A mass shooting in the news briefly over the weekend….
A mass shooting at a Missouri nightclub left three people dead and one in critical condition in the early hours of Sunday morning, police said.
Officers found multiple victims of the Klymax Lounge in Kansas City after they arrived at the scene at 1:26 a.m. local time (2:26 a.m. ET), the Kansas City Police Department said in a statement.
The “Klymax Lounge”? I took a little visit to their Facebook page and this fine dining establishment includes events like this:
Twerk Fest? I think I would rather take a few rounds than watch a bunch of morbidly obese black women shaking their enormous asses. The evening featured the melodic stylings of a local rapper named “Nutty Still Gassin’”, I am sure most of my readers are familiar with his work.
If you avoid places that host Twerk Fest and “entertainers” like Nutty Still Gassin’ , your chances of being shot in a mass shooting in America drop to nearly zero.
You can smell the BO, weed, unwiped ass, cum, cooze, and bananas from that picture.
Lucky for the music-loving community that Nutty Still Gassin’ wasn’t hit by gunfire.
What your not a fan of his songs ‘do it for a gram’ and ‘bigg madd”. -sarc
Looking around the people killed were all outside the klymax as the wrapper nutty was leaving and is believed it was a drive by.
I’m going with rival wrapper trying to kill the competition. The killed included the bouncer and some young lady. Third not identified.
Family of the bouncer mentioned he worked 3 jobs to support his son and step daughter and still lived with his wife and son. That sounds like someone actually trying to do the right thing.
Three dead nigs is news. When they add three zeros it’s good tidings!
Part of me still wishes that the chimps would improve their marksmanship and become certified “shooters”. They would be better at decreasing their own surplus population without really posing much more of a threat to those of who don’t frequent rap venues.
Xzbek – Remember where this is from?
“an Ape has killed Ape”
“An Ape Has Killed Ape!”
Rude, but Accurate.
The only reason Blacks don’t shoot well is because the manufacturers and retailers sell only the crappy ammo to Blacks while all the good ammo goes to gun stores in White areas, and Blacks don’t hand load because they don’t see the gear to them.
Here in Idaho all the guys I see at the range are pretty good shots and damned racist bastards, too, so QED.
Dr. Hollowpoint
“The only reason Blacks don’t shoot well is because the manufacturers and retailers sell only the crappy ammo to Blacks while all the good ammo goes to gun stores in White areas”
I knew there would be a way to show how this ties in to white racism! 🙂
well, we know it wasn’t a FF, considering the demographic and location.
Well, that bounced up in the news like a bag of sand.