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Pushing Grandpa Joe Down The Stairs?

This whole classified docs thing with Biden is moving at warp speed. Look at the two time stamps.

I have assumed that once the midterms were over, they would look to get rid of Pedo Joe. At first I thought it would be Hunter’s laptop but now with the extent of the corruption and graft surrounding Ukraine becoming clear, there are too many Washington insiders who might get burned, so they conveniently are finding classified documents in his damn garage? When was the last time Biden went into his garage, much less moved boxes of files?

This whole thing stinks of a set-up and plant and with the AG suddenly getting a special counsel involved, this could be the pretext they need to get rid of Sniffy and at the same time take the wind out of the sails of the GOP House before they start investigating Covid, the FBI and where the money to Ukraine is going. Biden is forced out and the resulting chaos takes the attention off of what the GOP was planning on tepidly investigating. Pretty devious if true. The whole thing just seems a bit too convenient for me.

Please always remember that while most of the liberals you see on TV and in public are absolute fucking morons, the people pulling the levers behind the curtain are as smart as they are evil, and They are evil to the core.


  1. Gryphon

    That sounds like a more ‘credible’ way of getting rid of Slow Joe – forced to Resign due to a “Classified Documents Scandal”. It also opens the door to Prosecuting Trump for the same thing – demo-rats say “Look, we took down one of our own for this, why not Trump?” You are also Correct in saying that the “Scandal” and Resignation would derail any attempts by the repugnicants to draw attention to the Laptop, Ukraine, and the not-a-Vaxx issues.

    What to do about the camel-hoe? well, Why Not, let (instruct) it to Appoint as V.P. someone the (((banksters))) really Want… klinton, newscum, “michael robinson”, fill in the blank. The Con-gress will go along with anyone. Then, Whack the Ho’; have a Patsy that checks all the boxes for “Maga-Hat, NRA Member, Anti-Vaxx, Anti-(((semite))) Christian, Home-Schooler, etc.” And of course, White, using an “Assault Weapon” with a 50-Round Magazine…. add more if you like.

    This Chaos would advance the Gun-Ban, Anti-White agenda of (((certain people))).

  2. Jeffrey Zoar

    There’s a chance they could kill two birds with one stone here. While impeaching Biden, they also impeach Trump, again, on the same charge (“See, look how bipartisan we are!”) and thus disqualify him from running for office again. Yes there is some precedent for impeaching a govt official after he has left office, thereby preventing him from returning. And even if there wasn’t, they’d create one.

    If this is what the swamp wants to do then there really isn’t anything stopping them. But I have an easier time picturing Biden resigning than going to trial. Which wouldn’t rule out the subsequent impeachment of Trump.

    The dishonest part is conflating the two cases as equal. There is one big, huge, legal difference. Trump was president when he took those documents, and it’s impossible for the president to violate a law about classified information. The president is the law about classified information. Whereas Biden was VP when he allegedly put these documents in his garage.

  3. Razorback

    Don’t look now, Pedo Joe, but there’s a pillow with your name on it incoming.

    Please let it be a ‘My Pillow’ that they kack him with.

  4. rto-jerry

    I am with you on dementia shit stain getting the axe is way too convenient. Games people play up in the swamp. However I’d fall off my fucking chair if the other side of the uniparty was ever to do one goddamned righteous act. Is all smoke and mirrors to keep us all amped all the while the real perps do their dirty deeds. Seems the cabal has ass raped ‘Murica’ to the point she’s about to tip into the ass heap of history. 2023 is looking like a free fall for the empire and only 12 days in WTF!!

    • Zorost

      Not sure where you get that America is about to conveniently collapse, or that the Empire is in any way losing control. Factions are jockeying to be the last one standing; they fear each other, not us. We are the prize, not the competition.

  5. Bob Barker

    If he resigns, it’ll be due to “health reasons”, not anything that could be construed as negative. Can’t have a D talked about like Nixon.

    • Jeffrey Zoar

      I think they’d be willing to sacrifice Biden to eliminate Trump. It’s not like that’s a real sacrifice on their part. They are terrified of Trump. For some reason. I don’t really know why. He’s not that fearsome or formidable. But a lot of them seem to believe their own bullshit about Trump being Hitler 2.0. For instance I’m certain James Comey really believes that, and if someone as highly placed as him does, then others up there do too.

      • Linda S Fox

        I think it’s because he really doesn’t give a rat’s a$$ about what they say, and is perfectly willing to bring down the pillars of the temple on the Elite. They are TERRIFIED that the American public will see them for the soulless tools they are. And, without their positions, their wives and children would have to work for a living – something that neither are capable of doing.

  6. Clown car driver

    Just read a book about what an absolute sewer Washington DC is. It goes into detail about what bars and hotels you can pick up quality whores in, what lawyers can get bribes to what congressmen or judges, where the best gambling and drug hot spots are, who runs rackets at what police department, who to bribe at said police departments. Also describes where the fag community congregates, local darkie area actions, real demographics and so much more. It was published in 1951. Called Washington Confidential. Honestly most of what we’re seeing now has always been there. It’s always been fucked. It does have a more evil satanic vibe in these times though. But, I’m discovering that this America we thought existed actually never did. It’s always been a lie.

  7. Steve

    “Please always remember that while most of the liberals you see on TV and in public are absolute fucking morons, the people pulling the levers behind the curtain are as smart as they are evil, and They are evil to the core.”

    This right here. The DOJ and the FBI are the only ones with the evidence, and now they can legitimately tell every House investigation committee that they cannot comment on an ongoing investigation. They will find a way to tie Jr.s no-show jobs in, too, and bring everything the Repugnican’ts promised to a screeching halt. Not only do they not have power of the purse, they don’t have anything else, either.

    • Steve

      Oh, meant to say, what the DOJ and FBI will do instead of testifying under oath is leak whatever they want the story to be to the press, and that’s that.

  8. Bear Claw

    I really think this is all a nothing burger except to get the magatards all to outrage on social media so they can sit back and laugh. That’s fine with me, I know who will get the last laugh.

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