When the whole Oliver Anthony thing happened over a weekend, I urged some caution: Proceed With Caution. Let’s see what happens once the bright lights hit him I suggested…
Let’s see what this guy does when he starts to get those checks rolling in from his music and from Youtube and after They have some time to start working on him. Principled populism evaporates pretty quickly when you buy the new dually pick-up truck. What do we really know about this guy, what he believes on the big questions, what his plans are going forward? We don’t know anything really and that is reason enough to tread carefully.
I got some shit from people who scolded me for being so pessimistic and black-pilled and complained that at least Oliver Anthony was “doing something”. Yeah…
Just like clockwork, Oliver was speaking to Fox News on Saturday: Oliver Anthony says ‘Rich Men’ has ‘touched people globally’: ‘Don’t have to be blue-collar’ and said this at around the 5:15 mark….
We’ve got to go back to the roots of what this country great in the first place which was our sense of community I mean we are the melting pot of the world and that’s what makes us strong, is our diversity.
Diversity is our greatest strength!
I know Oliver is just a simple crooner of songs in the woods but someone apparently didn’t tell him that a lot of things made this country great in the first place but diversity isn’t one of them. Far from being what makes us strong, “diversity” is what is going to end up destroying this country. It’s our greatest weakness right now and it is why we are not exploring the stars.
And the “melting pot”? That is a term coined back in 1909, long after this country was established, by a guy named Israel Zangwill. Here he is.

According to Wikipedia:
Zangwill was born in Whitechapel, London on 21 January 1864, in a family of Jewish immigrants from Lithuania, then part of the Russian Empire. His father, Moses Zangwill, was from what is now Latvia, and his mother, Ellen Hannah Marks Zangwill, was from what is now Poland. He dedicated his life to championing the cause of people he considered oppressed, becoming involved with topics such as Jewish emancipation, Jewish assimilation, territorialism, Zionism, and women’s suffrage.
Zionism and women’s suffrage, two things that have done wonders for the working class of America!
I know it was an off-the-cuff remark but notice how easily he fell back on that. He isn’t some free thinker, he just has a song with a couple of zinger lines that aren’t saying anything that people weren’t already saying for decades. He just happened to hit the right audience and get noticed, totally organically I am sure, and blew up on social media.
If he really believes that diversity is our greatest strength, and I am confident he does, he has no clue what is actually happening to this country and is far from /ourguy/. Maybe he will figure it out, probably not although I hope he does, but at the risk of sounding like I told you so….
I told you so.
Just look at him. Is any homeboy or cholo going to support someone this blatantly White and redneck? He really did not need to earn those leftist Pokemon points with his platitude about diversity. Those people are never going to buy his music anyway. When he starts shilling for Butt Lite (you just know that AB is salivating to get him on the payroll) his sellout will be complete.
So, disappointed again. I s’pose that when the real White savior and spokeman comes, we’ll all know it by his utter refusal to cave.
I am hoping he is just naïve and ill-informed, rather than this being malicious.
I’m with you Art. He’s 30 years old, how wise to the world can he be. Most worker bees are not interested in politics, the news, overseas, Symbology, The Families, the Illuminati, etc. Most of the folks that visit here are light-years ahead of EVERY 6 o’clock news watcher. Hell, most people don’t even watch that anymore. It’s a tiny fraction of the populace that cares enough to look into verboten conspiracy, rabbit holes. They’re here and several other sites that THIS crew visit and those sites don’t show up on regular search engines anymore.
He has probably never read a book in his life and is merely parroting what he learned at publik skool.
Her also has said he was fighting mental illness with alcohol. But there is always a Jew to blame right?
That’s right slomo
Moe, the guy who utterly refuses to give in, even at substantial personal risk, is Donald John Trump, the 45th & 47th president of the United States of America.
Refuses to give in.
Except on cabinet appointments.
And immigration.
And Fauci.
And Covid.
And keeping black criminals in prison.
And the budget.
And putting white “criminals” in prison. Especially the truly barbaric ones amongst the (D.C.) Uniparty political-claque and their ruling-elite masters.
And his lumbercuck beard is fake.
‘Lumbercuck beard,’ lol. See lots of those these days.
Gotta have the obligatory tatts also.
Many Blacks are Seeing the Truth in his song and the lyrics as well. Welfare for example. I suppose You only want to See the DC Coup mother WEFers propaganda. Nothing is ever “Good” enough for Your estimation???
We Win by Gaining Adherents, Not blowing them Off. But by all means isolate yourself from current and future Allies.
btw, Oliver turned down aa 8 million $ record contract. Would you turn down 8 Million $ ??? Really ???
I Spit.
What is up with the random capitalization of words?
Go back to Fox News cuck. Your potential “adherents” and “allies” are the products of dilusional wishful thinking. Make sure to put on your Confederate reenactors uniform when you suck up to Oliver for an autograph. It’s obvious you spit on yourself!
Whites ‘win’ by embracing ‘allies’ who tell us daily they want us dead? How pathetic that you cannot stand up for yourself and your people but must clamor for affirmation from hostile and alien people.
Yeah fuck that guy. You called it for sure.
The American right is like Charlie Brown and the football.
You called it!
I wish I had been wrong.
Me, too. I genuinely liked his song. He seemed authentic, initially. I suppose one could charitably interpret his remarks as civnat naivete, but I think it’s unlikely given his use of those two classic globalist phrases. Just the other day another site featured blaqs listening to Anthony’s song and nodding along, saying “Thas rite!” I wondered what that was supposed to prove – that innate racial divisions and conflict are all the fault of the government that wants to ‘divide us’? What ‘us’ pray tell?
And it made me think – if he boasts of turning down an $8 million recording contract – well, he must have gotten paid by someone else.
Damn, I’m tired of all the fake f***kery.
I assume his videos are monetized at Youtube and with over ten million views plus all of the royalties from iTunes and other online music sites, I suspect he is getting plenty of cash.
Moe Gibbs:
It’s not one White Savior that is necessary.
It’s many Whites on local levels.
Think Stand-Alone Complex, and cellular structures.
Local organization > random youtube celebrities
I don’t get burned by this kinda thing often but when I do… I admit it. Yep. You called it.
I just wanted to see a sign that they’re waking up out there. Anything will do, even if it’s some goofy kid singing his heart out at stuff he’s noticing. But at this point…we will have to probably go tumbling into the abyss of diversity and judeo-third world filth. Hopefully something of us remains in whatever clambers back out of that pit.
My concern is that this kid is another pressure valve, it gives people a harmless and ineffective outlet for their rage and keeps them from boiling over.
That’s what I thought from the start, like the “Try that in a small Town” thing, Too Much ‘exposure’ in controlled (internet social media) for it to be anything but Controlled Opposition…
However, what is the number of normie/fencesitters being Redpilled by them? The kind who “know that something isn’t right” but have yet to see or hear something that confirms that feeling? It’s easy to be cynical and point that EVERYTHING that appears ‘conservative’ is fake and ghey, but what if the attempts at ‘controlled opposition’ are revealing the level of corruption to more and more People?
The evil phuquers aren’t omnipotent. They WILL inadvertently clue some of the clueless.
right and they aren’t omniscient. the lizards have also told people exactly what they plan to do for more than fifty years. The signs, indicators and steps taken are obvious. So if the masses aren’t clued now they probably will never be.
Most people are fence sitters anyway. Some will jump in on the winning side and some will be collaborators and informants. It was ever thus.
Some people think Trump was also a ‘safety valve’ although the Left threw everything they have at him, so I’m not sure. You could argue it either way.
And there it is. I was waiting for the PR misstep, and with his newly minted fame, I was expecting a foot in mouth moment to occur is short order. My initial impression of the song was favorable (for it’s apparent message, which has now lost some of it’s zing), but he is dismantling the basis of his popularity already. I can’t say I’m surprised or even disappointed, as this shit happens, dare I say it, every single time.
Given the effort to turn the song into a 2023 version of that insipid hippie ass Coke commercial from the 70’s (the prototype for woke multiculti advertising, I’d say) with the diverse reaction video already referenced, I knew it was going downhill fast.
This simply reinforces the notion that we can’t have any heros, fake and ghey clown world co-opts then all.
Better a neighbor who will watch your back than the latest flash in the pan hero on social media.
Absolutely. And your observations regarding it being a pressure relief valve is something that is often overlooked in these matters. The typical conservative, by their very nature, is desperately looking for a sign that it’s all ok now, and they can go home and stop having to entertain thoughts of liquidating shitheads en masse as the only available solution remaining. Because that would be icky and mean.
Embracing diversity is itself another such stupid and baseless cope, as it attempts to remove the option of clearing out the offending population that is ruining one’s society from the table, by misguidedly self reassuring those who think this way, that some polite and manageable compromise solution can be arrived at. Well, bad news suckas. No such solution is forthcoming, and you’ll be forced to do shit you find unpalatable and unprincipled if you expect to survive.
Ask some recently incinerated Hawaiians about that. They could – and should’ve – bum rushed cops blocking their escape route. Instead they remained polite and orderly like good little jews waiting to board the boxcars, until they got burned to death in place. Well played, morons. Some of us figured this stuff out a while ago, so welcome to the party.
Ummmm… little jews going into boxcars? You need some major doses of reality yourself Sir.
Heh, get a load of this rectal cavity. Do you even understand that was an an analogy to demonstrate the danger in being obedient and compliant for forces who are working against one’s best interest? No, of course not. You saw the word “jews” and had a knee jerk reaction like your type always does. Gotta snap to the defense of your greatest ally, like some kind of captain saveaho.
It wasn’t even a criticism of jews, it was a comparative statement rooted in objective fact; they (jews) willingly got on the boxcars under the direction of armed Nazis, instead of choosing to fight those who were sending them to their eventual deaths, and possibly giving themselves a chance at escape and survival instead. For a better understanding of this effect, you should familiarize yourself with Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
But of course I’ve just knowingly wasted my time trying to instill some clarity in an idiot who doesn’t get it, because they don’t want to. So, stick to your preconceived notions, and then fuck off and enjoy your oppression, I guess. When your government is shipping you off to a camp, or blocking your route of escape from certain death, maybe the recollection of this little episode will give you reason to think. But I doubt it.
Big Cuckus D
Ramble on fat boy!
Whoa there. What are you on about? Based on your other posts here, I don’t think our positions and points of view are all that different. I do no cucking for the jews. I am routinely and scathingly critical of them in fact. Not sure what you are reading into my remarks above, but clearly there is some misunderstanding or comprehension issue in play here. My previous reply was to luke2236, who attacked me for (apparently) bagging on jews, just like a typical cuck troll. You don’t strike me as one who is fond of them either, so I’m not sure why you’re taking me to task. Care to explain?
Ah, I thnk I figured it out. You must be one who takes the position that no jews ever got on the trains or were killed. Ok, I’ll run with the fact that the holocaust story is full of holes and inconsistencies. Easily more lies than truth there, but I don’t have the facts unmanipulated by 8+ decades of revisionist history, and neither do you (unless you are about 100 years old and were there in person as a first hand witness). My point in the original comment was to use the (supposed, if you wish) railroading of the jews as an example of how to lose without ever being in the fight. The Hawaiians who were held in place by a police road block and burned up, instead of fighting their way out, were the contemporary example of this. So perhaps my analogy was poorly formed based on a historical fiction – though it was a convenient shorthand to convey a useful concept – but that completely overlooks the point I was trying to make. If you want to give me the big piss off over some petty shit like that, then you don’t understand how to cultivate and retain potential allies in the fight to come.
You misunderstood Luke’s response to your initial comment and flew off the handle…… with a bluster-filled retort.
Then you respond in kind to my quip taking exception to your boorish style, complete with an additional strawman argument regarding my stance (or lack of) on jews, revisionism and cultivating “allies”.
Being garrulous and simultaneously obtuse isn’t going to get you any back-watchers either.
Suggest we leave it at that and move forward with, as you say, what’s in common!
Alright, fair enough. I struck while the iron was hot, I’ll concede that. But I remain unclear on the basis for Luke2236’s reply to my initial comment, and on why you accused me of cucking for jews and virtue signalling, when I did no such thing; not by intent in any case. That you think I did means there is a misunderstanding on both our parts.
So, honest question: what dose of reality am I deficient in? I’m not looking for fights, just clarification. Would be most appreciatve if some would be offered. I posted what I thought was the reason, but apparently missed the mark with that too. I don’t care to be needlessly at odds and infighting with those of substantively like mind, so how about throwing me a bone here? Or is that an unreasonable request on my part? So far, only critique of my posting style was offered, with no specific explanation for why you and Luke2236 laid into me to begin with 048 r to my hot headed response. The ball is in your court, and I’d like to avoid future dust ups over misunderstandings, as it is counteproductive.
Your diatribe was going well until you cucked about the jews. Virtue-signalling ain’t getting you anywhere pussy!
I have to sadly admit that I don’t get here as often as I should. I also have to admit that I have not even listened to the guys song. I kind of knew that it would be much the same thing that the Try That in a Small Town song was, which I also have never heard.
That is not to say that I don’t listen to music. I am a sax player who was in a rock band for some time, and being born in 1960, I grew up with what many consider to be the best music ever, mostly because it is. But it is like so many here are saying, these are acting as a pressure relief valve and a distraction from what is going on in the country.
I suspect that it is playing into the liberal lefts hands in many ways. They are able to keep the rabble rousers content by letting them think that many others feel the same way that they do, and are supported by a lot of the government on the right. I hate to burst their bubble, but the Republicans saw what happened in the presidential election of 2020, which my state of Michigan and my own city of Muskegon, are just now publicizing some of the illegal actions. They saw what happened and still allowed the midterms to be victory for the Democrats not only federally but also here in Michigan, which has complete Democrat control, with the Empress of Lansing Whitmer getting a second term. The only term she should have gotten is a long jail term, for what she did during the first one.
As for Trump, I remember he promised to sign the bill from the Republican controlled House and Senate repealing and replacing Obamacare, which they had sent to Obama numerous times, which of course was vetoed. For some reason Mitch Oconnel and Paul Ryan didn’t send it to him. In fact, Ryan did just about everything he could to derail everything Trump tried to accomplish. People have to try and remember some of these things.
I myself am a one issue voter on the federal and state level, that being the 2nd amendment. I figure that it is not only the major issue that will give the citizens some hope of protection from a rogue government, but it is also a good barometer of the feelings on the Constitution the candidates hold.
Trump was fighting his own party as much as he was the Democrats, I just don’t think he figured that out in time.
100% brother! None of you men are getting conned by the social media (“hero’s”) agents of the tiny hat cult. Good on y’all brothers.
Thats Public Schooling for ya.
Yep, I am a lot older than him but I have been hearing that same Muh Melting Pot bullshit my whole life
I always assumed that ‘melting pot’ referred to Irish and Italians and Poles and Germans of the Ellis Island era coming ashore here as separate European identities and then within a generation becoming “American” in language, lifestyle and mindset. Never once has ‘melting pot’ conjured up any mental image in my head involving blacks, browns or yellows. They would be combined into the ‘money pit’ one door down, instead.
Re: immigration, my wife mentioned that in legal immigration in the 20th century, immigrants were screened for diseases. And, as you said, the immigrants of the past (mostly European) assimilated to American culture.
Now, today’s ‘immigrants’ (really, border invaders) are not screened for diseases, criminals history, etc. Many are carrying tuberculosis, my wife said.
No surprise here
Sadly not
Oh check out melting pot guy Physiognomy is real
You misspelled “rael”.
Damn, now that is a pithy retort. I’m gonna have to borrow that one. Where do I send the royalties?
Wish I could take credit, but pretty sure I read (a variation of) that in a Comments section somewhere. But I don’t remember who/where. Alas.
Another flash-in-the-pan numb nuts!
Two easy fool-proof ways to assure he/she/they are fakes:
1 – Hasn’t been banned or castigated by JewTube or it’s many mainstream/leftist channels
2 – Graciously accepted en masse by normies and cucks.
Again: The song sucked! White doofus version of the “they be keeping us down” bullshit.
It really wasn’t all that special of a song to begin with which made the sudden explosion even more suspicious.
Right again Arthur. I still like the reference to Epstein island though.
First case of nausea was when knee grows co-opted it.
Maybe he will figure it out but with fame often comes stupidity so we will see
Sorry, off topic Arthur but are you thinking about a blog post concerning the Maui fires?
Lots of crazy going on over there.
I’ve seen a few “Conspiracy Theories” (TM) about the Maui fires (directed high energy weapons) and reserved judgement until more evidence emerged.
I’ve seen video of the fires taken from aircraft showing a perfectly oval flame front, no surrounding forests and the flames were enough to melt metal (yeah, right …). Add in an official claiming that since water is sacred to the Hawaiians, then he delayed releasing water for 5 hours because of “equity”. Explain why the emergency warning sirens were not sounded and the homes of the rich and famous were not touched.
It COULD be all down to monumental incompetence, not conspiracy.
Then there is this …
However I have noticed that there is a worldwide set of themes among all governments that are consistent. The UK is pressing for 15 minute cities and here in New Zealand, this is reported:
The Government planning to introduce legislation to forcibly remove people from their homes into, you guessed it, 15 minute cities. Property rights (the foundation of society and law) are swept away and the Government takes over the land with no recourse to any appeal mechanism.
If the Hawaiian Government is salivating over compulsorily buying up the land that the homes stood upon, then it moves from “Conspiracy Theory” (TM) to likely true, just not proven yet.
Compare this with the response to Covid and the exact smaness of the government responses in all Western countries, the “Fifteen Minute City” concept, Electric cars, Globull Warbling and if the pattern isn’t obvious, then you are beyond rational help.
One, glad you mentioned 15 minute cities. Only person I hear talk about it in real life is my wife. She tries to talk about it with other people, but they are usually not interested, or just dismiss her as a ‘conspiracy theorist’ (I hate that phrase). In one case, it allegedly made a woman in her early 20s upset to the point of crying (her son’s fiancée).
I probably should but it makes me a little twitchy writing about it when they are still trying to identify corpses. The whole thing smells shady as hell.
Check out We The Kingdom’s song ‘Don’t Tread On Me’ — it says it all.
Listening to it right now.
The root word of diversity is from the word divide.
nuff said
We had all the diversity we needed before the 1965 immigration “reform”
I cannot stand to watch the lamestream news anymore. I feel as if I being treated to the newest version of Pravda, or the People’s Daily. I many times I receive more Intel from this site and others, than I could ever glean from the lies the lugenpress, ( lieingpress) could ever give. No thanks, I’ll pass.
Even “conservative” Fox News and Newsmax are saying the approved stuff. Not a day that goes by without Newsmax shilling for Ukraine or Israel.
EVERY main stream and semi main stream “conservative” platform is controlled opposition, and plenty of sleeper smaller web sights, too.
Anyone else notice that Zangwill was active in whitechapel from 1888 till 1891 before quiting his teaching job and going to the USA?
Oh man that is grand! Jew The Ripper, that awesome
No wonder they never caught him!
Envy is an ugly thing.
So is mental retardation but here you are.
Your comparison of mental retardation to envy only verifies your nescience.
Nothing changes until…..you know.
The guy wrote a hell of a song. One that affects all sorts of people – even the diverse. but now that you see he is not the instantaneous savior of all things, you think he’s shit…… first stop expecting your human savior to show up. second: appreciate any and all victories, and don’t assume or expect each victory to be the final battle of the war. Third: I bet you are also a “why vote? it wont save us…” person. Maybe it wont but if you don’t take the 20 minutes out of your day to do it when its time, you’ll never win either.
The guy who sang the song was unknown a week ago. He hasn’t remotely had time to process this shit. Just appreciate the song and don’t be mad at him or it because it hasn’t solved all the worlds problems yet.
It wasn’t a hell of a song, it was pretty mediocre and I said so from the get-go
JW for the win!!!!
Yeah, JW wins the booby prize. The skepticism of those of us who are now questioning the motives of Mr. Anthony are rooted in the odd little bits of information that are presently coming to the fore, and increasingly give this song and it’s performer the appearance of having been manufactured by people with money and influence in all the right places.
His meteoric rise from complete unknown to talk of the country in a matter of less than a week is suspicious to those of us who have seen this pattern before. With each passing day it looks a bit less like a natural phenomena, and a bit more “made for tv”. That is the basis for criticism and skepticism now being levelled, not the loss of some notion that he was going to be an “instantaneous savior”. His apparent espousal of civic nationalism is also a tell; but that is a secondary concern, in my mind.
In any case, I put my faith in no man, much less one I don’t know and just happened on the scene. All applicants for ally will be properly vetted to my satisfaction. If they can’t even stand up to that level of scrutiny, they are destined to fail.
Of course, If he turns out to have had backing (monetary and promotional) from the get go, while it doesn’t lessen the message contained in the song, it gives some of us reason to smell ulterior motives. The idea of a pressure relief mechanism is a sound concept in human psychological manipulation. Give angry people some new shiny object that resonates with them to grab onto. This in turn is used to instill (false) hope that things could get better, and you start to disarm that anger from being cultivated towards the application of more useful solutions. In essence, a misdirection ploy. Shrewd political operators use this tactic all the time. Those who implicitly trust, and fail to consider that they are being manipulated, keep falling into these traps, and that is why they keep losing.
Go forth and voat harder, arm in arm with your diverse allies, and win bigly.
I’ll stick with Discharge, Sex Pistols, Exploited, Sleaford Mods and only outlaw country made before the late 1980’s. (except for David Allan Coe)
Community? Commie horseshit, you are on your own, no one is coming to save you.
Apparatchiks and civil servant report takers will be saving themselves and family when the SHTF as it should be.
Decontrol, Decontrol, you’ve been shit on for too long-Discharge 1981.
Henry Ford eschewed “die-versity”, as did Vince Lombardi. And the venerable General George Patton. Homogenous of purpose often is reflected outwardly, and homogenous of purpose is a strength indeed for those that want to get things done. The die-versity seed was planted in corporate America in the 90’s. We now have a service based economy wherein the leftists have managed to get a fast food meal priced in the 10-15 dollar range…right in lockstep with their $15/hour minimum wage. Funny how that works. We know by who, and how and why we got where we are. Training up future generations to recognize “die-versity” for the genocidal death sentence it is will be a significant task. Looking to musicians and entertainers to guide man’s philosophies, morality and mores is about like shopping the candy aisle looking for nutrition. And whoever said “the kid is 30-not likely he knows much of anything yet” is spot on.
The more diverse we get, the worse things get. That is what I was trying to get across, that the idea of diversity being our greatest strength is the opposite of what is real.
That is exactly right, Arthur.
I wouldn’t disagree with most of the assertions in both the post and the comments.
But here’s the Big Picture: we’re fucking surrounded by the Enemy Left. At this point, I’m counting everyone between Catholics and Jehovah’s Witnesses as my friend. Don’t sow contention amongst the Good Guys.
Fair enough but my point is not so much that he is a bad guy but more to do with the tendency on our side to chase after the latest social media fad, only to be disappointed.
There are religious organizations of various denominations that get money for aiding in the importation of invaders. Endless christians are for their religion over their race, ie they care more about some nogs in africa, endlessly starving as they endlessly breed and will eat the seeds meant for farms and destroy the tractor and kill the White farmers, because they are nominally christian more than local Whites. And that is not counting all the communist and atheist left of various sorts, many on both “sides” of the uniparty who are led by the nose by hooknoses.
So many people are spiritually nonWhite in one way or another that they are not my ally.
I see you didn’t post my comment you pussy. Living in your own echo chamber pussy?
You scathing comment ended up in moderation, probably because the algorithm detected a comment from someone with a sub 70 IQ.
He’s the same guy even after the diversity remark. He made it very clear both in the song and when he introduced himself that he’s not talking about any particular race. He mentioned the people who make cell phones for slave wages. Where are they and what race? His universal appeal is what apparently bugs you. You want him to speak specifically for your view, just like Luongo did on zero today. Didn’t you watch the black reaction videos?
They guy has been there and seen how the common man has been screwed. He isn’t about race. Get over it.
Did you actually read what I wrote?
Had my doubts about this guy from the beginning when things started to blow up with that “song”. Supposedly he played at the Morris Farm Market (it’s a veggie/fruit/grocery market on the way to the Outer Banks, NC on Route 158) back in mid June, to virtually no one. Then played at Morris over the August 12-13 weekend with 5-6000 people in attendance? Saw a twatter with him praising Joey Bidet (could be a fake). His 15 seconds of fame will soon be up.
I couldn’t find that post of him praising Biden either, it was supposedly from Facebook and his account is suspiciously blank after a certain date like someone scrubbed it.
A CivNat. To be expected.
He is young and perhaps doesn’t know any better, he has had a rough life from what I understand. All the more reason for people to not run screaming after him like schoolgirls at an NSYNC concert.
You just know some ad exec at Bud Light is trying to reach out to Anthony right now.
I am sure of it, They are going to be all over this guy for about a month until he is forgotten.
You are a moron.
Thanks for that incredibly useful comment Pedro.
Wow, the trolls are just crawling out of the woodwork.
When I get a lot of traffic from Gab on a post, I invariably get loons and dumasses like that guy. I like Gab and support it financially but at least half the people on there are idiots. I also am confident that a fair number of leftist agent provocateurs who are sowing dissent intentionally.
This just proves once again that it is ideas and concepts, truths if you will, that we need to be holding up. The cult of personality model simply doesn’t work.
Well said
Time will tell. That supposed high dollar mic and the video quality had me questioning since his others were done with a smart phone
It seems like someone was backing him, the video wasn’t even released on his own channel but rather on some other channel which seems weird.
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I read your stuff from time to time,
Just a thought, why don’t we all chill, let this 30 yr old speak for himself. Out of the thousands of words he’s written or spoken as usual the “ Blog Daddies” gonna crack the code, teach us others what he Really means, what he really said, cuz we’re to fucking stupid to figure it out on our own.
Arthur, I’m ripping on you, for valid reasons. You of all the bloggers out there are more right than wrong. You have the patience the others lack.
What say we give the young American a chance to identity himself to us. Not make assumptions about who he is, what he is.
I’m sorry but the young man deserves credit for his achievements. just this morning I had the opportunity to review I believe his second song, something about WWIII on the way.
The kids got a gift, he appears to be able to write songs. Lastly rarely agree with even my closest of friends on everything. That’s the strength of our founding document,,,,,,,,we all get to believe in what we choose.
Think it makes for a healthier nation, a more positive conversation. A conversation in which each must articulate their position.
I appreciate what you’re trying to accomplish. In retrospect i was 28 maybe 30 before I finally understood what was happening.,I’m 67 now and I’m still learning daily about our past, more importantly what’s ahead.
Thank you for the opportunity to speak my mind.
Hey Dirk, I am not trying to rag on this guy only the reaction to him. I don’t know anything about him, and neither do his overnight fans, and that is the issue. I wish him well and hope he figures things out, but more I wish our people would stop chasing after the laser pointer and focus on what is important.
Over at vox there’s an article about how the washington post and, as vox says, a “literal rothschild” are claiming ” oh noes bro, dis guy is fo ree. Really really!l”. Classic.
Fake and vulgar to boot. Here’s another view with regards to this tool:
I’m not into country music, nor rock and roll for that matter. I grew up listening to classical music, played the violin while in school until I made the mistake of dropping it to get along with the cool(((kids))) at my new high school. Spoiler alert: they didn’t like having a blue collar goyim who did better academically than they did.
I have to give Vox Day credit for outing this guy. Most of the time he’s wrong, but on this occasion he’s right on the money. You too, but IMNSHO are right a lot more often.