Stayed away from the social media and news sites for the most part today, I think we all need a break now and then. It was a lovely, sunny day in the mid 50s here in northeastern Hoosierlandia until night fell at 5 freaking 30 PM. Woke up around 4 AM today and figured fuck it, might as well go hit the gym and got there a few minutes after it opened at 5 AM.
Had dinner with the wife and an Amish couple, they paid for the meals and we provided the wheels. We got the better end of that deal as our bill was over a hunnerd and we only drove them about 30 miles but I do a lot for that family and both couples enjoyed the evening away from the childlins. Afterward took their daughter who just started her rumspringa to a friends place and the roadways around here were just cluttered with horse-and-buggy traffic. Some of the young Amish kids have more lights on their buggy than a county fair midway.
In other news, ammo prices keep creeping down. 9mm is getting almost affordable and 5.56/.223 is begrudgingly getting better, kicking and screaming with each penny per round it drops. I got a bunch of SS109 Penetrator (M855) 5.56 ordered on Black Friday for a shade under $.36 shipped so I was pleased with that. Haven’t seen those prices in a long time nor this kind of availability. With the Pedo-In-Chief being told to prioritize gun control while they still hold both chambers, I continue to expect something shady to go down. Ammo, firearms and accessories will be available right until they are not.
Temps are sinking fast already tonight and rain is moving in, tomorrow looks like a good day for some housework, laundry and blogging while it pours. Sleeping in, lots of coffee and nothing on the schedule until 8:30 sounds pretty good.
“Lots of coffee” … Hoosierborean? That’s my choice.
As a matter of fact I just ground up and brewed a pot of Hoosierborean right now and am sipping away
I wish 5.7×28 would come down to those levels. I’d actually be happy at $.50
I have noticed more availability, even the better defensive rounds. Still not cheap though.
There was a multiple shooting reported in an upscale area of Atlanta tonight with at least 1 fatality reported. Maybe they think pushing violence to the more affluent areas will increase the call for firearm restrictions.
Yep, the less common stuff is still outrageous but at least you can get it
Dealing with the Sex Cult…Russian LE.
Whew, up at 4am and moving Iron by 5am…Goal! ( M855) is comfort food. Agree with the expectations of something shady from this crew of goofs.
You have chosen wisely as Brandon will go after the guns now, that is why all the false flag productions are going on.
A good walk in the forest or some good PT time with no distractions always charges up the batteries to full strength.
I just stayed at home withe family. Nothing better in the world. Uh, the name generator machine gone bonkers again.