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Back To The District Of Congo

When last we visited The District of Congo, aka Coruscant-On-The-Potomac, we looked at the rampant violent crime in our nation’s capitol. The statistics included cheerful news like this:

D.C. has recorded 161 homicides this year, a 28 percent increase over this time in 2022. In just over seven months, the city has surpassed the total number of killings that occurred in all of 2018 and is on track for the deadliest year in two decades.

It isn’t just murders of course. Crime of all sorts is rampant as our diverse population has responded to the police stepping back by engaging in an orgy of lawlessness and violence. Something that gets little attention but ought to get more is carjacking, a violent theft of a vehicle that has exploded in frequency all over the country. D.C. is no different.

House Administration Committee Chairman Bryan Steil, (R-Wis.) on Monday warned would-be visitors to Washington, D.C. of rising crime in the nation’s capital and advised people how to respond to criminal acts and to minimize the risk of being victimized by violence like carjackings.

The District of Columbia is currently struggling to contend with increased criminal activity that has many questioning the safety of living in the city at all. Compared to this point in 2022, data from the D.C. Metropolitan Police shows that homicides are up 28% and on pace to reach their highest levels in more than 20 years. Robberies, meanwhile, are up 67%. Residents have testified to increasingly driving for short distances due to fear of going outside.

Amid the crime wave, the Mexican consulate in Washington, D.C., has warned its citizens that “The city of Washington, D.C. is experiencing a significant increase in crime in areas previously considered safe. Take precautions. In an emergency, call 911.”

Try to wrap your mind around that. Mexican citizens of a failed narcostate are being warned how dangerous the American capitol has become. D.C. is considered scary by Mexicans. More…..

Recommendations included not wearing jewelry on public transportation and leaving no valuables visible within one’s parked car to avoid attracting thieves.

To limit more aggressive incidents such as carjacking and armed robbery, some suggested leaving space between cars at red lights should one need to flee. Minimizing time using a mobile phone while walking to limit distractions was also suggested.

“It’s so concerning… to think in a city of just over 500,000 people that 5,000 cars have been stolen already this year,” Steil said during a Monday appearance on the “Just the News, No Noise” television show. “[T]hat’s 20 to 25 a day. Seven hundred of those have been the result of carjackings, where people are viciously thrown out of their cars and thrown out into the streets as the criminals drive away.”

Thanks to the power of diversity, Americans can’t wear the jewelry they want for fear of it being snatched. We are told to leave space to flee from carjackers and not talk on the phone out of fear of being assaulted while distracted.

Washington D.C. is supposed to represent America, a unique political entity that is home to the seat of government and many of our most majestic monuments. This city from which our rulers lord over the rest of us has become a crime ridden shithole. Over 5000 cars stolen already this year, 700 by carjacking? According to Hey Jackass! there have been 837 carjackings so far this year in Chicago….

….but Chicago is a city of 2.7 million people. Washington D.C. only has around 670,000 people, less than a quarter of the population of Chicago, but D.C. is right on Chicago’s tail in number of carjackings.

What is being done to D.C. is intentional. Just recently Congress had to override a D.C. law that would have reduced penalties for violent crime. The degradation of the capitol is just another humiliation ritual, forcing White Americans to watch as the storied capitol of the nation we built is degraded and turned into a violent hellhole.

They have a lot to answer for and we are going to need a lot more rope.


  1. Mike_C

    Here’s a personal anecdote. Last month the Pretty Korean Girl was in Austin, Texas with her high school best friend from Korea. PKG’s lived in the US over 15 years, BF has only been here as an occasional tourist and is a bit naive about things.

    They were driving in a nice residential neighborhood a couple of blocks from a shopping center (with a Whole Foods; you get the idea of neighborhood). So this middle-aged, nondescript white guy is standing at the crosswalk holding a paper sack from Whole Foods. PKG stops to let him cross. Halfway across the guy collapses and starts thrashing on the ground. Fruit and boxes of pasta and suchlike go flying. The girls are, needless to say, surprised.

    BF starts to open her door. PKG hits the gas and drives around the guy who is apparently having an epileptic fit. BF shouts, “Stop, he’s sick! We need to help him!”
    PKG says, “No. Mike warned me about this kind of thing. It’s a scam.”
    BF is sort of pitching a fit at this point so PKG (understandably but unwisely) stops about a block down the street. They watch in the mirrors. Epilepsy Guy gets up normally, brushes himself off, collects the fruit and boxes, puts them back into the sack, and goes back to standing at the crosswalk. BF couldn’t process it. “What just happened?”

    In the AAR PKG said, “So you were right. I hate hearing you talk about this kind of thing. I just want to have a nice, happy life. But you were right. Still, I wonder if that one guy could have carjacked the two of us. He wasn’t very big and I didn’t see a gun.”
    “Sweetheart, what makes you think he was working alone?”
    PKG’s eyes got big. “Oh.”
    “It gets worse. Maybe he wasn’t really after the car. Two good looking Asian girls have quite a lot of value.”
    She processed this for a few seconds. “Okay, I guess that’s possible … but how can you think like that?”

    Sigh. I was on the verge of retorting, “well, at least one of us has to” but I bit my tongue. The point is that she listened (albeit unhappily), remembered, applied it in a stress situation. So good on PKG for that. I’ll take that as a win.

    • Don W Curton

      Jesus, Mike. Hell of a story. My wife, for whatever reason, gets asked for help all the fricking time by random strangers in parking lots. I’ve warned her many times, just shout something out the window and keep driving. If you just got there, leave and go back another day, there ain’t anything in the store worth it.

      But no. She always stops and helps. Those people needed help, as a Christian I should help, is her constant reply. Besides, she says, I’m careful, I have a pistol in my purse.

      My reply about in your purse ain’t gonna help when they’re close enough to grab you falls on deaf ears.

      • Mike_C

        Isn’t it sad that so much of the US is now a place where doing the decent, kind, Christian thing is now a probably bad idea?

        I still try to help, because I don’t WANT to live in a low-trust society, but it’s highly situational. If I’m with PKG then I’m less likely to engage than if I’m alone. Because I’m far less interesting as a target* than she is, I’m willing to take more “risks”. In her company, looking out for her safety trumps looking out for other persons. White or East Asian people, especially the elderly, I’ll generally see if I can help. But non ice people? (to use Derbyshire’s terminology) Well ….

        I hate that it’s come to this.

        *it was even worse going about with Swedish Girl back when. Bad attention gravitates towards tall thin blondes with big blue eyes. But SG had had to deal with “migrants” since she was a teenager, and so was more “paranoid”. It wasn’t just Africans and Arabs. She has stories about predatory Kossovars and Albanians….

    • LGC

      wow. TBH I would have stopped. (figuring it was a guy who took the vaxx). And i’m about as cynical as once can get. Apparently not enough. I am already missing civilization


      Wow! I’m glad PKG had her noggin on straight. If I see somebody, especially of military age, that is pulling such a stunt Idon’t feel too rough about just skee-daddling outta there.

      The other day I was at the car wash and an old, frail YT lady tripped over the curb and did a face plant. I immediately helped her as there was no obvious threat. Even a young dindu helped me get her to her car. I gave him a ten spot for acting human-like.

      I’m in Houston frequently and it has turned in to a third world, violent shithole. Just maybe gayer and dumber. The turning point was Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Nig Orleans emptied out like a raid on a Sambo speakeasy into Texas, Houston in particular and it turned into a blue (gum) city/jurisdiction soon afterwards.

  2. Don W Curton

    “Americans can’t wear the jewelry they want for fear of it being snatched”

    Reminds me of another culture, where women have to cover themselves head to toe cause the men can’t control their lustful urges if they see more than a few square inches of female skin.

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