Yesterday was one of those “Leave at 6 AM, get home around 7:30 PM with about an hour break along the way” days. Good day for shekel collecting but it leaves me pretty whipped the next day. Fortunately, as of now, nothing extra cooking today.
In other news it was pointed out that Bison Prepper has gone dark, I was getting his newsletter and he was posting once a month but nothing since his April post. I dropped him a line this morning, has anyone heard from the man since May?
He posted earlier that he was going to an offline format. The request was to send him money and he would snailmail a CD with the latest information and postings.
Subscription Information:
James M Dakin
181 West Bullion Road, Unit 12
Elko, Nevada 89801-4184
e-mail: ( that is three ZERO three )
$1.22 per issue, as many or as few as desired, domestic mail. All overseas readers, $1.99 per issue ( prices subject to change ). That is for a mailed CD, which will contain PDF and MOBI files, extra writing from me when available, and public domain books. This is my cost ( subject to change ), and all that you are required to pay. However, gratuity, tip, donation is encouraged and appreciated on top of the above price ( please specify which amount is which ).
You may subscribe via e-mail ( when communicating with me, please include your real name as well ). Everyone’s cost is $1 an issue ( with the same plea for extra donations ). You will ONLY receive a PDF file of the monthly magazine, no extra material. The e-mail subscription will only be available while I have access online ( our local library closed for a year, so Going Dark can happen ).
You can send cash or US postage “forever” stamps, but for safety I encourage checks or money orders instead. OR PayPal me at ( or just use my e-mail at )
Make checks out to James M Dakin. I'm happy to correspond but would appreciate a Self Addressed Stamped Envelop to help me with costs, as this writing income is my only retirement. Free sample with e-mail or through the mail with SASE and SD Card.
Yes he is off line. He uses the local library for internet access. I subscribe to Lord Bisons CD. Haven't received my August CD yet. Usually receive it ahead of time. I just sent him an email too. Will let know if he responds. Catfishbrody
Haven't received the last 2 CD'S either. I've sent him a few emails and follow up letters but no word. Hope he's okay.
I haven't heard anything from James either. No monthly subscription cd since I believe May. I sent him an email in late June – no response. I dropped a letter in the mail to him a couple weeks ago with a stamped return envelope to me, and no response on that either. He and I have been corresponding via snail mail for the last two years, and this is the longest its been since I've heard from him, but I have no other contact info for him…. I consider him a friend and find this whole thing a bit concerning. Though he is eccentric, to say the least…he could be digging a bigger pit out in the Bison hinterlands and completely off the grid for all I know.
I'll be 55 soon, Lord Willing, and 10 hour workdays kick my butt.
As for Bison, I subscribed to his offline (CDs in the mail) blog, and he always mailed them faithfully. My subscription expired a few months ago, however. I have a bunch of CDs to read now. I hope all is well with him; I like his writing, and he seems like a decent, intelligent guy, if a bit unconventional.
We were corresponding regularly via email and snail mail up until early May. Every two weeks or so I was sending him an SD card filled with downloaded podcasts and news articles, as well as a pdf letter with comments and updates from this end. He would mail the erased SD card back to be refilled and include a pdf letter of his own. The last card I mailed him has not been returned, and he has not responded to email or snail mail inquiries.
LB, if you're reading this, please let us know you're OK.
time to pray
I was having this exact thought today.
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