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Somehow It Is Always About Them

The travelling clown show led by diminutive jack-wagon Zelenskyy made a stop in Canada to beg for more money while scolding everyone for not contributing enough to Zelenskyy’s retirement fund in Israel Ukraine’s valiant counter-offensive. After Volodymyr gave his Jerry’s Kids spiel, the speaker of the Canadian House of Commons pointed out a 98 year old Ukrainian man who lives in North Bay, Ontario named Yaraslov Hunka. Hunka had fought against the Soviets at the end of World War II…

Following Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s speech to Parliament last Friday, Anthony Rota drew attention to a 98-year-old man from North Bay, Ont., named Yaraslov Hunka, who was seated in the chamber as an invited guest, and lauded him for “fighting for Ukraine independence against the Russians” during the Second World War.

“He is a Ukrainian hero and a Canadian hero, and we thank him for all his service,” Mr. Rota said. His comments led to cheers and two standing ovations, which included Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mr. Zelensky.

But wait, there’s more! It turns out that Hunka is a LITERAL NAZI!

But the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies said in a statement on the weekend that the man served in the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, a Nazi military unit with documented evidence of “crimes against humanity” crimes during the Holocaust. “The fact that a veteran who served in a Nazi military unit was invited to and given a standing ovation in Parliament is shocking,” the group said, joining other Jewish organizations calling on the government to publicly apologize.

Like most of the multitude of Jewish supremacist groups, such as the ADL, the Simon Wiesenthal Center is an anti-White, anti-Western outfit always on the hunt for LITERAL NAZIS and any White people that dare to not grovel before Our Greatest Ally. Now this guy who quietly has lived for what I assume were decades in Canada, probably as a decent citizen, has been branded a “monster”. This was on the Fox News landing page this morning….

I know most Americans have no idea what happened in Europe last century other than Moustache Man Bad and the Holocaust but some stuff happened that might have some bearing on the case of LITERAL NAZI MONSTER Yaraslov Hunka.

In the 1920s in the wake of the Russian Revolution and formation of the Soviet Union, Ukraine became the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and was eventually subsumed into the broader Soviet Union. Many Ukrainians were not on board with the whole glorious worker’s paradise, especially the kulaks, so our good buddy Joe Stalin dispatched a man named Lazar Kaganovich to bring them into line. Kaganovich was a Ukrainian Jew and was tasked by Stalin to bring the Ukrainians to heel. What followed was the Holodomor, an intentional genocide of Ukrainians that claimed millions of lives, ranging from 5 to 10 million people.

The numbers of dead have been revised downward in the last 20 years, from 7-10 million down to 3.5-5 million, and I suspect that is to keep the number of dead Ukrainians, mostly Orthodox Christians killed at the orders of a Jew, under the magical 6 million mark. No one is permitted to have a worse genocide. Even the use of the term “Ukrainian Holocaust” causes the Usual Suspects to get outraged as the Holocaust-Industrial Complex has declared that the term “Holocaust” may only be used by Them. Regardless, whichever figure you use, the end result was millions of men, women and children intentionally starved to death by the Soviets.

Fast forward to 1941 and the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union. The Germans swept through Ukraine (and were seen as liberators by many Ukrainians) and the western reaches of the Soviet Union before their advance was finally halted in January of 1943 at Stalingrad. From that moment forward, the Nazis retreated back toward Germany hounded by the Soviets. The prospect of being recaptured by the Soviets didn’t sound terribly appealing to many Ukrainians. That brings us back to Yaroslav Hunka. From the article in the Globe and Mail quoted initially above:

In a blog post, written in Ukrainian, on a website dedicated to the First Ukrainian Division, a writer named Yaroslav Hunka, from Canada, describes volunteering for the unit in 1943, when he was 18, fearing a Russian invasion with the German army planning a retreat from western Ukraine. In two weeks, the blog says, 80,000 volunteers joined the division, many students from his hometown. “We felt our duty to our native land – and left,” the author writes. The unit surrendered to the British Army at the end of the war.

80,000 young men signed up in two weeks. It sounds to me like the glorious Soviet Red Army was not all that welcome in Ukraine, and given the Soviet treatment of Ukrainians for the prior 20 years and the well documented mass rapes that accompanied the Red Army, you certainly can’t blame them. Hunka and presumably almost all of the other 80,000 men volunteered to fight against the Red Army. They ended up surrendering to the British, correctly assuming that they would be treated less than humanely by the Soviets, and Hunka eventually moved to Canada. There is nothing to make you think he was an ideological proponent of National Socialism, he was more likely just a young, patriotic Ukrainian that didn’t want to see his country taken back over by the people responsible for what was one of the greatest genocides in the 20th century.

Now because he signed up to fight against the Soviets in a unit that carried an SS designation, he is branded a monster. This very old man is likely going to be harassed and hounded by the people he has lived with for how many decades because the Simon Wiesenthal Center has declared him an official Bad Person. Was he a bad person? Don’t know, probably not. Were there bad people in the 14th Waffen SS Grenadier Division? I am sure there were, just as we can all be sure based on extensive documentation that there were a whole bunch of bad people in the Red Army. More likely Yaraslov Hunka was like most young men in World War II, whether Ukrainian or German, Russian or America, British or Japanese. Young men who thought they were fighting for their country and people, all believing their cause was just, and few knowing the truth about the people convincing them to kill one another.

None of those historical facts or basic reasoning matters. The Holocaust-Industrial Complex demands that the mythology surrounding the events of World War II never be questioned. Anyone associated with the Nazis, no matter how involved they were or were not in “The Holocaust”, must be painted with the same broad brush of evil, even though many of the “Good Guys” in World War II were at least as evil as Hitler is portrayed to be. World War II began in September of 1939 and was over by April 30 of 1945, in less than six years from kicking off WW II Hitler was dead by his own hand. By contrast, our “ally” Joseph Stalin was in power for around 30 years and oversaw the deaths, many millions by outright murder, of tens of millions of people, far more than Hitler. How many former Red Army soldiers have you ever heard of being hounded in their 90s by vengeful Soviet hunters? None that I know of despite the Red Army being responsible for at least as many war crimes as the Wehrmacht and SS.

The speed of the apologies and demand for more would amaze a less cynical person. I would not be surprised to see Anthony Rota (also from North Bay, Ontario) forced out as the speaker of the Canadian House of Commons for not knowing that the unit Yaraslov Hunka served in while fighting the Soviet Red Army was associated with the SS. Rota’s Wikipedia page already features the story of Hunka:

No matter what happens, They will find a way to make it about Them and now Yaraslov Hunka becomes the latest geriatric scalp They have collected.


  1. saoirse

    The kikes and their toadies have to keep the Natzee Natzee going for eternity to keep the guilt and reparations going for eternity, not to mention their untouchable status and power. Soon, very soon, the same Draconian holohoax ‘denial’ laws that infest Europe will be enacted right here in Murka – they’ve already started drafting them. And what will the overwhelming majority of Mukans do about it….. not a goddamned thing! Still brainwashed by the thought that “they (i.e. Natzees) hate our freedumbs”.

  2. Moe Gibbs

    the Holocaust-Industrial Complex has declared that the term “Holocaust” may only be used by Them

    No lie. There was one and only one true Hollow Cost, and it hailed from Eastern Europe in the first half of the 20th century. All other pogroms from around the world and throughout time are just sparkling genocide and are not permitted to use the sacred “Hollow Cost” designation, nor exceed the patented 6 gorillion martyr count on their labels.

  3. LGC

    Mr Jones is an excellent movie about the Ukrainian holocaust. (just using that word cuz it pisses <<>> off. ) and the American/NY Times complete cover up of the event (and rest of 1930’s purges)

  4. Gryphon

    And yet these very same (((jews))) are Allies with LITERAL NAH-ZEES ™ with Swastika Tats on their faces, fighting against the (mostly) White Christians of Russia.

    The entire ‘government’ of the Ukraine right now is ‘jewish’, from the faggot zelenskyy (correct spelling) on down.

    “You can’t Make this Shit Up” is lame compared to what (((Clownworld))) has created….

      • Gryphon

        I’ve always thought that every instance of “neo-nazis” were just (((controlled opposition))) because,
        1) None of them had any Connections (parents, grandparents) to the NASDAP.
        2) None of them had a Clue about the actual Goals of NASDAP, meaning a United, Sovereign, Prosperous White Nation, free of (((jewish))) Cultural Perversion and Financial Scamming.
        They wave flags, give the party salute, and Always seem to ‘show up’ at Events in order to make Whites look Bad.

        • Zorost


          If it isn’t controlled oppo, it might as well be. Dressing up like nazis now would be like the nazis then dressing up like Gustavus Adolphus and claiming the 30 Years’ War was good for Germany. Nazis created their own uniforms and re-purposed neutral symbols so they could give their own meanings to them. They wanted to discuss the problems of the present, not endlessly debate the problems of the past.

          To do what the nazis did, we need to do what they did on a higher level than appearances: adopt our own symbols or repurpose old symbols to give meanings to them that will get regular people to support us. If our actual goals are somewhat different from what we tell people to get power… welcome to politics.

  5. Jay L

    The other night I had some down time and the Mrs. was out with our daughter, so I thought I’d peruse a documentary film, as I often do when left to my own devices… All I can say is WOW! You hit the nail on the head with “holocaust-industrial complex”, Arthur! Nearly half the available titles in the documentary category were about Mustache Man and his eeeeevil Naht-seez. Oddly missing was a single entry about Stalin, Mao, PolPot, the holodomor… It’s almost as though we’re only allowed one version of “history” or something… Surely that can’t be true, right? I mean, what would (they) have to gain by ONLY making films about the tragedy that befell our greatest ally?!?
    Evidently there are two sides to every story, except that one story, which there is only ONE side, which you dare not question!

  6. Pingback:Why The Ukrainian “NAZI!” In Canada Is The Perfect 2023 Story – Dissident Thoughts

  7. Stealth Spaniel

    Every. Single. Time.
    Every boo-boo, every finger prick, every hurt fweeling, every supposed slight…….It is always about them. They are Special. They are Chosen. They and they alone are ALWAYS out front about “their” needs, wants, and desires.

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