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Well, Indiana Had A Good Run…

…but I don’t know how we can carry on after this devastating blow.

The National Conference of African American Librarians will not hold its annual event in Indianapolis this year after deeming the city “an inhospitable location” due to the actions of the Indianapolis Public Library Board.

“The actions of the Indianapolis Public Library Board are a reflection of what happens within our profession, where hardworking, talented and qualified people are used to clean up messes, fix problems and to just be seen enough that a diversity is ticked without any substantive change,” a Friday news release from the convention’s planning committee said.

What is this “controversy”? Well the prior CEO of the Indianapolis Public Library, Jackie Nytes, was forced out because of, you guessed it, “racism” and an interim CEO was named to hold the fort while they looked for a new permanent CEO. The interim CEO is a wahmen of colour named Nichelle Hayes. Brace yourself, here she is in all of her Hutt-esque glory. I hope you haven’t eaten recently.

Oh the humanity or oh the huge manatee.

The search committee selected an apparently solid candidate, one Gabriel Morley from New Orleans, but he subsequently declined to take the role, also because of the “controversy”. So now Indianapolis is losing the enormous economic boon of hosting The National Conference of African American Librarians at the Hilton Indianapolis Hotel & Suites. I checked their website and the largest room potentially holds 500 people but no word if that was the room they were using or if they had multiple event rooms. The hotel will hopefully whack them with penalties for cancelling the event so the only outfits that will lose out in Indianapolis are restaurants like IHOP, Popeyes and Golden Corral, assuming all of the would-be conventioneers are as corpulent as Nichelle Hayes.

Ms. Hayes was the “interim” CEO, basically a placeholder, while a new CEO was selected. Interim means what it says, as we see from

When a head coach is fired, it is common for an assistant coach to be appointed as the interim coach while the search is carried out for a new head coach. No one assumes that the interim coach is going to become the new head coach. Sometimes it does but far more often the interim head coach is selected from one of the existing coaches because he is familiar with the team, not because he is the best choice to lead the team permanently. The same appears to be the case here. The library board “doubled down” on their decision after the backlash: 4 library board members detail why they won’t hire Nichelle Hayes as CEO

The key justification that board members gave for their choice was that Hayes was not qualified despite having served eight months as the library’s interim CEO last year, up until the point that Morley was offered the permanent job. The board members said Hayes served as interim CEO in a “caretaker capacity,” with no promises that she would become the permanent CEO.

“It is also important to note that the level of experience and skills required to serve as Interim CEO are quite different from those the Trustees sought in a permanent CEO,” the letter stated. “While many have assumed that having the capacity to act as Interim CEO is a de facto illustration of having the necessary skills and experience to act as a permanent CEO, this is not the case. The Trustees were willing to accept an Interim CEO with far less managerial, leadership, and fiscal oversight skill and experience than that expected of a permanent CEO at an institution as large as the Library.”

Exactly right, an interim CEO would be selected for the sake of continuity, not because they were qualified. On the other hand Dr. Gabriel Morley seems to be quite qualified for this role according to the press release from the Indianapolis Public Library:

Morley has served as the leader of libraries in Atlanta, New Orleans and elsewhere, with experience ranging from small institutions to college libraries to large urban library systems. He earned his master’s in Library Science and a doctorate in Adult Education from the University of Southern Mississippi. Morley served as executive director of the Atlanta-Fulton Public Library System, has managed significant budgets, and overseen strategic planning, building projects, and capital campaigns.

Those are the sort of qualifications you would look for in a large urban library system CEO while Nichelle Hayes holds a MLS rather than a doctorate. But Morley was “not welcome in Indianapolis”…..

A lead organizer for the petition, DePauw University education professor Derek Ford, said this is a resounding victory for the community.

“It’s clear Morley listened to what the community was saying, and he was not welcome here,” Ford told IndyStar.

According to Derek Ford of DePauw university, Gabriel Morley was not welcome here. Huh, there are none so intolerant as the loudest voices calling for tolerance. Mr. Ford is totally serious dude, as you can see from this picture at the top of his website. See, he doesn’t capitalize his name because capitalization is a tool of White supremacists. What a rad skater dude academic!

Keeping in mind that this guy teaches in “education studies”, teaching classes at DePauw like EDUC 170: Foundations of education and the all important EDUC 197: We can’t breathe: Identity, capitalism, and air conditions. He also has on his website links to lots of his super important and serious articles like: Queer communist study: The sinthomostudier against the capital-debt-learning regime. No, I am not making that up although he did make up the word “sinthomostudier” because I guess he thinks it sounds cool and edgy. You should read the description at the link, it is a glorious nonsensical woke word salad like this:

Through mining and explicating Edelman’s dispersed notes on education and pedagogy, I formulate the practice of sinthomostudying, which paradoxically situates us within the gap of identity and the internal surplus of the Symbolic order. The jouissance of sinthomostudying opens up a world of potentiality, but these potentialities do not necessarily stand in antagonism to the capital-debt-learning regime.

There isn’t an ounce of actual thought there, it is completely meaningless gobbledygook. It’s like he has a bunch of slips of paper with woke slogans and he pulled them out of a hat at random and typed them up as if they are meaningful. Communism, Marxism and faggotry are frequent topics of his super serious writing. You wonder why public schools are a mess? Look at faggots like “derek r. ford” teaching future teachers and you can figure it out.

If you would like to reach out to Mr. Ford and congratulate him for declaring a Gabriel Morley unwelcome in the city of Indianapolis, you may reach him at these publicly available means found at the DePauw university website: Phone: 765-658-4370 and email:

Also keep in mind that public libraries are among the most woke institutions in the country, even in Indianapolis. Just recently Kirk Cameron was at the downtown Indy library to read his new Christian kids book, in stark contrast to drag queen story hours. Some outlets reported that around 2500 people attended but the Indianapolis Public Library claimed otherwise, apparently outraged that people showed up to a kids book read by a non-degenerate:

Indianapolis Public Library disputes large attendance estimate for Kirk Cameron’s Christian children’s book reading: ‘We’ve had bigger events’

One might reason that a public library would be thrilled by a huge crowd showing up for an event at its location, particularly when kids are part of the throng. You’re talking about many potential brand-new book borrowers, the possibility of numerous return visits, and more foot traffic — all of which may equal greater interest in the library.

But the Indianapolis Public Library seems none too pleased about an attendance estimate for Kirk Cameron’s reading of his God-focused children’s book “As I Grow,” which took place there Thursday.

So if a woke institution like the Indianapolis Public Library chose to not hire a fat black woman, she must be incredibly unqualified. To be fair, the Indy Star did report on her incredible “accomplishments”.

Under Hayes’ leadership as interim CEO, she led progress on the library’s climate improvement plan, including increasing diversity training and instituting an anonymous employee grievance tool, according to a Dec. 8 library media release.

More time for employees to spend in “diversity training” to tell them what they already believe. Wow, that does so much for improving the service the library provides the community!

A person with an ounce of self-respect would not want nor would they accept a job given to them as the result of racial extortion but looking at Nichelle Hayes reveals she lacks even an ounce of self-respect. Oh sorry, that was mean. She is only enormously fat because of racism and Trump. My bad. Good for the Indianpolis Public Library for showing a small amount of backbone in refusing to hire an unqualified water buffalo just because the mob demanded it.


  1. anon

    I work in a library as a heterosexual white male, a couple of years, and it’s pretty fucking bad. The new books that the librarians add to the collection are filled with woke bullshit, not to mention all the shit that has already been here for decades.
    I don’t want to be so specific about the patron demographics (don’t want to say too much about location) but they are not the smartest knives in the drawer, and so many nonwhites.
    I can see why some individuals thought burning books was a good thing seeing some of the ones these boomer cunts and their leftist assistant choose.

  2. Jay L

    It’s a damn shame what’s become of Libraries over the last two decades.

    Back in the 70’s, the Library was my refuge. I spent a HUGE part of my childhood in there, on my own as well as a weekly trip with my family.

    In the 90’s the Library was my daughter’s favorite outing.

    Nowadays, you barely find one open, at least around these parts, and it seems like the only people that use it go for the free wifi and/or computers. You rarely see anyone reading a book in the library any more.

    Another “cornerstone” of our civilization falling to decay…

    And for what it’s worth, I didn’t even know a conference of aA Librarians existed. What a waste of time and efforts – the Library is the LAST place we need to saddle with racist bs. Another worthless group of educated idiots from the sound of it.

    • Arthur Sido

      The downtown Fort Wayne branch of the Allen County library is a huge repository of books but normally all the “patrons” are sitting in front of computers watching cartoons. The actual book sections are empty except for some older White people.

  3. 3g4me

    Loved visiting the library as a kid. Took my own boys (at least the older one) often as well. But the libraries have been turned into multimedia/kommoonitteee centers and to have a space to sit and look through books you need to find the designated ‘quiet room.’ Meanwhile the diverse are busy on the computers and doing joint homework assignments. Every book is on or about the woke and diverse. Lots of resources spent on spanglish multimedia and Han language newspapers, not so much on classic White books. It got to the point that 95% of the books I was interested in I had to try to get via interlibrary loan and even then they were unavailable (a testament to my journey to the badthinker side). Yes, I now use Amazon Kindle (not sorry) for my quick ‘not a keeper’ reading. My husband is after me to cut our book collection for our move – I think I’m just going to box them up. I’ve kept a bunch of classic kids books (like the Little Golden Book “We Help Daddy”) to preserve dissident thought and a traditional way of life that – at present – seems vanished forever.

    • TBC

      Every book is on or about the woke and diverse.

      My local liberry has a very nicely appointed used book store just inside the front doors, where they sell overstocked volumes by the inch. I love it because so much of what is for sale is very lightly used hardcover copies of right-of-center fiction and non-fiction. There are so many copies of some titles for sale that I thought (silly me) that the library must have ordered many units when the book was released to meet anticipated demand, and simply wished to clear shelf space once demand fell.

      Nope. The old bookworm manning the till in the store confided to me, when I asked, that these were nearly all rejected donations from the community, and that the library itself would never stock its shelves with such heretical, unapproved volumes as Apollo astronaut biographies or Bill O’Reilly’s “Killing” series.

      Of course, there are also piles of Critical Race Theory titles for sale, which the library did load up on, before quietly relegating them, shiny new and never borrowed, to the books-for-sale dustbin. I see the same ones there every time I visit.

      • Arthur Sido

        Our library system has lots of great books but many are stored in the stacks and have to be requested, it probably won’t be long before those are all disposed of in favor of negro grievance and faggot romance novels.

        • 3g4me

          Arthur Sido: One of my joys at college was to wander through the stacks (often after meandering through the card catalogue). I found so many wonderful old marvels in various dusty and dim mezzanine corners. And if one got there early enough to grab a coveted spot in a wing-back chair in front of the fireplace in the reading room, it was the perfect place to spend a happy few hours. If I could turn back the clock, I would have spent every penny I had on their annual book sale – I bought far too little back then.

    • Arthur Sido

      The closest branch to us is the smallest in the Allen County system but has one of the highest circulation numbers because so many Amish girls check books out, they have a whole section of Amish romance novels.

  4. Jibba Jabba Corncob Pipe

    The Long Marchers saw a state that needed some fundamental transformation and they got on it.
    The new East St. Louis or Indianoplace will suffer the indispensable enrichment.
    IMCPL has been destroyed for over a decade with porno watchers, parking lot agitators/fighters and habla along with queefy box wine Karen staff.
    All the good stuff is down in the basement of the main branch and you can sneak down there.

  5. saoirse

    Maybe that wasn’t a strong wind that blew through here a couple of days ago but a huge sigh of relief from the Hilton and the various restaurants you mentioned. Nigs are loud sloppy pigs when it comes to hotel etiquette and they don’t tip worth a damn! Not even their own kind like waiting on them. Let those high-calorie low-intelligence Americoons find another city to wreck.
    As fo da lyberry: That’s one gubment job that’s disproportionately infested with nigs, fags and feminists. I used to live in the library and made it a regular stop with my kids. I recently moved to an almost all-white area in the midwest with a decent system that I use often, but it’s still full of wokies and fems.
    No problem, I brought my “fuck them all” attitude with me. I make it a habit to always take one or two of their woke/anti-white books and “remove them from circulation” by sticking them in places they’ll never see the light again (i.e. above the drop ceiling panels, way under the shelves, restroom waste bin etc.). Garbage in – garbage out! I can play the censorship game too!
    I would like to stress the need, if you haven’t already, to have your own personal library, stocked with books, pdf’s, videos etc. that are rapidly becoming either extinct or purposely omitted from accessibility. The shitlibs and their corporate flunkies are shutting down the flow of information as fast as they can. Once a title disappears, it’s very difficult to retrieve.
    If you’re strapped for funds go to the Z Library site (via VPN, as it’s been shut down here by our freedumb-loving government), Library Genesis (still up in the U.S.) or other alternative downloading sites. Here’s to reading!!

    • anon

      There was, also shut down. still has plenty of scattered pdfs people have uploaded depending on what you are looking for. Paladin Press collection is on there for example. Different blogs/sites also have their own little libraries specific to them like people reuploading military manuals. A couple of imageboards had a pdf/library board (8 and a couple of others dead) so if you can find an active site you can contribute to one.
      My personal digital library is a very eclectic mix but a couple dozen gigs not counting videos I need to download and sort (not just movies but more practical ones that need to be saved before another deletion spree on YouTube of different good channels).
      Area Ocho for example has a manual library, bushbeater or whatever his name (sorry don’t remember off the top of my head) has a small collection as well.
      Even some political sites might have stuff worth saving. Unz has some ebooks on there.

      Look around, compile your own list and download what you can while you can.

      I’ve posted similar on threads before because it’s important and there might be little time to get some of this stuff.

      • Arthur Sido

        I download a lot of books via μTorrent as I likewise assume that there will soon be a throttling of what books you can get and if you buy an e-book from Amazon, they can always delete it from your library.

      • saoirse

        Thank you! Will check those out.
        The Colchester Collection site contains many pro-white titles in PDF and HTML.
        The Heretical Press has some interesting stuff.
        I’m making it a priority to download as many relevant Bitchute videos as possible before they go the way of JewTube.
        The Patriot Portal is very good too.

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