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You Have Questions? I Have Answers!

The family of a 21-year-old pregnant woman shot and killed by police Thursday outside a Blendon Township Kroger said a Friday night candlelight vigil was just the beginning of their search for answers — and justice.

Ta’Kiya Young, 21, of Columbus, died in the fatal police shooting, as did her unborn child. Young’s family said she was pregnant with her third child, a girl, and was due to give birth in November. She also has two sons: a 6-year-old and a 3-year-old.

Dis be Ta’kiya, a 21 year old pregnant with her third kid….

Why oh why did they police gun down this sweet innocent girl and mother of three? Maybe racism? Can anyone tell me why?

Police say theft led to pregnant woman using car as weapon….

….Police allege Young and others were stealing from Kroger and said the two officers were in the Kroger parking lot helping someone who was having car problems when a store employee alerted them to Young, alleging she took multiple bottles of alcohol from the store without paying.

Young got into a four-door Lexus sedan that did not have a license plate, Belford said in his statement, and was illegally parked in a handicapped spot.

One officer went to the driver’s side of the car, Belford said, and told her to stop. The other officer then moved in front of Young’s vehicle, he said. Police allegedly fired once, hitting Young, whose car then traveled about 50 feet before crashing.

So this 21 year old mother of two, a 3 year old and a 6 year old meaning she probably got pregnant at 14, with one more on the way was at the Kroger, stealing shit and of course it was not diapers or formula or food for her little darling boys. Nope, she was stealing booze. Genius that she is, no one noticed that cops were already in the parking lot and when they tried to detain her, she accelerated her car at the officer, leaving them no choice other than to either get run over by Columbus Mother of the Year 2023 or shoot her.

Young’s grandmother (Nadine Young) said she felt like Blendon Township police were trying to build a narrative about Young before they release the body camera footage, which could be released as soon as Monday.

“She stole something from the store,” she said. “You didn’t have to shoot the woman; she would have eventually gotten out of the … car. You didn’t have to kill her and the baby.”

Sounds a lot like “hands up, don’t shoot”, as if she walked out of the store with a bag of Skittles she forgot to pay for and they shot her down. Grandma Nadine conveniently left out the part about Ta’Kiya trying to run down an officer. To blacks, cops are never justified in shooting black pee-po, even if the black in question is trying to harm or kill the cop. Just let her go, after all Kroger has insurance.

There hasn’t been a lot of coverage of this which makes me assume that the shooting was completely justified. Her family will still cash in on the ghetto lottery via GoFundMe donations from White people and a civil lawsuit that Columbus will probably settle out of court. Her family will divvy up the loot for gold teeth and her two sons will likely end up just like their mama on the wrong end of a cop’s pistol in the near future. Let’s hope they don’t get the chance to pass on their genetic material.


  1. Sane Max

    Well, she’s already passed on her genes. “Mother of two, a 3 year old and a 6 year old.” Would be good if those two go to loving, sensible, hardworking not-gimme-dats-EBTs-weez-wuz-kangz married stable people to be raised, but I doubt it.

  2. No One

    Just out of curiosity: do these 3 kidz (2 born and the other one that was on the way) have the same father? Or chances are likely they have 3 different fathers?

    • Arthur Sido

      She still has the same last name as her grandma so it is safe to assume that there are multiple baby daddies involved here, I wonder if the one that knocked her up at 14 went to jail?

      • Mike_C

        Considering that deliberate homicide sometimes isn’t enough to keep homey in jail, I doubt that knocking up a young teen would do it. Besides, totally possible that Baby Daddy #1 was himself a minor at the time.

        Somewhere the shade of Margaret Sanger smirks.

  3. Steve

    “So this 21 year old mother of two, a 3 year old and a 6 year old meaning she probably got pregnant at 14, with one more on the way was at the Kroger, stealing shit and of course it was not diapers or formula or food for her little darling boys. Nope, she was stealing booze.”

    Don’t forget the part about trying to make her getaway in a Lexus. Chevette? Gremlin? Pacer? OK, maybe. Lexus?

  4. John Wilder

    Wow. Same story, same verse, same beats. In my favorite, the darling mother of the dead perp said that it was unfair that the homeowner who was being invaded fought back with an AR-15, since her son only had a pistol.

      • Gryphon

        They are being Told, constantly, by the (((media))) and politicians and Race-Hustlers like ‘reverend’ Sharpton, that Yes, they are ‘Entitled’ to Steal from those (ebil, white, raaaciss) Corporations, so this is to be expected. The Riots where the po-Lice are told to ‘stand down’ by the politicians are the best indication that we live in a Post-Civilized ‘nation’.


    There once was a sheboon, Ta’Kiya,
    It’s fambly claim it was messiah,
    They fuss and they bicker,
    Boon stole it some liquor,
    And popo deemed useless pariah.

  6. Xzebek

    The removal of the faux blond chimp will have the effect of reducing crime in the future. Society us better iff without her; it’s too bad her cohorts didn’t get offed too. I feel bad for the unborn baby. To bad he couldn’t be saved and , hopefully, removed from the ghetto culture that would have doomed him.

  7. Anon

    >Let’s hope they don’t get the chance to pass on their genetic material.
    They don’t just murder while “dey still keeeeds,” but they breed too, the nog in the article is proof.
    Nits make lice.

  8. Anonymous

    Cops already in the parking lot on another matter.
    Lexus with no handicap sticker in handicapped spot.
    No plates on the Lexus, so no registration, and of course, no insurance.
    Black baby mama stepping lightly out of the (probably stolen) Lexus.
    Black baby mama strolling out of the store without paying for the Hennessy.
    Aims the vehicle at approaching cops with intent to maim or kill.

    That is some apex level sense of entitlement, to think that she can brazenly shoplift and just saddle up and ride with all those red flags flying. Was there a loaded Hi-Point in the baby’s diaper bag, too?

  9. Bobsuruncle

    Sadly, we only get to calculate the urban maff here at -1= -4 now. Wonder if that lexus is gonna sell cheap, bullet hole and jerry curl soaked seats outta bring a discount. I needz to upgradze and shiite.

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