The Dusky Shall Inherit The Earth
The Powers That Be are celebrating the news that today, November 15th 2022, has been designated the day when the world’s population officially hits the 8 billion people mark.
World Population hits 8 billion, creating many challenges
The United Nations says the world’s population is reaching the 8 billion mark on Tuesday
The world has added a billion people in just the past ten years and as we all know, that growth has come mostly in the “developing world”, an odd phrase as the “developing world” doesn’t seem to be developing all that much.
The United Nations Population Fund is celebrating this like some sort of great achievement….
Why would an outfit talking about “family planning” be celebrating the “infinite possibilities” created by out-of-control reproduction among the poorest and dumbest people on Earth? According to this story from ABC, places like Nigeria are already a disaster and just getting worse.
World Population hits 8 billion, creating many challenges
The world’s population will likely hit an estimated 8 billion people on Tuesday, according to a United Nations projection, with much of the growth coming from developing nations in Africa.
Among them is Nigeria, where resources are already stretched to the limit. More than 15 million people in Lagos compete for everything from electricity to light their homes to spots on crowded buses, often for two-hour commutes each way in this sprawling megacity. Some Nigerian children set off for school as early as 5 a.m.
And over the next three decades, the West African nation’s population is expected to soar even more: from 216 million this year to 375 million, the U.N. says. That will make Nigeria the fourth-most populous country in the world after India, China and the United States.
“We are already overstretching what we have — the housing, roads, the hospitals, schools. Everything is overstretched,” said Gyang Dalyop, an urban planning and development consultant in Nigeria.
Celebrate that! The eight countries that will account for most of the population growth the rest of this century are: Nigeria, Congo, Ethiopia, Tanzania in Africa as well as Egypt, Pakistan, the Philippines and India. What do these countries all have in common? They are all shitholes full of mostly low IQ people that start banging out babies early and often.
Families become larger when women start having children early, and 4 out of 10 girls in Africa marry before they turn 18, according to U.N. figures. The rate of teen pregnancy on the continent is the highest in the world — about half of the children born last year to mothers under 20 worldwide were in sub-Saharan Africa.
Still, any effort to reduce family size now would come too late to significantly slow the 2050 growth projections, the U.N. said. About two-thirds of it “will be driven by the momentum of past growth.”
“Such growth would occur even if childbearing in today’s high-fertility countries were to fall immediately to around two births per woman,” the report found.
There are also important cultural reasons for large families. In sub-Saharan Africa, children are seen as a blessing and as a source of support for their elders — the more sons and daughters, the greater comfort in retirement.
Still, some large families “may not have what it takes to actually feed them,” says Eunice Azimi, an insurance broker in Lagos and mother of three.
Well I guess it is too late to do anything about it and besides it’s part of their “culture”. Since we can’t possibly slow down the growth in Africa, what are we going to do? You guessed it, it’s time to punish White people because African teens can’t stop sprouting little Africans. The problem you see isn’t that the world’s population is exploding with permanent dependents, no the problem is White people wanting to eat meat and drive cars and have air conditioning. The West needs to “reduce emissions” although how we do that while still feeding 8 billion people is quite the trick as the intensive agriculture needed to accomplish that takes an awful lot of chemicals and diesel fuel.
The message we are being force-fed is quite clear and not at all subtle: the people who have created affluent and equitable societies must now sacrifice everything they have built over the centuries in order to subsidize an exploding population of what can charitably be called excess humans, and more accurately described as useless eaters. I know we are supposed to see all of humanity as God’s chillins and each and every person created imago dei, in the image of God, but really if most people are truly reflective of the image of God is that a god you ought to worship?
White and East Asian nations are ordered to undo a millennia of human progress and revert back to the basest of the human experience for the sake of lifting the quality of living for Africans and South Asians. To be clear, this won’t mean that we all are at an equal level akin to maybe the 1970s. Instead we will all be dragged down to a place just slightly above where Africans are and have been for the last century: a violent, ugly existence tempered only slightly by the remnants of European infrastructure that remains in place, infrastructure that is rapidly decaying. That should be a picture you have very little troubling conjuring up.
One needn’t be a math wizard to see the problem here. There are only so many of us to make sacrifices to prop up people incapable of figuring out the wheel or indoor toilets. Even if every White person on Earth eschewed air conditioning, cars and meat it wouldn’t make a dent in the real problem: how do you feed billions of people that are simply incapable of feeding themselves? The reason isn’t a lack of opportunity or historic oppression, but rather a biological inability. Adding a half billion Whites to the world would generally improve humanity but adding a billion Africans and South Asians will be catastrophic.
Incapable of self-governance or basic subsistence apart from Western altruism, these exploding populations are becoming “climate migrants”, a bullshit term that has nothing to do with the weather and everything to do with reaping the bitter harvest of a century of encouraging dysgenic breeding in the Third World. Having made it possible for Africans to have a dozen children that survive to adulthood, who then turn around and have a dozen kids of their own, all thanks to Western food and medical aid, we are now going to be drowned by those new adults who have no future in their homelands and are being encouraged, subsidized and aided in their quest to pack up their meager crap and move to Europe and North America. The results are predictable as 7 billion people became 8 billion in a decade and will continue to climb ever higher at the same time the proportion of Whites continues to shrink relative to the burgeoning black and brown population.
Lurking in the shadows is the real agenda which doesn’t actually see 8 or 10 or 12 billion people as an unqualified good. Quite the opposite. The people pulling the levers behind the curtain would very much like to see the world’s population plummet to a manageable level but in order to do that they first need to rid themselves of troublesome people like you. It is a macabre sort of reverse logic, in order to get the world’s population to where They think it should be, They must first flood the world with people. Kind of a reverse Noah’s Ark. Rather than flooding the world with water to get rid of people, they seek to flood the world with people to destroy their enemies. Once we are vanquished, all of those billions of brown and black people will become superfluous and need to be removed.
All of the other petty squabbles and even more serious disagreements we are distracted with are simply the shifting of pawns on the grand chessboard. The big moves have been occurring behind the scenes and are just now becoming more apparent. The people who created the world’s most prosperous, just and free civilization have been convinced to commit racial suicide in order to bequeath their success to people incapable of replicating or sustaining it. The next few decades are going to see human suffering on a scale unimaginable to the majority of us.
Eight billion people on planet Earth is nothing to celebrate. There aren’t infinite possibilities before us. There are only a few possible paths forward and most of them involve global genocide. 8 billion people is just the latest signpost on the path to extermination and it cannot be stopped. It can only be avenged.
News brought to you by the folks that tell you what to believe, using math like in a US election.
I wonder if these “developing nations” get gibsmedats based on how many left ears are counted? One might see an issue, perhaps overcounting, if higher headcount equals more gibs.
One might also take pause to consider if this number has the new “Michael Mann Hockey Stick of Doom” death numbers from across the jabbed world? Between megadeaths and the sterilization effects, the growth model may need to be tweaked…
It might not matter if they start lobbing nukes
Another stellar post. Totally aside from the increase in semi-sentient useless eaters, that horrific 8 billion number also portends another loss for Whites – space and solitude. Even the Orientals (or east Asians to be politically correct) are accustomed to living cheek by jowl and – even in the US – pack their homes with extended families and never go to a movie or even the grocery store without aunts and grandparents in tow. And the usual suspects plus clueless normie Whites love proclaiming how much excess space we have in the US. Here we’re aching to escape our ‘affluent’ suburb (still trying to sell house) and move to our ‘cottage’ on rural acreage. We specifically sought property where we couldn’t see or hear any neighbors and no one would be able to just ‘happen’ upon us.
Privacy and solitude – like conscientiousness and future time preference – are part of White privilege.
Getting as far away as possible is critical right now.
All of a sudden your new site worked for me rather than giving me an error page.
They want us dead because once we are gone the useless eaters will collapse into oblivion as the infrastructure we left behind collapses into ruin.
Not sure why, it seems that some people were having issues
There are various “lists” that have gone around which contain various pecking orders of untermensch that must be dealt with when the balloon goes up. Some contain the usual suspects while a few add a lot more – up to 80% of the world’s population. Quite interesting to see how disgusted some are and how they would deal with this most serious of debacles…. but I digress.
Everyone displaying a “refugees welcome” sign, or advocating for their admittance, should be given a one-way ticket to the foreign shithole of their choice. That or, so as to reduce the carbon footprint, confined to a shithole – that they helped to build – in a U.S. or European city of their choice. Permanent banishment, or even better, a bump up on the aforementioned list!
They are bringing the foreign shitholes to us
Exactly, I have never seen so much trash scattered across this country as there is today (both kinds, garbage and people). Where is that TV commercial with the Indian shedding a tear over trash along the river? Needed more today than in the 70’s and the worst areas of course are the areas run by climate change leftists.
Even that was fake n gay- the Injun was an Italian!
There is a group of potential refugees that I’d prioritize: white South Africans. At least some of them.
“Refugees Welcome” and “Hate Has No Home Here” signs are great. They simply the making of local accountability lists. Not that I have such a thing.
Untermenschen and gutmenschen. But from whose perspective? To the worst lot, we’re ALL subhumans, cattle, instrumentum vocale (and sex toys). I’m increasingly of the mind that gutmenschen are as much a problem as The Best People. (Best: In the same way that the ancient people of the British Isles called the malignant, capricious and cruel Fae “the good people” or “the fair folk” so as to not draw their attention and ire.)
/laughs in Malthus/
Silent spring etc
Oh, look – and right on schedule –
“Back in 1990, 78 percent of White people lived in predominantly White neighborhoods, where at least 4 of every 5 people were also White. In the 2020 Census, that’s plunged to 44 percent.
Large pockets of segregation remain, but as America’s White population shrinks for the first time and Hispanic, Asian, Black and Native Americans fuel the nation’s growth, diverse neighborhoods have expanded from urban cores into suburbs that once were colored by a steady stream of White flight from inner cities.”
When have blacks and Indians “fueled the nation’s growth” except in crack cocaine and casinos?
Crack, crack whores, violent crime, whining layabouts, and gimmee-dats are all critical elements of our diverse and colorful American heritage n shit, yo.
Ha! After the first paragraph I couldn’t stop thinking about a board meeting at PP where they were talking about, “If only we could have killed more . . . “
Like Schindlers list but different
I wonder what the population of Africa would be today had the white west not taken it upon itself to provide all manner of medical and food aid to the dark continent over the last few decades, and instead had just let that place be. Ditto for India.
Since 1950, the population of Europe has increased by about 50%. North America has about doubled. Asia x3. South America x3. Africa x6. In raw numbers most of the increase came from Asia, but the rate of growth in Africa is extraordinary.
All bets are off if the diesel fuel and fertilizer problems aren’t fixed soon. India is set to overtake China for the largest population of a country.
Just saw that fuel oil is almost $6 a gallon. My first house back in 92 used fuel oil for heat and we were using 100 gallons a month and paying roughly a $1 a gallon.
Meh, a billion here a billion there. Pretty soon your talking about a lot of people elsewhere thank God.
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