Today is the 30th anniversary of the murder of Vicki Weaver, murdered in cold blood by FBI sniper Lon Tomohisa Horiuchi, a man who has never faced justice, and likely never will at least in a courtroom.
I reviewed an excellent book on the siege and murder of Vicki Weaver and the son of Randy and Vicki Weaver, Samuel, in 2019: Book Review: Ruby Ridge: The Truth and Tragedy of the Randy Weaver Family
Also one of many good videos out on this grim anniversary:
Ruby Ridge and Waco demonstrated that the Federal government has a license to murder American citizens if they can be accused of extremism. If anything their arrogance and cruelty has grown in the past 30 years and they would not hesitate to gun down you, your wife, your kids, your dog. Anyone who stands in the way of their overlords and masters.
Never forget Vicki and Samuel Weaver, martyrs for the cause of freedom.
all will face judgement, no dodging God's bullets
Art, the spam bots are out in force of late. See the one by "Sarah Elizabeth"…
Fed Gov has been murdering it's own citizens since it's inception.
What highlights this particular massacre (and Waco) is that the so-called "militia" and other right-wing blowhards were exposed as the Walter Mitty's they truly are and continue to be up to this day!
Blathering about "refreshing the tree of liberty" (i.e. stealing quotes from men who actually had a pair of gonads) means nothing if all you can do is provide piss as the refreshment!
That bot leaves dozens of spam comments a day, I go out every few hours and spend a couple of seconds marking them all spam.
Kindly restore my comment to Ms. Harvey please.
Yours is the quintessential cop-out used by gutless christians!
Pious hand-wringing at it's best.
Did you remember that, in the perverted tenets of your religion, those murderers will be given a reprieve from your god's bullets simply by repenting and accepting jeeeezus (and tithing lots of money). Whore-iuchi is supposedly a devout catholic LOL!
Wow. That last comment.
The Weaver incident was covered only minimally at the time – I heard about it only after, and couldn't believe it. Waco, they couldn't hide. Much blood on the hands of the three-letter agencies, looking for funding.
What comment?
We will give land to the niggers and the chinks, but we don’t want the IRISH.
To be fair, they did blow up the OK City federal building in retaliation for this.
An important point is that they weren't killed for being extremists, but rather for not giving in to the blackmail to rat out extremists. One thing this tells us is how rare it must be for people to refuse to rat out their neighbors. Which jibes with the stats of most "radical" groups that make the news being composed of about 50% federal sources.
Nah. False flag. They made it look as if it was done by the militia. Too many unanswered questions and coincidences.
I will not forget the Weavers. Also, never forget the bonus army, or the USS Liberty. We're slaves still in plantation America. Don't forget that either.