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And Still Climbing


  1. Anonymous

    Temps like that are why my husband and I bought a house on the Western side of Lake Erie (the side that does NOT suffer from Lake Effect Snow). This morning, it was actually cool here when I walked the dog. Even now, it's just pleasantly warm.
    Same in the winter – it generally doesn't get all that cold (not like MN or MI). The lake tends to moderate temperature swings. We're previously lived in SC. Hot, humid, and snake-ridden.
    We moved for family reasons, but the weather is a big plus.

  2. Anonymous

    This is our first year living in South Texas, and it hasn't been as cool as 90 for a daytime high here since early May. 102 degrees on Mother's Day was a shocker, but it's ranged up as high as 106 on occasion since then. And no, it's not a 'dry' heat like Arizona. I sure don't miss winter in the northeast, but this is just brutal.

  3. Anonymous

    Yeah, it's Summertime… Here on the Eastern edge of the Virginia Piedmont, we've had 90's for most of July, frequent, sometimes Violent Thunderstorms, and 105% Humidity most of the Time. Idiot libtards squealing about "Glooowbull Waaarmming!" in what is a very Normal summer. What is Noticeable is how if one leaves a Wooded, Hilly Area for a "Heat Island" like a Commercial Strip/Warehouse area, you immediately "Feel the Heat", 5 to 10 Degrees higher.

    The (Lazy) bunch of Draft Horses that infest my Backyard are Sweating so Hard their Backs turn White from the Salt, and in the Evening there is some definite Pushing and Shoving to get to Me when I take the Garden Hose to Wash them Down. The Poor little things have No Clue what their Lives would be like without the Diesel Tractor….

    Gryphon –

  4. Anonymous

    Heat is a construct of the white male patriarchy and all temperatures will be redistributed in the spirit of egalitarian equity. (sarc)
    Looks like rain coming in after strong winds and the drought might be over.
    Corn and other crops looking good despite no rain for all of June.

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