(for some reason this post didn’t migrate over so I am reposting it)
No I haven’t been in the shrooms again. Stay with me on this one.
In the aftermath of 9/11, there was one thing everyone was certain of: there would be more terror attacks. September 11th was just the beginning. We were in a Global War On Terror (GWOT) and we had to be vigilant because more terror attacks were inevitable. When imbecile coke head George W. Bush said, totally unscripted of course, these words amid the rubble of the World Trade Center:
“I can hear you! The rest of the world hears you, and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon.”
We were as a nation ready to go to war. When we heard those words of vengeance, it was fortunate that most of us were not around any Muslims because they would have been torn limb from limb. I wonder how many men signed up to fight in the military right after 9/11. I am sure the recruiters all met their recruiting goals in 2001.
The plan was to “fight them over there so we don’t have to fight them here” but I think we all expected that the Islamic terrorists would be emboldened and attack us again and again. That is why we cheered the passage of the “Patriot” Act and submitted meekly to being groped while in our socks before boarding a plane.
What happened next was strange because nothing really happened next. While there were significant Islamic terror attacks in Western Europe, we didn’t have anything really catastrophic in America. The “shoe bomber” was the sort of ridiculous copycat “terrorism” that followed 9/11.
That tells me one of two things:
a) Our crack teams of Federal law enforcement upped their anti-terror game and stopped all of the subsequent attacks before they got started. Given how political and clumsy the FBI and others have shown themselves to be over the last decade this seems improbable
– or –
b) There is more to the 9/11 story than 19 goat-humpers getting lucky all at the same time, even setting aside all of the inconsistencies in the Official Narrative You May Not Question™.
That brings me back to Anders Behring Breivik. I assume most of my readers know who he is but for those that don’t, Breivik killed a whole crapton of people in Norway in 2011, a total of 77 single-handedly. He is, unlike most people who are labelled as such, an actual fascist.
Most of those killed by Breivik were kids at some sort of socialist youth camp associated with the “Workers’ Youth League“. They are affiliated with the “International Union of Socialist Youth“, so these are budding communists. The IUSY is funded in part by the European Union. Tell me again how we “won” the Cold War?
Breivik detonated a bomb in Oslo, killing 8 people and injuring over 200. He then travelled to an island called Utøya where the socialist summer camp was held and began shooting people, the spree lasting for nearly an hour and a half. When police finally arrived at the island, 69 people were dead on the island and Breivik surrendered peacefully to the police. He is still imprisoned although he applied to be paroled earlier this year and can apply each year. His sentence is only for 21 years but he can be held indefinitely for as long as he is considered a threat. Since he held up signs that read Stop Your Genocide Against Our White Nations while tossing up the “Nazi salute” at his parole hearing earlier this year, it seems unlikely he will be released early or ever.
What does Anders Behring Breivik have to do with 9/11?
To return to my prior point. After 9/11, here in the U.S. we were certain many more attacks were coming. I rather suspected we would see similar attacks to what Breivik pulled off. Think about it for a moment. This guy single-handedly killed 77 people using a homemade bomb and a Ruger Mini-14 and a Glock in Norway, a country with a population of about 5 million people. They don’t have anywhere near the sort of enormous population centers we have and definitely don’t have the same sort of access to firearms we enjoy.
Since the 9/11 attacks, we have gotten crickets from the enormous Muslim population in America.
How hard would it be to commit an enormous mass killing like Breivik? Not very. Think about all of the places where thousands of people gather, everywhere in the country, every single weekend. They pulled off bombings and mass shootings all over Europe, the Paris attacks in 2015 killed 130 people. You are telling me they couldn’t have done that here? It doesn’t take much imagination to think of a dozen scenarios where a handful of well armed Islamist terrorists could kill hundreds in the U.S. but the only one that came close was Las Vegas and the “we will never know his motive” shooter.
That seems impossible. Sure we were “fighting them over there” but with millions of Muslims in America and tens or hundreds of thousands radicalized in a country where they could easily assemble an impressive arsenal over the counter, you are telling me that they were satisfied with 9/11 and decided to leave the U.S., the “Great Satan”, alone? GTFOH.
If Anders Behring Breivik could pull of an attack like he did, as a lone wolf, and 19 knuckleheads managed to hijack four airliners and crash them into three buildings, why the hell didn’t these Islamic terrorists manage to do something, anything, significant in the decades of America bombing the crap out of the Middle East?
While I don’t have an exact answer, it certainly is a puzzling question. Almost as if the “War On Terror” was one-sided and we aren’t getting the whole story. Or any of the story.
Things that make you go “huh”.
Believe it or not, the US government occasionally does something well. In this case, squashing Al Qaeda. That now extinct organization was on the receiving end of the full weight of the WoT. And it turns out they were an outlier. They didn’t represent a larger movement. There was no other army of jihadis lined up to wage war on Great Satan. It was just them.
That is a separate discussion from how or why the Patriot Act was all teed up and ready to go as soon as the towers came down. Or how much AQ was directly involved in bringing the towers down. Or using the WoT as a convenient pretext to shore up the petrodollar by taking out Saddam. Or whether or not that was really OBL who was killed in Pakistan one night, if he was even still alive, or whether he still lives today. Related, but separate discussions. It is true that AQ’s mission was violence against America, and it is true that America ended them.
Did they though? It was my understanding that all those “moderate rebels” in Syria and later Afghanistan were AQ doing the bidding of the CIA. Perhaps AQ wasn’t destroyed, but rebranded. Still leaves the question of why did they do (or get blamed for) 9/11 if they were CIA-controlled? Perhaps intra-DeepState shenanigans, Mosad vs. CIA
[MAD magazine “spy vs. spy” graphic, but 1 with a hook nose and the other looks Mormon]
Anders Breivik is the greatest American hero of the 21st century.
I disagree with your premise. There have been a lot of Muslim attacks in the US since 9/11, they just don’t stay in the media for long.
Not nearly as many terrorist attacks on the US as on Islamic nations, which I think points to the real issue. Muslim radicalism (actually normal Islam) isn’t at war with the West, it is at war with cucked Muslims. It is a civil war within Islam. They don’t give a shit about the US, they care about purging their home countries of degeneracy and foreign influence especially that coming from Tel Aviv (one sympathizes.) Assuming AQ was behind 9/11, the reason would likely be as more of a recruiting drive in their home nations than with any hope that the West would suddenly decide they didn’t need ME oil. Which is one of several reasons why I don’t think it was that particular desert tribe behind 9/11.
The reason there are so many islamic attacks in Europe is because they consider Europe to be theirs now… note that they aren’t bombing all-White rural villages, they are bombing the cities where they live. I expect to see similar in the US as Muslims try to gain control of cities, and to police their own from becoming too Western.
Gee, I didn’t know Dick Cheney was in AQ.
Nice new diggs Art !