It has been late July hot and muggy here in the Hoosier state the last couple of days and today is promising to be the hottest day of the year….

It was over 70 degrees when I got up at 5:30 and is still about the same although the humidity is going up. Stepping outside feels like walking into a warm shower and thanks to the neighbor’s hog farm, it is pretty gamey as well. This might have something to do with the high humidity….

That should hit us right around 9 AM. There are thunderstorms on and off in the forecast all day and it is supposed to be near 80 at midnight.
This is the kind of hot and humid weather my old VoAg teacher would say makes the corn grow so fast you can hear it growing if you listen carefully. It is tough on the livestock so we are making sure all of their water is topped off. On the bright side, the heat is supposed to break overnight and next week looks just amazing, lower humidity and temperatures with a few days of highs only in the upper 70s.
People are freaking out over the heat but it is always hot like this at least one month in July, it is summer after all. I also know that we are turning the corner and heading back to the fall and then winter, and the same people will bitch because it is cold. In Northeast Indiana. Like it is every year.
How are things in your neck of the woods?
Here in KC they are doing the scaremongering weather forecasts, “We’re all gonna fry!!!”. The 3 digit temps fail to appear, so they have to resort to the “realfeel” bs number.
Yes, it’s warm during the day, but our overnight temps are normal. I know what the real heat is like, it’s when I have to water the container plants 2x daily and it’s 90 plus at midnight.
I have been in KC in the summer a couple of times, that is a whole different level of heat.
Hot and dry, been near or over 100 since late June here in north Texas. A bit early year, but not unheard of. Basically, regular summer weather.
I might die if it hit 100
Its been around 100 here at 7500 feet elevation. Sun’s been a little spicy.
Nigga Puh-leeeze!
It’s been 104-106 all week here in DFW. Today is a cool spell. It’ll only be 100.
I went to DFW for a job interview in the late 90’s. It was during a geat wave, nearly 120F in the shade and media talking about heat deaths.
A little too warm for this Alberta boy, money was good but the heat was too much so i turned it down.
Yeah but come winter when it is 45 down there and everyone in Texas is crying about the cold, then we will see.
45? My wife and I were doing our late morning walk in shorts and t-shirts this past February on a sunny 62 degree day and the people we passed were in, no shit, parkas. Looking at us transplanted Nor’Easterners like we were the crazy people. Sheesh. “Texas tough” my arse.
Those wrapped up like nanook of the north in 60 degree weather are usually the negroes.
I walked out of a building the other day, and tribe was lumbering in. One of the dudes had a hoodie with the hood up – in 104 degrees.
I will say that nigras down here love them some hoodies with shades and a mask.
We have experienced a cooler than normal July overall and much needed rain arrived to the upper portions of the state. June was unseasonably hot for this sector with no rain and drought conditions. Overall the summer has been a dry year with very few days of any high humidity.
Not dry here, it has been rainy as all get out after a brief dry spell in late spring
91°? Texans: Hold mah Lone Star!
Deep South Texas here. 100 or better nearly every day for the past month with no relief (or rain) anywhere in sight.
I lived on Long Island for over half a century and experienced no more than a few dozen days in total as high as 100 degrees during that span. But we were surrounded on all sides by water and could always find an easy way to cool off. Down here? Not so mucho. Even the lifelong natives are bitching like little girls and hiding indoors.
I hear ya man. Temps forecast to over 100 for at least the next 10 days here in NoTX. 105-106 for the middle of next week.
My little veggie garden is getting hammered.
At least here when we do get some heat it is almost always accompanied by rain, the Amish gardens are looking like jungles and they are having some trouble staying ahead of the weeds.
These last two summers (we only moved down here in early fall 2021) have been vicious, even by Texas standards. But it’s been upper 80s to 90 degrees “back home” and all our former neighbors up north are melting in the “heat”. 90 degrees down here, with a breeze, is actually quite pleasant. For some reason, I can’t get any of them to come visit us between April and November.
Yesterday was the third and hottest 90°+ in a row, hit 96° at noon with 51% humidity. T-storm hit around 3pm and dropped to 80° and 86% ball sweat.
This is Cajun weather, not Finn weather, not supposed to hit 80° until Monday so all the White people that make up over 90% of the county outside Duluth can stop melting.
Taters, maters and punkins going like gangbusters though…
When we were in northern Michigan most houses, including ours, didn’t even have AC installed.
Here in Southern AZ, it was 90 at 6 am this morning, high probably about 110…But we had abnormally cool and wet weather for the prior 3 years, so no complaints around here….
Corn is a C4 photosynthesis plant and can grow at night. The waxy sheaths between leaf and stem can squeak if it’s growing fast. Fun facts.
That was what he was talking about
Eastern edge of the Virginia Piedmont here, we have had a relatively Cool Spring, stayed below 90 until mid-June. Now it’s a perfectly average July, 90’s every Day and Humid, with the scattered Thunderstorms that only cover rather narrow areas. Highest Temp so far has been 96, for just a couple Hours before a Storm. The (((media))) cannot stop talking about “Climate Change” and “Record High Temperatures”. I should have kept the article I saw a few Days ago, where someone had ‘found’ that the whole “Record Heat” meme has been generated by taking only the last 50 Years of “Temperature Records” so that the Heat Wave in the ’30s does not ‘count’.
I have two big Rubbermaid Tubs (150 Gallons each) for the Horses, and a Water Box with a Float Valve. I fill the Tubs and they Splash half of it out and stand in the Mud. When I take the Hose over to rinse them off, and then go back to the Shed, they will Grab the Hose to keep me there…
The Amish don’t seem concerned about their horses but we fret a lot about them and our cattle in this heat
Florida? Same-Same as it ever was and is… Low to mid 90s with a Million Percent Humidity in the Tampa A.O… Stella The Sausage Princess goes out, does her biddness, and hauls ass back to the AC…beats me to the door every. single. time. Even too hoo-mid for the doggo out there…
When we were in northern Kentucky it was too damn hot in the summer, we spent all of our time hiding indoors in the AC.
Beloved wife and I attended a June wedding in Fort Meyers a number of years ago, and it was so hot and humid outside (and so cold in the hotel room) that there was condensation collecting and running down the windows of our room such that you might have thought it was raining inside.
Wore a double-breasted wool suit to that affair. Stupid Yankee.
This week on the east coast of Australia spring is in the air. Its just starting to warm a degree or two at night and I’m seeing magpies with nesting material in their beaks.
Our media is full of “terrifying stories ™ ” about almost every last person on Greece & Sicily completely burned alive in global cooling / global warming, PROVEN naturally-occurring spontaneous bushfires totally caused by our eviiiil human-released CO₂ . I hope you all make it through the current anthropogenic Climate Armageddon ™ / Climate Ragnarök ™.
Ja, we’re gettin’ bitchslapped for a couple of days here in Southern NJ, about 10 miles East of Philly with several successive 90 F. days. Right now about 5:30PM it is at 94 F., humidity about 46%. Unpleasant, but not all that uncommon in this region at this time of year.
I was out working toward finishing a clear coating job on a newly installed 6’ white cedar fence yesterday, working the inside, dealing with covering not just the boards, but also the rails. That goes slower than staining on the other side where it is only the boards. Once you get past clearing dirt and vegetation on the underside of the boards that side goes fairly smoothly, and that is next for the final approximately 30’ to go, but I decided to wait until the weather cools down, maybe by Monday. At age 70, asthmatic, and with vexed air quality it can wait. All in the job was coverage of 1800 square feet. Looks really good, even the mailman commented that it was the best looking fence in the neighborhood.
Here in Sonoma County CA, 80’s this week. It will get high 90’s maybe 100 for a day or three, then the fog rolls in. Political b.s. sucks here, but the weather is amazing.
I’ve always hibernated in the summer – on the east coast where I grew up, all the years we lived in Texas, and now on our ‘mountain’ in the Ozarks. It’s officially 100 in town today, but we live in the middle of the woods, and our shaded front porch faces north – the thermometer there says it’s about 94. Lots of humidity, which is standard here in the summer. Another week or so and we’ll go back to highs in the low-mid 90s and lows in the 60s. As long as we have a/c (and our wonderful Midea dehumidifier) we’re fine. The hummingbirds seem unfazed, and the deer just traipsed by the window and took a drink from our pond. Summer is something to be endured, not enjoyed. Greatly looking forward to our first fall and winter here.
Here in Phoenix it has been truly brutal, with this being the hottest July on record. We are at 28 consecutive days over 110, and the last 15 days have been over 115. This week we had four days of 118 and 119 degrees.
There have so far been 28 confirmed heat deaths here in Maricopa county with another 250 suspected heat deaths. People who pass out from the heat or a medical emergency are literally getting third degree burns from lying on the asphalt.
Of course it is always very hot here in the summer. But in the 30 years I have been here I do not ever remember it being this bad.
Mid 90s some days high 80s others with temps hitting the bottom 50s at night with low humidity. T-storms most days after 3. Been a wet year so far. Year to date we have had a low of -27 with a high of 98 Central WY
It’s going to be the hottest day in 90 trillion years, I saw it on teevee.
Those 20 minute pop up thunderstorms cool it off for about half an hour.
Keep in mind – only a few weeks until pumpkin spiced latte season.