Well, my sons and daughter have grown up, trained and qualified, and are out and about on their life’s journey. But I’m not entirely a pushover, nor is The Bride. The house is modest, the woodpile is well stocked, and years of practice have taught me to throw hatchets consistently and to speak Mossbergian. The Bride prefers 20G greetings should the ungodly show up. We’ll do the best we can if that comes to pass.
Well, my sons and daughter have grown up, trained and qualified, and are out and about on their life’s journey. But I’m not entirely a pushover, nor is The Bride. The house is modest, the woodpile is well stocked, and years of practice have taught me to throw hatchets consistently and to speak Mossbergian. The Bride prefers 20G greetings should the ungodly show up. We’ll do the best we can if that comes to pass.
Makes it clear that those who would destroy the family know exactly what they need to do exactly that.