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Just As I Predicted

When alleged leaker Jack Teixeira was arrested, I wrote in my post You Know Where This Is Going….

First and foremost, it will be the latest pretext to clamp down on even mildly right-wing political beliefs in the military. We can trust a faggot or a dude that wears women’s clothing or a dog costume as his kink but if you hold any sort of traditional values? It might be time for you to leave the military.

Right on cue….

The Biden administration is looking to increase social media surveillance, a senior administration official told NBC News, after a 21-year-old military member leaked documents regarding the United States’ involvement in Ukraine, which circulated on a gaming forum for weeks before breaking out into the news cycle.

“Nobody is happy about this,” the senior administration official said, adding that the administration is now looking to expand its surveillance to a whole universe of online platforms….

…The intelligence community is working on figuring out how to scrub platforms like Discord, the gaming platform where the documents first appeared, to prevent future leaks, one congressional official reportedly told NBC….

…In the NBC News report, former intelligence officials said that the intelligence community is now wrestling with how to surveil platforms like Discord to prevent future leaks. They add that while monitoring public chats is fair game, monitoring private chats presents legal hurdles.

Expect untold millions (billions) to be spent prowling the internet, Discord and Telegram and Gab, looking for people who are in the military and hold unapproved political beliefs.

In case you didn’t get the memo, the U.S. “national security” apparatus doesn’t really care about foreign enemies. To them, you are the enemy.


  1. Tree Mike

    Hmmmm…trying to be polite here…all I got is fuck those fucken’ fuckers, with a pineapple, at high velocity, rectally.

  2. Chris

    You are Correct, 100%.
    And might I add..

    No Amount of any Surveillence will Stop this.

    Like everything…
    It will find a way OUT.

    • Gryphon

      Not yet. “congress” has to be Dissolved by Executive Order, and a “State of Emergency” Declared. Don’t hold your Breath.

    • saoirse

      Considering all of the “fires” set since 9 11, they’ve got 75% of the ‘citizenry’ in the bag already. People will beg for their enslavement. Convenient lies trump inconvenient truth every time!

  3. Anonymous White Male

    Have you seen the picture of the “leaker”? He is very effeminate looking. Like, “I’m gay now, but I’ll become a woman if they try to put me in prison.”

  4. pyrrhus

    There’s no way any of this happened without the Deep State’s approval…this 21 year old is just the puppet on the end of their strings…

  5. rto-jerry

    Let’s see they can’t locate the Supreme court “leaker” but alphabet got their man on the Uki leak in record time. Bullshit!!

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