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Here Comes The Sun….

Do da do do….

A strange burning orb is rising in the east, one we haven’t seen in days as NE Indiana has languished under heavy clouds, on and off cold rain and intense wind. Yesterday I was driving my big 15 passenger Chevy van on wet roads and the wind was pushing me so hard it was making me slide on the roads a bit, causing the traction control to kick in.

I haven’t had much time nor inclination to wrote over the last week so posts were sparse and mediocre. The next couple of weeks promise to be more of the same busyness wise. I guess I should be grateful we don’t have more terrible news to talk about, at least not quite yet….


  1. Checkers Brandon

    Hydroplaning on those Northeast Arkansas roads. (honk!)
    Fun Trivia-IN rates lower than Arkansas on railroad crossings and Lafayette has one of the most dangerous with multiple accidents.
    They should get some taxes out of the millions of replacements.
    Oh wait.
    It will be green like Ireland before ya know it.

  2. Danny

    Ah I see you are noticing the weather comrade! It’s good to see you finally embracing “Critical Climate Theory.” Yes, one minute the sun is shining and the next you are facing the rising sea level crisis. Then a “winter blast” hits your community. It’s always something in these times of climate crisis.

    Of course, you would be safer in an electric vehicle — because you would not be able to get it to run in the cold! Never mind hunting for fowl any more — you will just pick them up off the ground after they have been killed flying into wind turbines! So grab your portable solar panels and join me on the long march to a “Green Energy” future!

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