The long awaited braced pistol ban hit this afternoon, I haven’t had time to dig into it but others of course have and I trust Mr. Gunsngear to give the straight deal.
The long awaited braced pistol ban hit this afternoon, I haven’t had time to dig into it but others of course have and I trust Mr. Gunsngear to give the straight deal.
I understand that the atf can’t make law but in this case isn’t the current “law” of a sub16” barrel with a “pistol brace” being classified as non SBR the result of a similar administrative action, I.e. an enforcement guidance memorandum?
IOW, all these “pistols” that are not tax stamp SBRs only came into existence through a previous interpretation precedent and NOT an act of Congress to redefine the SBR per the NFA (or Constitutional Supreme Court ruling)
So why would a reversal of interpretation precedent be less “legal” than the original precedent? This seems off the mark.
There has always been a danger to relying upon administrative fiat legal precedent as there is risk in both interpretation and in the burden of defense should you get selected for such an interpretation.
Of course now that this precedent is being rolled back there is a lot of prior de facto precedent to rely upon but this would be adjudicated as part of a criminal proceeding (outside of some other over arching class actions) which is not where any of us want to find ourselves.
The problem is the NFA. Like so much of our bloated empire of paper, until the Constitution is restored as the highest law and precedent established as a function of that, we will continually be subject to these federal “felony” put options where they have felony lawfare/threatpoints over most of us just waiting to flip the switch. See also the IRS. Or the multitude of state v federal discord. Like “legal cannabis”.
This is the model of fedgov. More reason to create layers of physical and legal separation between us and them with each passing day.
The fight shouldn’t be whether the ATF can interpret the NFA, but whether the NFA is Constitutional at all in its entirety. Which it is not, and never has been.
You nailed it hear sir!! “The problem is the NFA. Like so much of our bloated empire of paper, until the Constitution is restored as the highest law and precedent established as a function of that, we will continually be subject to these federal “felony” put options where they have felony lawfare/threatpoints over most of us just waiting to flip the switch. See also the IRS. Or the multitude of state v federal discord. Like “legal cannabis”.
This is the model of fedgov. More reason to create layers of physical and legal separation between us and them with each passing day.” Why i cheer on the rapid free fall decline of the empire.
Banana Republic. Hilarious it came right after the bump stock reversal.
They do this purposely. It’s flaunting power; the administration did the same with some covid related shit even though it knew it was unconstitutional and would be struck down later. It makes gains now that are harder to walk back, and there are states ignoring the supreme court’s rulings on guns like NY.
People still think we can vote our way out, and that cops are on our side rather than system enforcers, “just following orders”. They will be the ones going door-to-door, not just the handful of ATF agents that are far outnumbered.
It’s getting hairier fast and everyone should be getting as much done as possible asap to prepare if not already ready, and people can still use this time to train and make connections with likeminded fellows.
It just might boil over a lot sooner than later.
Anon hit it right on.
Another non-Constitutional ‘regulation’ presented as “law”. It remains to be seen how, or If, they try to ‘Enforce’ it before the Inevitable Court Cases, including a very possible Injunction. IMO, if they start running Television and Radio ads “Reminding” or “Urging” people to “Register their Guns” (it’s just a Tax, Really, they might say) that would indicate that they plan to try “Active Enforcement” instead of just having it as another “Added Felony Charge” to something like Jaywalking.
Their problem with trying to “Make an Example of Some, to Encourage the Others” might at this point in Time, backfire on them with unpredictable (and Dynamic) results. What happens, from a political/P.R. standpoint, when a Family is Murdered in the middle of the Night, or a “Raid goes Bad” when they run into the Deranged Vietnam Vet who still has some Stuff he ‘borrowed’ from Big Green, and a bunch of thugpigs get ‘Baconated’.
We are getting very Close to the point where the ‘government’ no longer cares about the Constitution and thinks they can do Whatever the F. it wants, and the People who just won’t sit still and Take It any more…
I wonder if the pistol length tubes on AR15 pistols are still ok? Not a rifle or carbine length, but a pistol length tube that you cannot practically shoulder. and attach a single point sling on the rear of it.
My friend, we have to quit worrying about a dead letter “constitution “, it’s not applicable any longer. Elections, congress, “supreme court” “call or write your representative “, lol cmon man!
We need to move into a new frame of mind, of thought, stop with this thank you for your service bullshit, enough! We’re really need to get into a new frame of mind moving forward. what you knew no longer applies.