About half an hour into the film Sicario, a convoy of U.S. law enforcement vehicles drives past an overpass in Juarez, Mexico where the bodies of people are hanging, mutilated and decapitated.

The people were supposed to have been killed by the cartels in a brutal fashion as a warning to others.
It is easy to forget because we are so used to Mexican migrants in the U.S. being gardeners or running taco trucks but these same people are descended from groups like the Aztecs, as brutal and vicious a people as ever walked the earth. For the Aztecs human sacrifice was a way of life, with some accounts of mass sacrifices of tens of thousands of people over the course of a few days. Mel Gibson’s Apocalypto is a great look at this type of Mesoamerican “civilization”.
Their descendants are the mestizo and Indian people of Mexico and Central America and while the ones most of us see seem tame, they are not all that way. Not at all.
Meet Francisco Oropeza. Mt. Oropeza is a 39 year old Mexican for some reason living in Texas and he got a little irate last night and did what any rational person would do.

The Hondurans living next to him, again living in Texas for some reason, asked him to stop shooting his rifle because their baby was trying to sleep so of course he shot and executed 5 people. This Mexican national seemed able to come up with an AR-15 as well as a handful of other firearms.
As the American Southwest fills back up with people we kicked out, it is going to take on their character. Drunk Mexicans with AR-15s shooting Hondurans will be the norm. The cowboy culture will be replaced and the people who cut the hearts out of living victims are replacing them.
My people will be squeezed out of the cities we built and in our place the black squatters will be warring with the mestizos that are swamping them with sheer numbers and cruelty. That die is already cast and nothing will stop it, not Trump, not DeSantis, nobody. Your mission today is preparing to survive in a world where the meanest and dumbest people alive, who also have been taught to hate and resent us, will out-number us and have the backing of the very police and military we created and armed.
It’s not a bright future but it is the only future I see for us. The prepared might survive, the unprepared certainly will not.
Juarez on the Trinity in 3..2..1!
A small group of Conquistadors easily defeated all of the Central and South American indigenous “empires”.
Motivated, equipped and determined heritage Americans can do the same. The danger, as you say, is our own military and law enforcement. They used to be largely heritage Americans, but now seem to have become like mercenaries who will do the bidding of their paymasters. They will be set against us. That will be a more persistent and more troubling problem.
The west no longer produces men like Cortes, Francis Drake, and Stonewell Jackson. Nowadays they spot them early, fill them full of ritalin and adderall, and give them a video game console. It will probably be up to us older farts. And we are getting older every day.
Those men will return. This will be a trial by fire, a smelting to remove the slag of humanity from our people. Look around. Look at these “men “. It must happen. Let’s look at this situation and these savages as our salvation, the salvation of our spirit and our honor. Only through brutal times can we return.
Those men will return. This will be a trial by fire, a smelting to remove the slag of humanity from our people. Look around. Look at these “men “. It must happen. Let’s look at this situation and these savages as our salvation, the salvation of our spirit and our honor. Only through brutal times can we return.
My suspicion is that we will see a lot more non-citizens being signed up for the military from Central America with the promise of citizenship to replace the dwindling supply of White recruits and these guys won’t have any issue with pulling the trigger on Americans. I might do a post about that very thing.
That was done in to some extent at the height of the Iraq War. I’m not as certain that they can get enough takers to make it worth the trouble any longer. The border essentially does not exist any longer and immigration enforcement is also nearly extinct. Illegal invaders get preference over native born citizens for everything from homeless shelter beds to grocery allowances. If they have more benefits than Americans do just by being here illegally and immunity from most crime, what is the incentive for them to enter into a contract for indentured servitude with our fag military? The “reward” of citizenship would be a demotion in the social structure.
To be sure, such a foreign legion would be a mortal threat to Americans, but I cannot see that happening without a much better payoff for the hired help.
The additional problem the military would have with such a recruit pool is the language issue and education level.. The modern military, even the infantry is a technology driven bureaucracy, The Afghan army largely failed because it was too illiterate to master the complex American weapons, maintenance, and process. I don’t thing most of these modern Aztec killers would take to kindly to being led by tranny 2nd lieutenants and black women company commanders found in our current clownworld force structure.
That’s Spot-On, Mike – the Army as it is, is ‘running on Fumes’, meaning that the last of the Intelligent White Men who can make a High-Tech Army “Work” are Leaving/being Driven Out. The mestizo ‘migrants’ will Not be able to use anything more Complicated than a Machine Gun and a Truck. You are also correct in that most of the Illiterate-but-macho types won’t at all want to be ‘supervised’ by the sheeboons and trannyfags that are filling the lower ranks of “Officers”.
I’m expecting that later this Year, when the ukrop “Army” finally collapses, FUSSA/NATO will send in the last of their “Elite” (read mostly White) units, and they will get Ground Up by the Bear, just like the Proxy Army so far. Then, the FUSSA Army won’t have many cohesive and competent Brigades left to use to Suppress a Proper Rebellion stateside.
The Mexican cartel armies already represent a standing force that has a culturally appropriate mission and command structure in place, as well as the motivation to operate against Americans in the FUSA with no regard for the ethical “norms” of modern Western warfare. In all likelihood, they will be operating in the American Southwest regardless of whether Washington wants them to be or not. They do mesh well with the theoretical requirement for a ruthless force of foreigners to take on the Unorganized Militia that Arthur envisions. though they clearly lack the loyalty to Washington and the central control they crave in a proxy force.
” FUSSA/NATO will send in the last of their “Elite” (read mostly White) units, and they will get Ground Up by the Bear, just like the Proxy Army so far. Then, the FUSA Army won’t have many cohesive and competent Brigades left to use to Suppress a Proper Rebellion stateside.”
Probably, if we are lucky. It is nice to see all that light armor with SWAT/Domestic policing utility being shipped over there and destroyed. As you point out, the cherry on top would be for them to seriously damage the elite force capabilities they currently enjoy. I am sorry to say it, as most of these guys are good men who only desire to serve at a high level, but if you cannot see where things are headed and you remain in that uniform, you are not really on our side anyway.
You are right about the Cockroach Cartels, that they are Organized and Effective at Criminal/Terrorist actions, but unless the .gov can get Control of them, they will remain a “Local” problem. What I would be concerned about is if the communists like (((Grygori Schwartz))) start Paying them (like they do ‘Antifa’) to make Targeted Attacks in areas that resist the “Program”. As with ‘Antifa’, the .gov is already to a great extent Ignoring the Roach Gangs, and Persecuting any Whites who try and Defend themselves.
Based on what I have read about the “empires” of the current invaders, I would guess the yoofs are going to have a problem.
Very sad that it is this way. But that is what ‘they’ wanted: civil war. Just not exactly as they wanted it to be. We can sit this one out, and pick up the pieces.
Feral VS feral.
Any bets on who wins?
Bear in Indy
Just stay out of their way, no one wins if we get killed in the crossfire
The Marines in Anbar were delighted to see green tracers engaging each other at night instead of them. To the extent that such a development takes down the hostile numbers of both, we should take it as a blessing. As you advise, in no circumstances should Heritage Americans take a side in such fighting. It is going to be a battle of attrition and annihilation. Save what resources you have for the main event.
I don’t know why, but I am compelled to mention PATCON. It fits into all these things. We would not be in these situations if we weren’t governed by absolute traitors.
Absolutely, and the treason goes back a long time before the Biden and Obama.
When I was going to college and worked at a feed plant, an older person mentioned in passing that if you were caught in Juarez when Jesus returns, you were screwed. He meant it in the donkey show context, but now I think if you’re caught in Juarez at any time, you’re screwed. The only thing I think is positive about a US military composed of Mestizos is that we saw their ilk at the Alamo and San Jacinto. Just catch them during siesta and they’re helpless.
You have a good point, but they are certainly capable of fighting well when they want to and they are properly led. Lack of good leadership is historically been their problem, living in a highly corrupt society. Despite that they fought very well at Buana Vista 1847 and almost broke Taylor’s army.
Well, I’m a great believer in, “Never underestimate your opponent.” But, I’m also a believer in, “Don’t overestimate your opponent.” It’s best to, “Know your opponent.”
Import Aztecs, get Aztecs.
I bet if some of those texicans put out a little vigilante justice on the border the invaders would think twice before crossing.
“I bet if some of those texicans put out a little vigilante justice on the border the invaders would think twice before crossing.”
And in Seconds Flat, every ‘agency’ of the fedgov and the Army would be on them like a Bad Rash.