Dilbert creator Scott Adams has apparently rustled some jimmies as it were because of some comments he made in a video a few days ago.
What did he say? I will let you listen for yourself if you prefer, the pertinent section of the video starts at around 13:21:
The basic gist of what Scott is saying has to do with a Rasmussen poll that asks a few questions, one being “It’s OK to be White?”. The response:
Scott combines the “no” and “not sure” responses and that is the correct method. If you were to ask me “Is it OK to be black” and I said “not sure”, that would be branded as hate speech. So yes, almost half of blacks polled didn’t really think it is OK to be White. In other words, our very existence is not acceptable to them. Scott’s solution is a familiar one: Just get away.
“If nearly half of all Blacks are not okay with White people – according to this poll, not to me – that’s a hate group,” Adams said during his “Coffee with Scott Adams” vlog, referring to a Rasmussen poll published this week. “That’s a hate group, and I don’t want anything to do with them.”
“And I would say, based on the current way things are going, the best advice I can give to White people is to get the hell away from Black people,” he continued, adding, “There is no fixing this … you just have to escape,” which he said was why he moved to his current neighborhood that has “a very low Black population.”….
….”I’m going to back off from being helpful to Black America because it doesn’t seem like it pays off,” Adams said. “The only outcome is I get called a racist … it makes no sense to help Black Americans if you’re White. It’s over. Don’t think it’s worth trying.”
Well no shit Scott. People on /ourside/ figured this out a long time ago. John Derbyshire was fired from National Review back in 2012 for this post: The Talk: Nonblack Version, not because what John said was inaccurate but because it tarnished the cucked reputation of National Review and their vaunted illusion of intellectualism. Derb’s advice is rock solid….
..this is advice most of us already well acquainted with. The rules are simple and while you can violate them and get away with it for a long time, all too many Whites ignore the rules and pay with their life or at least serious injury. Being around blacks is just an added hazard to avoid. While OI’ Remus advised to avoid crowds, we all know that is especially true when a crowd contains more than zero blacks.
Scott also seems to be, as he says, “over it” when it comes to the daily social media videos of blacks assaulting Whites. Again, welcome to the party pal. It isn’t just racist White supremacist literal Nazis like me that know this. Most blacks also know it. That is why LeBron James lives in 1.2% black Brentwood and Dave Chappelle lives in a rural, mostly White area and why the Obama’s bought a mansion on lily White (93%) Martha’s Vineyard. NBA star Stephen Curry lives in Atherton, California (1.7% black), America’s most expensive zip code and recently had a fit about a proposed apartment building in his neighborhood because it might bring undesirables (iow his fellow blacks).
Have you ever heard of a successful black moving to an all black neighborhood? I am sure it happens but in general the first thing that a black guy does when he makes it rich is to move himself and his mama out of the ‘hood and into a White neighborhood.
I have never cared much for Scott Adams but he is one of the highest profile conservative normies to say what they are all thinking but are afraid to say. Scott will be disavowed by most “conservatives” but that disavowal should be worn as a badge of honor. We will see if he sticks with this but it’s a good start.
Hopefully, many more normies will wake up also.
People are starting to really notice all of the videos of black on White assaults
Damn that boy is slow. Been the rule since at least the 60s.
We’ll see if he’s really changed his spots or just spouting what he thinks is the latest thing.
Better late than never
Wonder how long he’ll have to enjoy his “outlaw yet vaxxed” status until suddenly…
You mean like the (((tribesman))) over at gunfreezone.net lol. I had stopped giving them the time of day years ago bit hearing they freaked out over purebloods made me laugh pretty hard
You mean like the (((tribesman))) over at gunfreezone.net lol. I had stopped giving them the time of day years ago but hearing they freaked out over purebloods made me laugh pretty hard
How long before this normie is raked over the coals by the jew media, SPLC, BLM etc?
How long before he recants because his fortune and good standing in polite society mean more than his integrity and honor?
He seems to be doubling down but you know how They can work someone famous over
Here’s hoping that Scott Adams has the stones to not only weather this storm but refuse to grovel like all the others before him. Hopefully he is savvy enough to know that even if he does recant/circle back/grovel like Don Imus he will never be forgiven and never return to the place he was before he posted his rant.
So far as I know, only the Derb has held his ground without groveling.
Hmmm…Derb, Scott Adams, Bernie Goetz. Scrawny milquetoast White guys all. Maybe we are witnessing a slowly evolving Revenge of the White Nerds movement. What’s Weird Al up to these days?
Arthur: As you said re Adams, “No Shit Sherlock.” I can’t say he’s ever been a hero of mine – I’ve read the odd Dilbert comic but am not a follower. I’ve read elsewhere of his vacillating on the clot shot and final admission he was wrong. Again, all this from the distance of just not knowing or caring much about him. I still maintain my disinterest.
The issue here, for me, is not just IF he caves, but if he doesn’t, does he have sufficient money in a safe enough and self-controlled form/place to insulate him from the extent of the cancelling? If the bank decides it cannot possibly maintain a rayciss account, or if funds suddenly disappear? Has he planned ahead sufficiently to insulate him from all attack vectors? From various former bloggers who’ve been cancelled, I know they will come after his friends and relatives – including young children (I seem to recall the former blogger In Mala Fide had them attack his young nieces and nephews). Has he prepared his extended family for this? Are his friends prepared to stand by him? The financial and social consequences will be far reaching. I don’t believe he realizes just how far they will go to break him. I also don’t believe most people are mentally and emotionally strong enough to withstand the social excoriation.
Consider him a test case.
OT – Arthur, you used to have a link on your sidebar for quick messaging direct to you, separate and apart from your blog comments. Where did that go? I want to point out that a comment I posted earlier today on another account has not appeared, and is likely caught in moderation.
The new meme format with Scott in various poses (shrug, point, etc) overlaid on roid news like a Kilroy Was Here are absolutely hilarious.
Soft weak and stupid societies can’t handle the truth or anything that isn’t “official” narrative lameassery.
I support adams. he is exactly correct, and everyone knows it. they just don’t like that he brought it up. kind of like affirmative action. everyone knows that affirmative action discriminates against whites for less qualified blacks. we’re just not supposed to say it. I think it’s time for whites to start stating the obvious.
The Derb is not wrong, but the Truth is a revolutionary act.