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It’s OK When We Do It

While driving around small town Ontario, Canada you see the same sort of things we find in small town America, other than the near-ubiquitous Tim Hortons restaurants. A number of small towns had little banners depicting Canadian men who had served (maybe died?) in World War II. Canada was a not-inconsequential belligerent in World War II. More than a million Canadians served during the war and 42,000 were killed (another 55,000 wounded). When Canada entered WW II, it was a nation of only around 11.5 million people, while the U.S. had a population more than ten times as numerous. The Canadian 3rd Infantry Division hit Juno Beach on D-Day and suffered nearly 1000 casualties (third from the right below). 

Seeing the memorial signs for Canadian vets of WW II got me interested in how Canada entered the war. While Canada is still considered to be a Constitutional Monarchy, now under the reign of Charles III, it was also a mostly independent nation as of the outset of the Second World War. As such, Canada didn’t automatically enter World War II when Britain declared war on Germany on September 3rd, 1939, following the invasion of Poland by the Third Reich. Canada made her own declaration of war against Germany a week later on the 10th of September, 1939. 
What I found interesting was the reasoning given for the declaration and then the subsequent letter to the King. According to the speech given by Canadian Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King, emphasis in red mine:
Recommendation of Canadian Declaration of War on Germany

For months – indeed for years – the shadow of impending conflict in Europe has been ever present. Through these troubled years no stone has been left unturned, no road unexplored in patient search for peace.

Unhappily for the world, Herr Hitler and the Nazi regime in Germany have persisted in their attempt to extend their control over other peoples and countries, and to pursue their aggressive designs in wanton disregard of all treaty obligations, and peaceful methods of adjusting international disputes. They have had to resort increasingly to agencies of deception, terrorism and violence. It is this reliance upon force, this lust for conquest, this determination to dominate throughout the world which is the real cause of the war that today threatens the freedom of mankind.
That is a pretty standard narrative for World War II, Moustache Man bad, etc. Now look at the beginning of the letter from the Prime Minister to King George the Sixth regarding Canada’s state of war with Germany:

GEORGE THE SIXTH, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas KING, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India.

George the Sixth is declared King of not just Great Britain but also King of the “British Dominions beyond the Seas” and the “Emperor Of India”. Indeed the English empire was famously said in this era to be one that the sun never set upon, in other words it was always daytime somewhere in the globe spanning empire:

How did they obtain this Empire that included the vast territory of Canada in North America, the Indian subcontinent, Egypt, Palestine and most of the Southern tip of Africa? 
By extending their control over other peoples and countries.
Some of it was raw military conquest, others by economic control and manipulation, but the British controlled vast territories, enormous wealth and the lives of hundreds of millions of people by means of economic control backed up by the might of the Royal Navy. 
One can argue whether the rule by England over much of the world was a net positive or negative. The Indian subcontinent would likely still be sweltering jungle without the civilizing influence of England, Canada would be like the U.S. still a wilderness inhabited by warring tribes of Indians and Australia would be empty of all but a small population of Aborigines. Again, whether that is a good thing or not is debatable but what cannot be debated is that England, for centuries, was cheerfully conquering and colonizing the rest of the world and fighting with other European nations for control over the resources that the globe offered, all from their little island nation. 
When England invades and conquers vast swaths of the world, it is laudable. 
When Germany invades neighboring Poland? Time to declare war on those rascals! 
I recognize that is a gross oversimplification of the issues of the British Empire and the events leading up to World War II. Nor is this intended as a defense or justification of the actions of Germany in the 1930s and 40s. It is a reminder that They can come up with justifications for anything they want to do while condemning you for doing the same. 
When a mostly White crowd of overweight Boomers takes an unauthorized tour of a public building, it becomes an “insurrection” and was on the verge of toppling our “democracy”. Therefore anything done in response, including locking people up indefinitely even though they had no criminal background, is justifiable. 
But when a clearly coordinated series of riots causes literally billions in damage to American cities with people dead and businesses ruined, it is “mostly peaceful” and a beautiful example of how our “democracy” works. 
Was the decision by Canada to declare war on Germany the right one? Accepted history would tell us that of course it was, that Canada was “on the right side of history” in what is nearly universally accepted to be “The Good War”, the war that is held up as the epitome of what constitutes a “just war”. Being on “our side” of the war is an unqualified good and being on “their side” is an irredeemable wrong. 
Wars and history in general are rarely so cut-and-dried and the aftermath of war is, as the old saying goes, written by the victors. There is a reason there are so many movies about the war in Europe featuring cartoonish Nazis and lots of films specifically about the Holocaust while there are very, very few films about the Soviet Union in World War II and almost none about the Holodomor. How many films about the tens of millions killed by Stalin and Mao have you seen compared to films about the Holocaust? 
The history you know is full of facts but not all of the facts, and historians debate some of those facts but many they do not. When you start to pull on some of those inconvenient facts and ask those unaskable questions, the whole thing starts to unravel and that is precisely why you are not allowed to ask those questions or present those facts and that is also why it is so critical that we do that very thing, anywhere and everywhere we can.
I am sure those young Canadian men in landing craft heading into a withering storm of machine gun fire at Juno Beach thought they were doing the right thing for the right reasons and perhaps they were. Still the reasoning provided for declaring war sounds an awful lot like the rationalization of a global empire that didn’t like it when anyone else got in on their hustle.


  1. Zorost

    I wonder how much this relates to the cohencidence that WW2 basically amounted to 2/3 of the world beating down 2 rising nationalist states, thereby allowing the rise of 2 communist states?

  2. Anonymous

    I’m Canadian and my Grandfather was the captain of a landing craft on that day. After he passed I found his classified maps of the beach. I still have them although I’m probably breaking some law holding on to them😮.
    When I get a chance and dig them out I’ll send you pics, they’re pretty cool.
    As an aside he was wounded by shrapnel 1mm from his jugular vein but ferried the landing craft back to Britain and hailed a taxi to take him to the hospital. I have that article as well! They were all heroes.

  3. Anonymous

    The World War 2 stories (of varying degrees of accuracy) that have been endlessly told were told because they serve as the foundation story of the Global American Empire. Indeed, WW2 was the foundation of this empire. And why the veterans of this war are lauded above all other veterans of all other wars. Some of the stories that are told are myth and some are reality. So the history of WW2 is simultaneously the foundation mythology and the foundation reality of the GAE.

    The bigger reality is that it was a war for imperial domination like most every other war.

    Another part of reality is that all the major combatants (including Canada) operated concentration camps where people were interned for their ethnicity. Whoever won was going to point to the concentration camps of the loser as moral justification. Surely they would have no reason to exaggerate!

    It took me a really long time to begin to see through the WW2 propaganda. I dunno if it's the final red pill, but it's definitely one of the more advanced ones.

  4. Don Curton

    Just wanted to say, if Great Britain hadn't of taken over India and "civilized" those heathens, then maybe, just fucking maybe, I wouldn't get 17 phone calls a day about my car's extended warranty. That's all.

  5. Arthur Sido

    Questioning WW 2 is way down the rabbit hole for sure, most people wouldn't even consider it for all of the reasons you list. If we had lost, lots of American heroes would have stood trial for war crimes.

  6. Arthur Sido

    Someone on Faceberg the other day referred to the Germans of the 1940s as "losers" until I pointed out that it took the combined might of the entire Western world plus an endless stream of Soviet conscripts to defeat them.

  7. Anonymous

    Quod licet iovi, non licet bovi.
    (What is allowed for Jupiter (highest god of the Romans) to do, the ox is not allowed to do)

    A few years ago in the Dailymail there was an article about a book of veterans of WWII who said they fought for a different England.
    The Unknown Warriors by Nicholas Pringle
    I would really like to know how many of the Allied soldiers would have either not fought or joined Nazi-Germany if they would have known how it would play out, you know Black/Trans Lives Matter, Whites are Racists etc.
    On the other hand: I think the answer would depress me.
    Alex Lund

  8. saoirse

    Best book on the farce that was WW2: "Germany's War" by John Wear. His website is excellent too.
    Also check out "The Bad War" by Mike King, "Hellstorm" by Thomas Goodrich and the books by David Irving.
    CODOH ( is a great website for exposing the holohoax as are and
    Many more available like Carolyn Yeager, Ernst Zundel (R.I.P.),, Justice for Germans, National Vanguard, Renegade Tribune, Occidental Dissent, Counter Currents, Vanguard News Network etc.
    The truth is out there for those who truly seek it!

  9. Anonymous

    @ Alex Lund – Re: "I would really like to know how many of the Allied soldiers would have either not fought or joined Nazi-Germany if they would have known how it would play out, you know Black/Trans Lives Matter, Whites are Racists etc. On the other hand: I think the answer would depress me."

    The late noted professor and author William Manchester, who served in combat during the War in the Pacific as a Marine infantryman, dealt with just the question you raise: Had those young men known the world which was to come after the war, would they have fought so hard and risked so much? Manchester says that they didn't know any of what was to come, and if they thought about why they were fighting, it was for the world as it had been up to that point in their lives. Manchester's musings are found in a terrific book called "Good-Bye Darkness," which is a personal memoir and journey through his past as an older man who tours the places he fought in as a youth. Manchester goes on to say that in that war, the U.S. "lost her innocence."

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