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Justice For Fudge Packer Alley

I will sleep safer tonight knowing that this White supremacist scoundrel is off the streets and not endangering crosswalks. 


  1. Anonymous

    Has the swastika replaced the pointy hood in the modern negro lexicon as the latest outdated White Supremacy totem-du-jour? They've been milking the KKK, white hoods, incorrectly-tied nooses and burning crosses for literally decades after the very last gen-u-wine Klan member died of extreme old age. For a demographic that is as status- and culture-sensitive as are today's blaqs, they sure are wa-a-a-ay behind the times when it comes to White supremacist chic. No self-respecting, AR-toting, Trump-supporting, Becky-dating Chad Whitebread sports a hood or rocks a swastika anymore. And hasn't since the glorious 50s.

    I don't even know what a swastika is supposed to MEAN anymore, since the liberal left has adopted every fascistic policy that the National Socialists promoted, while using that ancient symbol as a sort of talisman in warding off evil conservative-right mindthinkers, marching toward their communist utopia. Never saw a war before where both sides waved the same damned flag in opposition to one another.

  2. saoirse

    He'll probably get a suspended fine for vandalism at most.
    A straight white guy would be denied bond, shackled and placed in solitary with name and photo splashed on every outlet of the Lugenpresse, complete with the requisite Natzee Natzee whining. The SPLC and ADL will provide an army of their jew, fag and mud shysters to insure a slam dunk conviction and maximum sentence for 'hate crimes'.
    Diffent stokes fo diffent fokes!

  3. Anonymous

    If you check out today, there is a great article about the consequences of democrat policy on our society. Black on Everybody crime it through the roof. When prosecutors and DA's don't do their jobs, we all suffer… but some more than others. It is blacks, frankly, who suffer the most when criminals aren't locked up. And the Democrats don't care.

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