An important public service announcement for Jewish mortarmen and other knob bobbers.
From the article, emphasis mine:
The chances of developing oropharyngeal cancer are linked strongly to one’s sexual history—specifically the number of lifetime partners with whom oral sex was practiced. A 2021 study in the medical journal Cancer sheds light on these startling connections. Those who have had oral sex with five or more partners in their lifetime face a risk of HPV-related cancer that’s 2.5 times greater than individuals with fewer partners. Shockingly, this risk jumps to 4.3 times higher for those with 10 or more partners.
Running around sucking random dicks is bad for your health? Huh. Also from the article…
The stark reality is that nearly 55,000 Americans are diagnosed with mouth or throat cancer each year, and this number is unfortunately climbing. In a spotlight study from JAMA Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, a surge of more than 3 percent in yearly oropharyngeal cancer cases has been underscored, chiefly among white males above the age of 65.
Put the pieces together and it sounds like a bunch of old fags who polished poles on random dudes are getting throat cancer. The HIV didn’t get them but the HPV will. Another “health crisis” that you can avoid by not being a degenerate.
AIDS. Monkeypox. HPV driven oropharyngeal cancer. Anal fissures. On and on. Setting morality aside, being a sexual degenerate is bad for your health, mental and physical.
Rump rangers get what they deserve.
Eighties metal band Method Of Destruction has the Anally Inflicted Death Sentence song with hilarious lyrics.
It might be memory holed or removed from any reissued versions.
Found it:
Is this why they are indoctrinating 3rd graders now with “family-friendly” depictions of, among other things, anal fisting? May the perverts all die of horrible sexually-transmitted plagues of Biblical ferocity. It’s not like they were going to pass on their genes, anyway.
An issue isn’t that they reproduce via birthing and so don’t multiply that way but that they spread by molesting others especially the young.
They have to be removed and it has to be made back to the shame and disgrace homosexuality once was. Tolerance, inch by inch, got us to this point. It’s been a slow burn but they think they can now openly groom kids, and so far there has not been a lot of pushback. There has been some parents making a bit of noise at PTA conferences (and labeled terrorists) but just voicing a complaint does nothing. There were those armineans who threw a punch, but they shouldn’t have been let into this country in the first place, same with the muslims in Michigan; I won’t support an invader who might have a similar opinion on fags since they are still here to take from me and my kin.
There is a long way to go before things are made better one way or another.
That is something they really don’t like people bringing up, homosexuals replicate via recruitment and mostly among the young and vulnerable.
I’m not defending the fags or their myriad of diseases, but how much more likely are dudes to go down on women since it became a thing in porn?
I am suspecting that as the group most impacted are older White guys that this is mostly a fellatio driven thing. Men over 65 with a bunch of oral sex partners are far more likely to be fags than old dudes ahead of their time with the ladies.
I got HPV throat cancer after 20 years of marriage to the same ‘low mileage’ woman. I’d only been with a handful previous to that.
FWIW, nearly everyone in treatment with me were hetero white males, and the only ones I’ve known since to get it are hetero old men.
I think Doomguy is right. I think HPV is more prevalent in the cooch.
That is quite possible, the report doesn’t say and that usually to me says a lot.
Another reason to not eat cooch. As for the sodomites, over 50% have intestinal worms, over 75% have at least one STD….the rest of the “nothing to be proud of” stats say it all, we dont even need to bring faith or morality into the debate. It is an extremely unhealthy and destructive lifestyle. The benefit is, most pace themselves out and dont reproduce so its less and less that my kids and grandkids have to endure.
It is probably fine as long as the clam in question hasn’t been used as a cum dumpster by 3-4 dozen dudes.
Ann Barnhardt had a hilarious article outline the fellatio connection to throat cancer back when Jamie Dimond of Chase had his bout. Has to do with the action of semen in avoiding women’s immune system and things being where they should not be.
Another article linked this cancer to the jabs.