One of the most famous quotes from George Orwell’s 1984 has to do with women.
“It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unorthodoxy.” — George Orwell. 1984
Nineteen Eighty-Four was published in 1949 shortly before Orwell’s death. If you could go back in time to when Orwell was writing 1984 and pitch him the contemporary college attending White girl as his model for women in the book, he would have laughed in your face and told you no one would believe that things could ever get that bad.
They have.
Jared Taylor has a great new video that exposes the truth: while things in general are out of control at our colleges and universities, in every respect it is women who are leading the charge of degeneracy and dumbing down.
Perhaps my favorite part was Jared pointing out that despite the charges of “White fragility”, it turns out that what we all know from experience is the truth: non-fag White men are the least fragile group in America.
Even more startling was this chart he shared from the Wall Street Journal….

The article also notes that there has been such a merciless push to recruit non-whites that college-age black men are more likely than college-age white men to be enrolled in college — despite the 15-point IQ difference between whites and blacks….You’ll see that at every income level, college-age blacks are more likely than college-age whites to be in college. At the highest income levels at the bottom, only 70 percent of the college-age whites are in school, but more than 84 percent of the blacks are.
Colleges are vacuuming up people who don’t belong there. That’s why they have to teach them remedial English and give them fake majors. Is it any surprise that the average IQ of graduates keeps falling?
It isn’t just you. College students really are getting dumber….

Even in the 1990s when I was obtaining my undergrad degree, the mean IQ of graduates was right at 103 which is not really all that smart, and today that has dropped to just about 100. Back then a lot of my fellow students were just plain dumb and had no business in college, and it is much worse now. There are still a lot of very intelligent undergrads in disciplines like engineering and the hard sciences, although those are on the decline too, but that just means that there are lots of people with well below 100 IQs in our university system. Even grad schools and professional colleges in fields like medicine and law have dramatically reduced their standards leading to a general devaluing of not just BS/BA degrees but also Masters degree, doctorates and even the MD and JD degrees.
At every turn you will find women at the forefront of this decline. Not because women are less intelligent but because they are emotionally driven and easier to manipulate on that basis. Pretending this is not the case and dismantling the social structures that took this into account, along with the flip side of men being civilized and less prone to violent shenanigans when they are married, has led us to the brink of destruction.
Current affairs remind me of the old joke.
Physicist was asked what happens when the unstoppable meets the immovable?
He answered, “I don’t know, but there’s bound to be lots of sparks and interesting side effects.”
The real shocker to me is 17% of male respondents identifying as gay. I could have predicted all the female responses.
If you think whites are fragile, you should see how blacks react the moment you say the n word….. feel free to use that line when opportunity presents, it probably won’t make you popular but it makes an unrebuttable point
Women in the midst of an emotional response do not process reason based ideas that are contrary to their emotion based stance. The obvious answer is to limit women’s ability to make decisions that change the freaking architecture of our civilization. Any mention of this problem or suggestions to remedy it inevitably draw a huge emotional backlash. Because of decades of lapping up the propaganda, women are happily convinced they are superior in every facet to men. The result is that a large swathe of female sex has been weaponized into a bunch of shrieking, arrogant monsters, ready to impart misery at the behest of those who aim to crumble Western civilization. What a fearsome weapon they have forged. Not even tanks have the ability to crush the souls of mighty men with the same power as battalions of prideful, unreasoning women.
Very well said.
There was a reason the Founders did not include women in the voting franchise. If they manage to destroy every last vestige of the Western Civilization, they will not long get to enjoy their imagined dominance. Real men of the Islamic faith and of the barbarian races, unhindered by Western notions of chivalry, will step right in to reacquaint them with the laws of nature. They will be shocked to learn that women and effeminate men do not make very good warriors when the game is on the line. Those of them that resist becoming property will be burned as witches. The natural order is harsh in correcting willful, cultivated stupidity.
Another factor I don’t see much coverage of is that for decades, employers have used college or an undergrad degree as a proxy for hiring purposes. It allowed them to bypass a lot of questions they weren’t allowed to ask in interviews. Supposedly, at least in the past, getting a degree required an ability to read, write, and the persistence required to complete the project.
Now that the institution of “higher” education is being gutted and trashed, that proxy is becoming worthless. There will still remain some smaller institution of learning, but the vast majority of it is imploding as we watch. STEM degrees, law and medicine will have to bypass the shrapnel of “woke” culture in order to retain any relevancy. What you have previously posted about the demise of standards in medicine is frightening.
The simple answer is that the public education system and the colleges of “Higher Education” have been instrumental in the deliberate destruction of our civilization. When we get around to building whatever is going to replace this wreckage, it will be crucial to ensure that education cannot be weaponized again in the future. The best route I can see is that taxation to support the massive public education system be be done away with. The notion that education is free and that society owes it to you is the root of this particular evil. Families with children will just have to find a way to pool resources to hire qualified teachers or homeschool their own kids. The current universities will need to be dismantled brick by brick. Any new higher learning or trade schools that replace them should be completely private and there should be no tax supported public stake in them whatsoever.
I like what you propose.
This right here.
A long time ago in the 1990’s, during the blight of the Clinton years, there was an earlier “Patriot” movement bent on restoring the Republic. That movement failed, smeared by lies and false flags. One of the great resources at the time that showed a lot of promise was the Special Forces Underground and their printed newsletter, “The Resistor”. It went under around 2002, but I was a subscriber for many years. The essays the Resister published 4 times a year were brilliant. They still ring true even now 30 years later. We are fortunate that some of them are still available on the Internet, such as this one on the topic of public education. I hope you enjoy it.
The Evil of State Education
This was published in the Spring 1996 issue of THE RESISTER, Volume 2, Number 4.
L. S. Spooner
While I attended college for a while, I did not graduate. Simply too busy working to keep a roof over my head. Nonetheless, I managed to work myself up to Director positions, where I’ve spent the last 20 years. I work with a LOT of people with advanced degrees, mostly younger than myself, and I find most of them to be complete morons about everything outside their tiny, specific specialty. It’s a sad state of affairs.
And eventually I figure I’ll be helping to pay for these morons’ student loans, on top of reparations for all the diversity hires.
But hey, at least I’ll own nothing and be happy! /s
In the US Army, I met countless sub-80 IQ females who had they master degree and just had they nails did.
They talked like my sentence.
The couldn’t compose an email, so when they’d send one out to they gurfren, she call back and they be laughin’ and talkin’ and evythang. Gurl cun’t WRITE it an’ fren cun’t REED it.
They wrote like this, too.
There is a certain critical mass of competent employees required on any DoD program that my employer, a major defense contractor, executes. The 80/20 rule certainly applies there, just like in every human group endeavor, with 80% of the productive work performed by 20% of the team. Figure, therefore, that for every dedicated, crazy-smart White boy holding the project together, there is a “support staff” of 4 AA/diversity hires that the crazy-smart White boy underwrites.
The support staff host incessant meetings, keep careful count of nappy heads and vaginas, abuse the work-from-home policy and cut so deeply into the bottom line that it is only due to the unique, monopolistic nature of DoD work that the company remains solvent. I honestly don’t know how anything ever gets done with so much dead weight dragging like an anchor.
My favorite tagline for DEI in my field is actually a rhetorical question:
How many women and blacks did it take to send a man to the moon and bring him back safely?
Naturally, this begs the further question: Why can’t we do anything like it again?
I gave a similar ratio in our command climate survey in the same Army unit I mentioned above. The commanding general, chosen for his advancement to promotion, advanced schools, and command obviously due to his richly talented skin color. In a feedback session he actually brought that comment up and wanted whoever wrote it to please stand up and discuss it with him, there, in a public forum. That was hilarious. It was really amazing to see someone that fucking stupid wearing stars.
It wasn’t that the 80 percent were bad people. They were simply way above their ability, directionless/leaderless, lazy, incompetent, lacking initiative, and able to hide behind others’ labor. Quite frankly, if half of those people were not there we would not have noticed any difference and perhaps actually been more productive because we in the 20 percent could do whatever they were supposed to do- and and we could likely do it more efficiently. This was the culture the institution created and kept alive.
At least half the officers couldn’t read or write at junior high level, regardless of race- but most of the disposable white male officers were able to. Depart that demographic, wander into Diversityland and the adventure would quickly commence….
It was quite a diverse and inclusive place. I would rather pound my own scrotum flat rather than work there again.
Queefy Karens shut right up when you do a mean mug face pollution in their general direction or a blast of insane flatulence.
They really freak out when you stand your ground with a please just stop.
That bull statue on Bolshevik Wall Street has gone to their heads.
As much as I loath the Islamists, I think there’s something to their sharia laws. Chivalry, suffrage and feminism put a successively heavier ball and chain on the leg of western men.
The belief that college degrees = intelligence is ludicrous, always was.
Most punks still can’t wipe their asses after four years of what amounts to propaganda mixed with a few factoids. A masters is toilet paper and the doctorate is bullshit Piled higher and Deeper.
Compliance with the scamdemic is an unintended indicator of actual intelligence. Take the flaunted IQ score and subtract 20 points for getting the clot shot and 25 more for each booster. Transforms a wiz kid into a lip-strummer real quick.
Regardless, the skills that will decide who survives the upcoming collapse won’t be found in some gilded juvenile indoctrination center.
Oddly, the ACT scores for each racial group seem to be mostly unchanged over decades.