or won’t do this. The melting pot and the ethnic neighborhoods are both fine models but gratitude and civic manners are needed for both.
Exactly so, I am not asking for intense patriotism just that They maybe try to not be a huge pain in the ass.
I used to live in one of the great epicenters of the Jewish population, South Florida (Miami/Fort Lauderdale/West Palm area). I loved the weather down there. I still miss it. But I don’t miss anything else about it. Never have I lived somewhere else where people were so rude, superficial, and dishonest. I can’t pin that 100% on Jews, but they had to be at least half of it. And the longer you live there the more it infects you, and you become like them. Practically nobody who has lived down there for a long time doesn’t belong there.
I remember having a conversation with a Hebrew friend down there about his trip to Israel. He said the people were just as rude and snobbish there as South Florida. It depressed him, as if he was confronting the truth about his people.
They say if you are meeting assholes all day that maybe you are the asshole, but after leaving south Florida I discovered that it really was them, not me. The contrast just when you merely get as far north as Stuart or Fort Pierce is striking. I remember taking a trip to Tampa one weekend and people were so nice (relative to what I was used to). Although by overall American standards it was probably about average, they just seemed really nice by comparison.
Miami-Dade county has an immense latrino population, which explains the dog-eat-dog dystopic nature of that area. Cubans fleeing (instead of fighting) the new Castro regime in the late 50’s did not have any intention of assimilating, nor have any of the succeeding waves of ‘exiles’. Ditto for every other flavor of spic that marches in looking to exploit the system whilst proudly flying their cuntry’s flag. They were even able to run all the nasty old kikes out of South Beach….. a feat unheard of. Couple all that with a substantial mud population, plus the residuals from the once-thriving dope economy and viola’ a turd-world shithole.
Broward county is slightly more benign but is teeming with liberals and jews. Those two counties sport the fourth and fifth largest school districts in the country, which means oodles of shitlib and non-white brats infesting the lower peninsula of the third most populous state in the union. If only it would break off and sink in the ocean!
I was talking more about Broward and Palm Beach. Although there is a lot of tribe in Miami Beach.
Miami/Dade is just as soulless and materialistic as the two northern counties but in a more Cubano way, whereas in Broward/Palm Beach it’s in more of NY/Jew/Philly way
“Ditto for every other flavor of spic that marches in looking to exploit the system whilst proudly flying their cuntry’s flag.”
You hit the nail on head. This is true almost without exception
When you get a sizable population of assholes, the whole area starts to take on their character.
Very good synopsis. I’ve never been around Amish people but have read some about them. As your contrast suggests, they seem to be the antithesis of jews, pretty much on all fronts. They go out of their way to be independent from gubment, it’s institutions and whatever debased materialistic techno-culture is in vogue at the moment. They also seem to have sense enough to keep their version of christ-insanity to themselves instead of pushing for a theocratic/Israhell First dystopia via the political and corporate circuses. Their wariness and distrust of “the English” as a whole is not unfounded by any means! On the contrary, IMHO, adopting a frame of mind that holds 90% of white people, and 100% of non-whites everywhere, in contempt is just common sense self-preservation.
There is an abundance of documentation about jew malfeasance in every aspect of history and culture of every white nation on earth, yet instead of permanent exile/annihilation they’re thriving like no other. Re-read the part about the 90% above. They couldn’t get to first base without the persistent, ongoing help, greed, delusion, cowardice and apathy from the host populations.
Last but not least: Aside from primitive subsistence, neegrows never developed what’s considered culture in their native lands so never left anything of value behind nor brought anything over. “Black/Afro Culture is a fraudulent creation from the 60’s, inspired and enabled by shitlibs and jews desperate to provide a crutch (and alliance) for untermenschen that had no ability to adapt to an advanced civilization.
The Amish don’t even proselytize people unlike virtually every other Christian sect. They are content to raise their children in their faith and leave others to do what they will.
A wonderful article Arthur! A breath of fresh air in this world of ” sacred cow groups” . I enjoyed this very much.
We have to pull the tapeworms out and end the Permanent Revolution.
Jacobin/Marxist/Bolshevik are nihilistic death cults that offer no human advancement or anything positive.
Enjoying Patrick Bateman playlist, keep morale up by any means necessary.
Thanks Arthur, this post is a breath of fresh air.
During the week days when I’m driving I’ll listen to some Erickson or Hannity.
Not for long though, the cuckoldry is sickening.
I have never been able to stand Hannity, that guy is so fake and gay it makes me puke. I would rather listen to Rachel Maddow.
Nothing’s the same since El Rushbo. He saw this day coming and I miss his wisdom and delivery.
I’m in the vehicle most of the day so Rush, followed by Hannity was always a part of the day.
I can’t stomach Hannity anymore. Necon garbage barfed up daily. I listened to Clay & Buck for probably a year and a half before losing interest.
Their latest slavish devotion to support Our Greatest Ally finally put the last nail in the coffin.
There’s so much great content out there. Plenty of IHeart radio shows and stuff to enjoy on the tubes. But this is my favorite place. My old bud Pig Walrus sent a link and I’ve enjoyed it immensely. Thanks for all the great content, Arthur!
I can’t help smiling when I read Kim Du Toit’s boomer-blog at the moment. His approved commenters are very happy to see the latest crop of law school graduates (who are dumb enough to publicly protest) discovering the high-paying firms are universally managed & owned by Jewish people. The boomers simply cannot see anything wrong with that. Lawyers, bankers, media are all Jewish because . . . . (((high IQ))) . . . . they must be smarter than us or something? I have found boomers universally have meltdowns when the question of why (((the tribe))) have been kicked out of so many countries throughout history. They all look at you like its “beyond-the-pale” to ask such a thing publicly.
I am not really convinced that They are “smarter” than us, but They certainly are clever and cunning and their ethnic in-group solidarity goes a long way.
A large part of that is due to Boomers being raised in a media culture that promoted radical individualism. So it is difficult for them to comprehend a group actually looking out for and promoting it’s own, even when it’s own might not be as meritorious as an outside group. They simply can’t comprehend acting as an ethnic team, and don’t see it when pointed out unless it’s fellow Whites that are being accused.
Funny the two groups in studies COVID effected the least at almost a zero% rate were Amish and Ask’a’Nazi jews. Dr Lee Merritt covered it. The group effected the most were white, europeans, and male I might add. Hmmn. I know way tooooo conspiratorial to even be remotely true, must be the ginger ale talking.
This little four hour documentary dovetails nicely into this conversation.
I have written about that in the past, the Amish did everything you were not supposed to do and didn’t do anything you were supposed to do and while some elderly or sickly Amish did die *with* Covid, it was pretty much a non-event in their community.
Yeah call Nosferatu Greenblatt and tell him I said hi!
“Nose-feratu” would be a Hate Crime, so don’t you even think it!
Oy vey a shekel for a good goy!!!
Through documents on my daddy’s side our family is Scot and came here in 1760. We have records from him ( presbyterian preacher, all the rest were farmers in SC, Al, and finally panhandle of Fl till my daddy went to work as a pipefitter). 3 generations of my family lived next to the Mennonites in NW panhandle of Florida and never spoke ill of them. I’m keenly aware of how certain sects cannot assemble into society. Working as a paramedic in some high call volume areas in my career I have seen firsthand what Arthur speaks of. I have seen the immense tribalism of some and the complete savagery of others. There is not enough time or ink to explain what happens when you are genuinely wanting to help people and are confronted with how they are. Less than 1% of EMS is non-white. I think you can deduct the reason for yourself. People need to see the truth.
That is interesting, many of the unappreciated altruistic professions like EMS tend to be overwhelmingly White.
“Apart from the occasional contribution to the arts and sciences”
There are a few genuine contributors, but far less than most believe. A lot of their “success” even in art and science is due to being promoted by fellow tribesmen. Einstein is a great example in the sciences, and Marc Chagall AKA Moishe Shagal is a great example in art.
Einstein was a plagiarist and a fraud. Chagall’s art sucked. Jews ruined art. How are a people who are not allowed to make “graven images” ever going to be artists. They turned art into a no-talent grift. Soooo “Modern!”
As for the end of the ethnic America, read E. Michael Jones’ “The Slaughter of Cities.” It will tell you who, how, and why the ethnic neighborhoods were destroyed.
The past was one of aggregation, the future is one of smaller nations, based on closer ties.
I’d take the Amish anyday. 1000’s of times over.
As for The Tribe of the Mad Dog.
They lost me.
They have gone full Mad Dog, and there is only 1
Solution to dealing with a Mad Dog.