Potheads and libertarians (but I repeat myself) all across the great state of Indiana are big mad again this weekend as the Indiana legislature failed to advance a bill to legalize pot…..
To no one’s surprise, Indiana will go at least another year — and likely more — without advancing a growing number of marijuana legalization bills.
A House committee heard one such bill for the first time this session, drawing headlines, but it wasn’t brought up for a vote.
The dopers are all apoplectic, apparently due to the lack of herb to mellow them out.
At age 51 I have never toked even once and really have no interest in doing so. Life has enough pitfalls and distractions without getting baked to numb your mind.
Local news Facebook pages are full of angry stoners and stories about marijuana legalization tend to bring out some of the angriest comments. The same people argue the same thing every time, mostly that a) legalizing pot will somehow reduce crime and b) that Indiana is losing tax revenue by not legalizing and taxing weed.
The first argument makes an invalid assumption, namely that people who deal marijuana are otherwise decent people. They are not. They are just opportunists who see dealing as a way to make money without gainful employment. If marijuana is legalized they will not become small businessmen and pillars of the community, they will instead find some other illicit way to make money. Lots of petty criminals put more time and effort into making money criminally than they could by gainful employment.
Now, those who are in possession of small amounts and clearly not distributors? You can argue that they are not harming anyone other than themselves. On the other hand, we have seen repeatedly that ignoring low level crimes seems to invariably lead to worsening crime and “unintended” consequences, like the recent announcement by Wal-Mart that they were closing both of their stores in Portland, Oregon, no doubt a result of the decision to pull back enforcement of so called petty crimes like shoplifting, something that has led to store closures in other cities where rampant and brazen looting has made it unfeasible to maintain retail stores. So called urban “food deserts” occur because the customer base steals from the store at levels that make the store unprofitable.
When I look at states where marijuana is legal, like neighboring Illinois that legalized wacky tobaccky in 2019, we have hardly seen a drop off in crime. Three years of 700+ murders in Chicago suggests to me that the famous mellowing effect of Mary Jane isn’t keeping the fellas from shooting each other. I am not saying that legalizing weed causes murders but I am saying that legalizing weed seems to do little to reduce crime, especially of the most serious kind.
The second argument is likewise rather dumb, and reflective of the mindset of people who don’t seem to understand complex economic systems (perhaps as a result of smoking pot?). If the goal is to increase tax revenue, there are lots of way to encourage economic growth that doesn’t simultaneously turn lots of dumb, dopey people into even more dumb and dopey people. Reducing burdensome regulations, investment in economic development, on and on. It can be done and done without legalizing pot.
There are some reasonable arguments to be made in favor of legalization although I don’t find them compelling. Generally speaking, the people screaming about legalizing weed on social media don’t know how to make a compelling argument. Quit being dopeheads you freaking hippies and if you don’t like, no one is making you stay in the Hoosier state.
Dude don’t be such a redneck, you’re harshing my mellow.
Correct! Just look what happend to Colorado after they did it. Denver in now one of the most crime ridden citys in the country, got friends try to escape from there. Full pedocrat control of the goverment and homeless to rival cali. Nothing but easy money for the cartels and china in “legal” weed.
I haven’t been there in a while but I hear the same things, as well as other cities where the stench of pot is ubiquitous
The problem is that the pot when we.were growing up is not the same as today. The shit today is GMOd and massaged and tweaked to have a THC content of 80, while.the pot of rhe 80s was around 7-10%.
That’s why nowdays there are alotmod issues with kids getting whacked out and doing all kinds of stupid shit
When I was growing up in the 80s I didn’t know of hardly any people smoking pot but it seemed to get a lot more popular once we hit college
I put myself through college in the late 70s/early 80s as a small-time weed dealer, and back then, pot was truly a ‘recreational’ drug, no better or worse than low-ABV alcohol. You smoked, or you didn’t, and nobody really cared all that much. You mellowed, you would drive slow and careful, without crashing like some kid drunk on Jack and coke. And it did indeed ‘expand your mind’ just a little, if you were of an intellectual bent.
Today, however, the “pot” is so much more powerful, concentrated and effective that there is literally no comparison. I was out of the game for 25 years when I happened upon a vape pen of modern pot a year ago, and I was literally nailed to the wall by it. Ho Lee Shit! This is NOT the harmless doobies of my youth. I loved that shite when I was young, but the modern variant scared me stupid.
I tend to doubt that anyone stoned on today’s marijuana would necessarily turn into a homicidal maniac as a result. But I honestly have no idea how this stuff acts on the volatile, low-functioning segment of the population who are responsible for the overwhelming majority of our societal evils. All that I will insist is that it is NOT an innocuous, victimless indulgence, no matter what advocates of universal legalization claim. I really thought that I knew what I was getting into when I tried it again after so many years, but I was wrong. Today’s shite is dynamite. Avoid it like fentanyl.
Moreover, if you bought it illegally there’s no telling if it has fentanyl in it
It seems to be making a significant portion of the population that were already awful people into more awful people.
Personally, I don’t want to see people imprisoned for pot (for the most part), but I think those that use it are idiots. And despite the refrain that it’s safer than alcohol (dubious) more health problems associated with its use are being found. There is no upside to being a pothead.
I am not an expert but it seems that if you smoke pot it would have many of the same negative effects as smoking tobacco as far as cancer and emphysema.
There are no solutions for the scourge of drug abuse. Whether it’s legalization, decriminalization, promotion, or harsh punishments, it’s a shit sandwich whichever you choose.
But if the regime doesn’t legalize it (and every other drug) before they get rid of cash and introduce their central bank digital currency that monitors all our transactions, they’re going to have a hard time explaining how the illegal drug market still exists. Maybe they will just call assertions that it does exist conspiracy theories. That approach seems to work well enough to get 2/3 of the people to believe it no matter how preposterous the thing you are trying to make real or real the thing you are trying to hide.
So I don’t really think they are in any big hurry to get rid of cash, for that reason among others.
But getting back to mary jane, you and I will most likely live to see it legal everywhere in the western world. That’s just the way things are headed.
Oh it will be legal even in Indiana within 10 years, probably within 5.
Then: “Cigarette smoking just be banned, it’s causing cancer and makes me smell bad!”
Also Them: “Legalize weed, we smoke it UNFILTERED!”
Funny how the people criminalizing illicit drugs are usually the ones that like to drink beer and hard liquor. Many also smoke.
Be reminded that if you partake in one drug whilst condemning the others you’re a total hypocrite! Either ban it all or decriminalize it all.
Mind you I use none of it.
While we’re on the subject, throw in all the ‘legal’ pharmaceuticals (especially the psychiatric poison) that are as toxic as the crap the plaster saints love to publicly revile!
A typically illogical pothead argument that is repeated so often nobody thinks it through. Many people enjoy drinking beer, whiskey, rum, and other alcoholic beverages for reasons other than getting drunk. That’s why so many varieties exist; people have different preferences and flavor palettes. Ever heard a pothead say, “Duuuudddeee….I just smoke for the taste?” Of course not. The only reason to consume marijuana is for the intoxication and disassociate effect. Not so with alcohol.
Thank you for volunteering to be the prime example of the hypocrite I referred to above. One thing you can definitely be skeptical about is your reading comprehension. Bottoms up alkie.
My observations once pot was legalized in Washington State.
A crap load Of unwashed masses showed up getting high and smoking in all of our parks. You could smell it every time you walked by a group of these unwashed masses.
Then the smell changed and you knew it wasn’t pot but you couldn’t tell what it was. I run with a running group and one day we realized they were smoking heroin. They would wait for people with children to walk by and then blow the smoke in front of the children’s faces. The parents were oblivious to what was happening. We stopped them to explain what happened. They had no idea.
Our State now caters to drug addicts, criminals, illegals and blacks. Crime is out of control and the homeless encampments are disgusting. I cannot wait to get out of this State. Do not legalize pot.
The same is true in neighboring Oregon leading to a huge chunk of the state trying to secede to Idaho.
As stated by the guy above “MOE GIBBS” (love the handle BTW) but after Gulf War One, and all it’s ‘stupid’ me and a buddy of mine retreated to the foothills of the New Hampshire mountains… Farmington NH specifically… a small middle of nowhere location. We grew and harvested our own (by normal standards) pathetic herb… My experience leads me to believe that yep… the ‘good shit’ we were growing and cultivating “back then versus today”?
Oh Holy Hells…the stuff we had was so insignificant as opposed to the genmod of today? I’m not sure that they’d even bust us for growing the shytte we grew… to us? Back then? A nice mellow herb… by todays standards? I think they might call it catnip if they were being generous.
Spawn went thru a ‘weed phase’ at one point… me and Sapper decided to be the ‘cool dad and uncle’ mode…. We shmoked up with him and his woman… THEY were fine (as I guess they were used to retard-level polio-weed) whereas me and Sapper, by our ‘old school normalcy’ were left drooling…
We were ZOMBIES. Todays stuff is in no way anywhere comparable to the weed of my dissolute yoot.
And yeah, just to add on, Spawn has moved on from his days of trying to be a ‘stoner’ LOL.
Go figure
That seems to be a common comment, I guess I had no idea that they were genmodding pot but it sure makes sense especially if the goal is a whacked out, easier to control population that is less likely to start adorning spikes with heads.
I’m 71,from New Jersey, been smoking since 1977-no problems.
Anyone who lived in Colorado before it turned into Eastern California (and not in a good way) can pinpoint the exact day that Colorado started to turn into a $hithole. The day they legalized pot. Just as the above commenter stated on Washington State. The smell was everywhere, homelessness (let’s use the real word “bums”) exploded, petty crime exploded, places that had been safe weren’t anymore and the woods were full of bums living out of their $hit campers getting high. Since then of course, as others have noted, heroin, fentynal and other drug use exploded too. Turns out that it is in fact a gateway drug.
I”m sure that the “war on drugs” is just a cop version of the military industrial complex endless war.
But i’m also sure that a society needs standards. And around here we don’t approve of that. Of course it goes on behind closed doors. (so does prostitution, faggotry, etc) but society as a whole doesn’t approve and they make laws to enforce those societal standards. It’s just another way to tear down society.
On a personal note i have never in my GenX life met a pothead that was sharp, intelligent, and a added value to society. I have met plenty of functioning alcoholics.
Very solid comment, at least when I was in school the people using pot were almost universally losers.
Had a friend who was taking chemo. Had a port that they plugged into every other week. He would smoke a little to ease the effects. Only use I can think of for it. Maybe there were other drugs that could have done same. It did alter his thinking. I go visit him and he’d light up and he was most definitely a different person. Not in a bad way just different. You couldn’t really have a conversation with him after that. We’d just watch some sports ball BS till he fell asleep and I’d let myself out and lock the door behind me. Watched him waste away for 3 years.
You need to meet better people. I am 66 yrs. old, have smoked pot since 13yrs. old.
I have never been fired from a job in my life and have always been told I was welcome back anytime.
I am a critical thinker, (Why I come here), unjabbed, uncoercable and well read. Kafka, Conrad,Kipling, the list is infinite.
I learn about anything that can affect my life, a true thirst for truth and knowledge, my true love is history , but have read medical,engineering and any info I can get my hands on. Pot makes my racing mind relax, allowing me to observe things I otherwise would miss, small sometimes important details.
In the early 80s, working on my stepfather’s South Bend lathe, with no prior machine shop experience, I made working compensators as well as full length recoil guide rods for all my 1911s. Years later, I machined an aluminum roller bearing yoyo that was high tech and indestructible.
I say this not to brag, but do not reject someone as an ally, just because he is a “pothead”.
As a side note, a doctor had me on massive amounts of Oxycontin for a back injury and I had to kick it cold turkey on my own, took 2 weeks and have taken it since with no desire to abuse it. So much for the gateway drug crap too.
People either have an addictive personality, where the drug takes over your life, or you have the will to not go there.
Also, I had a lot harder time kicking cigarettes than the Percocets!
I guess if I let some quack “prescribe” something for me, then I wouldn’t be a druggie loser.
I have never in my life tried to persuade others to smoke it, and most of my friends did not.
I am a firm believer in Jefferson’s statement that: Your rights end where mine begin and vice versa.
I do not lose my manners,consideration,courtesy, or morals when I smoke, nor exhibit any of the ignorant behaviors that “potheads” are known for.
The bottom line is: If you are already a retard, when you smoke pot, you will be more of a retard.
I have found this to be the case with any intoxicant taken with no moderation.
Just an idiot boomer potheads 2 cents,
The main arguments for legalizing pot are the following:
1. A liberty argument – why should the govt. be permitted to prohibit a substance that is no more harmful than alcohol or tobacco?
2. A fairness argument – if alcohol, a mind-altering substance that can and does cause a lot of misery, is legal, then why not Marijuana?
3. A practical argument – legalizing and taxing pot will certainly bring in more govt. revenue. If it didn’t work, then why do states levy special taxes on liquor and cigarettes, the so-called “sin” taxes? Millions of people buy pot but pay no sales taxes on the purchase. The Marijuana growers and everyone else involved in the illicit pot industry pay no taxes. The argument doesn’t involve “complex economic systems” and is actually rather simple. These folks are going to buy pot whether you legalize it or not, so if you legalize it and tax it, then most folks will buy at an authorized dealer and the state will get more revenue instead of raising other taxes.
Those are salient arguments but that isn’t the level of discourse you normally get. I don’t find number 2 that compelling, the damage to society from alcohol abuse is incredibly but that toothpaste is out of the tube, but adding another form of misery inducing social ills?
Do not underestimate the goobermint’s capacity to phuck up even the simplest of things. So far as I know, “legal” pot sales do NOT bring in the ocean of revenue that was predicted, thanks in large part to the layers of bureaucracy involved. In fact, I think those states that have legalized recreational weed are net losers on the deal.
Sheesh. Back in my day, you bought a pound, invested in a box of sandwich bags, divvied it up into nickels and dimes, seeds and all, and sold out in a day for all-cash profit. Put a goobermint stamp on it, however, and five agencies have to wet their beaks.
I like your site Arturo. You often touch on subjects that I am interested in. I wasn’t going to comment but changed my mind whilst performing my Sunday morning OODA ritual. The sentiment expressed here thus far shows the State’s 100 year old propaganda campaign of fear and loathing was very effective and is deep seated amongst a certain group. I’m going to parrot Sersh on the subject and agree that the forces amassed against its legalization have interests that aren’t entirely concerned with the decline of civilization. Regardless of the legal status of cannabis, the State will always extract it’s pound of flesh and I’d rather that choice be left to the individual as much as possible. After years of the State’s failed WoD and the fact that it is often used to violate the rights of otherwise law abiding individuals, at this point in history, I’m ready to try a different approach. I’d like to hear more opinions on the subject from some of our group’s resident freedomistas.
Used to smoke a lot – tobacco, pot, hash mainly. Gave it all up many many years ago. Just figured I might live a little longer. Good ol’ Bob Marley died of lung cancer you know … wasn’t that old either when he checked out.
Another argument for legalizing drugs, particularly cocaine, is that it will stop enriching the gangs who have taken over governments south of the border and have taken over portions of our government. I recommend reading “Down by the River: Drugs, Money, Murder, and Family” by Charles Bowden. It was published in 2002, I read it a year or two later, and I’ll summarize it here to the best of my memory. Among other resources, Bowden spoke with cartel leaders in person and was allowed to sit in on some meetings in their organizations.
The book is written in two streams in interspersed chapters. One tells the story of a Mexican-American family in El Paso, and the other describes the immense flows of drugs and money across the US-Mexico border and elsewhere.
The Mexican-American family loses a son to murder. His surviving older brothers are in law enforcement, IIRC the border patrol and the DEA. The El Paso police make an attempt to investigate the murder, but don’t get far, and the family eventually gives up on the city police. Their sons conduct their own investigation, find evidence it had something to do with the drug trade. At the end of the book, they identify a Mexican family in Juarez who admit to knowing why their brother was killed, but don’t want to tell. The brothers approach the FBI, and obtain a deal in which the Mexican family will enter the witness protection program in the US, with a home and new identities somewhere in the US. The brothers present this to the family in Juarez and … they say No Thanks. They *do not trust the FBI witness protection program to protect them*. That is how riddled with informants to the cartels, they believe, American law enforcement is.
I think we can add the mainstream media to the list of those controlled by the cartels.
“Plata o plomo” is the real law, and it rests on immense resources of money.
I’ll leave this link here:
It is the UK but cannabis use is not harmless and the UK Police deliberately discount or ignore the role of cannabis in crime because … reasons.
I know from two personal experiences that it is NOT harmless. One, a University student on an accountancy course inherited her grandmothers house and about 2 years take home pay for me. She started smoking, failed university and her personality definitely changed, and not for the better. The second was my brother in law who adopted a 5 year old child that was feral – it is the only way I can describe her. She insisted on finding her “real” mother and discovered that she was a drug addict prostitute when she was 18. Now, cannabis affects the brain by dissolving in the fatty myelin sheath around the nerves of the brain and affects brain function and development in the foetus. My take – she was brain damaged in the womb. The effects of foetal alcohol poisoning are well recognised but the powers that be studiously ignore foetal drug damage and dismiss it. The adopted daughter died age 23 of a drug overdose.
Unless and until you are prepared to take care of such brain damaged children for the rest of their natural lives (70 to 80 + years) then it should not be legalised and any users severely prosecuted.
As for “lots of lovely tax”, why should anyone buy from a shop and pay tax when you can buy the same product tax free from your friendly local drug dealer? I know that in California the legal shops are closing because thy cannot make a profit for that exact reason.
Similarly, the “I smoked 200 joints a day and it did me no harm” – my Grandfather fought in the 1st World War from day one (he was an “Old Contemptible” and fought at Mons with the 10th battalion Northumberland Fusiliers) and survived without a scratch. So, let’s fight that war again. After all it did my grandfather no harm … Different people have different tolerances for poisons and just because YOU came to no harm does not mean that the majority of people will not be harmed either.
Moe Gibbs for the win! “Do not underestimate the goobermint’s capacity to phuck up even the simplest of things. So far as I know, “legal” pot sales do NOT bring in the ocean of revenue that was predicted, thanks in large part to the layers of bureaucracy involved.” That is exactly the case in California, especially the Northern part. There are a minimum of 13 regulatory agencies setting forth contradictory goals for a county permit and a state license. California thought they would need a fleet of armored trucks to carry away all the money but can’t come up with the operating budget to maintain all of these regulators. Regardless of how anyone feels about cannabis, take comfort in the certainty that the government will fuck it up. Most counties are one straw away from breaking. The implosion has been both spectacular and hilarious.
Potheads and libertarians
I am a pothead, but I am not a libertarian. And I bet I am the farthest right in this room, to boot. Regardless, prohibition and drugs laws are extrordinarily stupid.
“as the Indiana legislature failed to advance a bill to legalize pot…..”
As is thier right and should be repected. If Indiana potheads want it bad enough, they will move.
“At age 51 I have never toked even once and really have no interest in doing so. ”
How virtuous. But I would ask, have you ever smoked cigarettes? Drank alcohol? Drink Coffee? Do you take any legal prescription pharmaceuticals that people have the temerity to enjoy? Should you have faced death or years in pound me in the ass prison your choice of vice? Cigarettes, coffee, and alcohol, each have different kinds and degrees of pscychopharmicological effects. All three are addictive.
“The first argument makes an invalid assumption, namely that people who deal marijuana are otherwise decent people.”
How many weed dealers are in your social circle, Arthur? I’ve have been both a prosecutor and a defense attorney. I’ve ha clients that worked 40 hours a week and sold weed and I have had clients who would steal your money then help you look for it. One thing I learned as a prosecutor was how many professionals like doctors and lawyers do a lot of drugs. The reason you never here about them is because they can afford really good attorneys. A successful prosecution against a good defense attorney is very hard and takes a lot of work. Prosecutors are a lazy lot, so they are only going to pick on the poor guys. Another reason professional don’t get caught is because despite what drug warries may think, a lot of people can do drugs and be functioning members of society. When I ran a law office as an Assistant Attorney General, I’d guess at least 3 of my staff were meth addicts. But they showed up to work and thier work product was no different than any one elses. And by definition, if you legalize weed, there are no weed crimes.
” Lots of petty criminals put more time and effort into making money criminally than they could by gainful employment.”
Gainful employment where? Do you really believe employement is at whatever fake number the feds are proffering? Your average white man has to compete with a shit ton of illegals, H1B visa holders, and other 3rd worlders. You mean like a building contractor who has no problem hiring an illegal aliens but white menhave the fucking temerity to want to be paid an honest wage? Maybe you aren’t aware of this thing called Human Resources. it is make work run by bitches that demand that you “justify” the gaps in your employment. Have you ever been homeless? Only to look fo rjobs where “Minorities and women are encourage to apply? As a white man that has been thrown away in favor on illegal immigrants, I despise this line of reasoning. The reason why white men are killing themselves with fetynal is because there is little hope. Their country hates them.
“So called urban “food deserts” occur because the customer base steals from the store at levels that make the store unprofitable. ”
In almost every society, theft is a crime. In almost every society, it has its drugs that are acceptable.
“When I look at states where marijuana is legal, like neighboring Illinois that legalized wacky tobaccky in 2019, we have hardly seen a drop off in crime.”
Look harder Arthur. How many misdameanor drug possession cases does Illinois prosecute now versus before or any state for that matter? There is a drop off in simple possession because you can’t prosecute a crime that no longer exist. No one who is honest ever said the legalizing weed was some kind of panacea for viloent crimes other than it would get the cartels (that economic equation you were talking about) out of the equation.
“Three years of 700+ murders in Chicago suggests to me that the famous mellowing effect ”
“I don’t find number 2 that compelling”
I don’t find “well I never tried it so no one else should either” very compelling either. In fact, given how much the drug war, as opposed to the drugs themselves, has destroyed the fabric of white society, destroyed our rights, and enabled the atomization of whites (because Arthur, even though you don’t use drugs a lot of whites do, and do responsibly), I find it reprehensible.
The reason why Chicago’s murder rate is so high is because it is full of feral, low IQ, low impulse control niggers. Legalising weed wasn’t intended to chill the pavement apes out. Montana didn’t legalize weed becuase Kalispell looks like Chicago. Legalization is an acknowlegdments that drug war is and was fucking stupid because it did more ham than good.
So about that drug war on some drugs.
Prohibition gave us the militararized FBI, DEA, and local law enforcment we have today. Alchohol prohibition helped to expand the powers of the FBI. The drug war has evicerated the 4th, 5th, and 6th amendments, attorney-client privelage, and expanded the Adminsitrative State, and increased the atomization of the white nations. Nixon’s drug war that started in 1971 helped pave the way for the Law Enforcement Bill of Rights that grant police extra rights. All citizens are equal but law enforcement is more equal. Thank you warriors of some drugs.
The drug war gave us no-knock raids. During these raids law enforcement throw stun grenades into houses. Some times the law enforcment raid wrong house. And some times when they grenade the wrong house, a toddler gets his chest cavity exposed to the world. Thank you warriors of some drugs.
I’d argue the indefatgiable fellating of law enforcement by the Supreme Court because of their opinions on some drugs gave up the abomnibale Castle Rock v. Gonzales, 545 U.S. 748 (2005). Which says the law enforcement do NOT have a duty to protect you. Thanks you warriors of some drugs.
“The second argument is likewise rather dumb, and reflective of the mindset of people who don’t seem to understand complex economic systems (perhaps as a result of smoking pot?)”
You mean complex economic concepts like the Laffer Curve? So you’d have these idiot “legalize it then tax the shit out of it.” Congratualations, you are California. Only California could fuck up legaliziation. Where the black market still exist is because the barriers to entry for people who, despite what Arthur thinks, just want to earn a living honestly.
“There are some reasonable arguments to be made in favor of legalization although I don’t find them compelling. ”
I find drug warriors pretty reprehensible because almost all of them are hypocrites. They want their drugs legal but not yours. How many vehicular homocides are due to alchol vs weed? How many people die a year from smoking cigarettes? Aside from addiction (which I don’t share a pejorative connotation because I am an addict: an oxygen addict, a calorie addict), constipation, a going to pound me in the ass prison, what are the negative side effects of heroin?
One thing I learned as a prosecutor was that cops were much more likely to arrest a pothead because the sterotype about about being relazed is true. If a LEO had to chose between arresting a pothead and drunk, they will pick the pothead because it is much more likely that they will go home safe.
” Quit being dopeheads you freaking hippies and if you don’t like, no one is making you stay in the Hoosier state.”
It isn’t just “hippies” (do they even fucking exist anymore?) that smoke weed. If I could waive my magic wand, I’d compel every progessional that has to get State permission to earn a living (doctors, lawyers, engineers, CPA’s, nurses, etc) take a drug test just to show the drug warriors they are wrong that is just losers that use drugs. Having said that, again, Indiana should have every right to prohibit whatever drug they choose. As draconian as they choose. Michigan use to have a law that if caught with a poud of cocaine, life in prison. Vehicular homocide…like where you actually fucking kill someone becasue you are fucking drunk, gets you about 5 years.
“Today, however, the “pot” is so much more powerful,” … “Today’s shite is dynamite. Avoid it like fentanyl.”
Bullshit. Just because weak old men can’t handle it anymore is a shitty excuse. Do you do anything in excess like you did in your youth? Do you still drink like you did in your youth? do you still party like you did in your youth? if you at 60 drink a few shots of Everclear, might that fuck you up if you havent done it in years? The 2nd reason this line of reasoning bullshit is because they did have weed that was as strong. It is called hashish. I’d be willing to bet that in a couple of weeks, anyone who was a prior user, would increase their tolerance.
3rd, Weed = fetnynal. That is literally retarded. What is the median lethal dose (LD50 in pharmacological parlance) of “dynamite” weed vs. Fentynal? How many stories did you read this week about people overdosing on weed?
“nd despite the refrain that it’s safer than alcohol (dubious)”
I can imagine if Nick Cages’s “Leaving Las Vegas” exchanged weed for alcohol it would be a stupid movie because you’ll probably die from old age (or empmhasema I will acknowledge) before you die of smoking yourself to death. If you had a choice of having a 5th of everclear shoved down your throat or compelled to smoke 1/2 OZ, which would you chose?
” Be reminded that if you partake in one drug whilst condemning the others you’re a total hypocrite! Either ban it all or decriminalize it all….. While we’re on the subject, throw in all the ‘legal’ pharmaceuticals (especially the psychiatric poison) that are as toxic as the crap the plaster saints love to publicly revile!”
Exactly!!! How many Gex X’ers and Boomers on SSRI’s, Adderall (amphetimines), and valium(Benzoites)? The reason I am writing this long screed is the hypocrisy.
I agree with Vox Day: Most People Are Idiots” All drugs do is make them stupid people on drugs. They were morons to begin with.
“Many people enjoy drinking beer, whiskey, rum, and other alcoholic beverages for reasons other than getting drunk.”
Sure. yeah, whatever. I just read Playboy for the interviews. Look, drug use is a spectrum. More people drink beer than drink wine. More people drink wine than drink Everclear. Chewing coca has been around for over 5,000 years. Before America exported its fucked up drug war, more people chewed coca than do cocaine. More people do mild drugs like coffee than do heavy stuff like herion.
You make more from a pound of meth than you do a pound of weed, so the illegal drug dealer has more incentive to sell the strong stuff (yet another one of those complex economic concepts). Speaking of economics Arthur, what is the elasticity of illegal drugs vs., say, pencils? What do you conclude from the elasticity, or lack thereof, of enjoyable psychopharmacological drugs?
“On a personal note i have never in my GenX life met a pothead that was sharp, intelligent, and a added value to society. ”
Let me introduce you to Elon Musk, Carl Sagan, Edgar Allen Poe, Dave Chapelle, Louis Armstrong, Francis Crick, Oliver Sacks, and the members of a band called Rush…just to name a few.
“The same is true in neighboring Oregon leading to a huge chunk of the state trying to secede to Idaho.”
As someone who has lived in Idaho on and off for more than 30 years, weed is not the primary motivation for getting the hell out of Oregon. Local goverments are still allowed to forbid the sale of weed. Yet, The City of Ontario, Oregon (Malheur County) gave in after the tiny little burg up I-84 called Huntington (Baker County) opened two shops. I don’t know if you would count Bend, Oregon as eastern Oregon, but it has many pot shops. Now I am sure that many eastern Oregonian dont want weed. But mostly they don’t want faggots, trannies, pedophiles, Feds telling them how to live their lives, and such. They want people who break laws that are already on the books, like theft, fucking kids, rioting, to be prosecuted and to have a say so in their kids education. And this mindset precceded the legalization of weed.
“the damage to society from alcohol abuse is incredibly but that toothpaste is out of the tube, but adding another form of misery inducing social ills”
The toothpaste is already out of the tube in Montana, Oregon, Arizona, Nevada and host of other states. Which causes more misery, being a stoner (who may very well have a job) or being raped in prison?
“There are no solutions for the scourge of drug abuse. ”
Sure there is. It is called drug treatment. Maybe if we spent as much on drug treatment as we do on the lawyer/judge/cop/dea/FBI/drug testing/probation officer/prison complex, there would be less people using drugs than rotting in prison.
Bravo AZ! Excellent retort to the hypocritical credos and drivel posted by the Carrie Nation Brigade above and elsewhere.
I’m with Azfloyd on this one. I’ve seen a lot of folks addicted to one thing or another. For the weed smokers I’ve known, other than the hassle of drug tests, to my knowledge it never affected their work.
Ban gas stoves! Legalise drugs. You can’t make this stuff up.
Legalize drugs and make welfare illegal
Good for you guys. Weed was the rot that turned Colorado into Marxist Mountain High.
When I moved to America from overseas, there were a number of things which seemed to occur together- niggers, weed, more niggers, and the behaviors in which they indulged, with people making excuses for all of the above.