Our newest national holiday is another opportunity for black people to celebrate and take credit for something that Whites accomplished.
In other words, it is like every other day except there is no mail delivery and banks are closed.
Our newest national holiday is another opportunity for black people to celebrate and take credit for something that Whites accomplished.
In other words, it is like every other day except there is no mail delivery and banks are closed.
It’s been nice and empty at work today, so that’s something. Got time to catch up on some reading (and throw up some posts here and there).
As an aside, WLP’s American Dissident radio broadcast’s archive is on archive.org if you or others are looking for something to listen to while doing other things.
308 files so plenty to go through, a bit at a time.
bahahahahahahaah I spit up Dr Pepper all over my screen.
“like every other day but the banks are closed”
Saw a C-span segment earlier (Microsoft mind cancer blurb usually unpoastable) with Greta Wodele Brawner apparently fielding calls and some female asked why blacks, democrats and the like haven’t thanked white folks ( dead and living) for getting ‘all us’ to the Juneteenth mile stone. They sure know how to scrub and manipulate incoming over at C-span, but Ms. Brawner looked to be side ejecting a tampon. You been dropping some good ones on the X, Arthur!
The juneteeth assweepies can suckon the dick of my 8 year old stud quarter horse before I acknowledge this bullshit favoritism to the chimp way of life.
Blacks are still slaves to their masters in the Democratic Party, the same party that enslaved them before “Juneteenth.” Their owner, Uncle Sam, feeds, shelters and provides luxuries to them.
Now, though, they don’t have to work in the fields.
Kwanzaa is to Christmas as Juneteenth is to:
a) Arbor Day
b) ass cancer
c) Independence Day
d) metastatic ass cancer
Come for the story, stay fo’ dem comments!