While Chicago has put in an embarrassing performance so far this weekend with a mere one murdered and 15 wounded, Philadelphia is racking ’em up.
14 shot, 3 dead.
In Philadelphia. Hell they almost matched the total shot in Chicago in just one shooting.
I don’t expect you will hear much more about this one. Just a hunch bolstered by the pics of family members at the hospital.
Activate the memory hole and cancel the trip by Biden. This one is going….going….gone.
Further proof that chimps can use tools but can't use them well.
If we really wanted to get serious, we'd wall off about a dozen of the worst inner-city hellholes, ala "Escape From New York" and simply fly food over the wall periodically until there was no one left to feed. We have a history with the Indian reservations. We could even have a heart and allow a small number of people who can pass a certain IQ test level and prove civil behavior to leave ( but only them, no family tag-alongs). And politicians who claims to love and help the poor can be given one-way tickets to visit the very people they love, and stay there with them. Those who can't behave in a civil manner but don't live in the inner cities can face a new style of 3-strikes. Third offence, you get dropped in via helicopter into the nearest "reservation", for life. Crime in the USA would drop to virtually zero.
The poor aim is really embarrassing, not a one of these idiots knows how to shoot.
That has been my solution to the crime problem for years, drop off pallets of malt liquor and loaded Glocks and Hi Points, tell the cops to take a few weeks off, shut down the hospitals and EMS and come back after those few weeks. The problem would resolve itself in under a month.
"It is time long overdue that we address the plague of violence in the bla- Hey, look! Inflation!"
way back when I was still working in a hospital, we used to pray for bad weather. it kept the assholes
inside and off the streets. as it is warming up, the number will go up as well. this is just getting started there. and No, I do not miss that shithole town. even back in the 1960-70's it was a bad town. I learned more about knife fighting on the streets than I ever did in the army.
Not the problem they want to solve . . .
Iv'e noticed in the last couple of Days that the kosher media has been playing up these "Mass Shootings" without any Mention of the Fact that they are Hoodrat-on-Pavement-Ape Shootings.
Sailer's law applies here.
"That has been my solution to the crime problem for years, drop off pallets of malt liquor and loaded Glocks and Hi Points, tell the cops to take a few weeks off, shut down the hospitals and EMS and come back after those few weeks. The problem would resolve itself in under a month."
A wise man proposed this very thing 25 years ago. He called it " The United Negro Carnage Fund" TM* I expect the die off rate in the urban at risk zones to be extremely high if there is a loss a economic entitlements, electricity, food and fuel deliveries, and a general failure of central authority. The survivors who leave the cities looking for food and free stuff should be emaciated and short on ammo. We should leave their bones unburied to bleach in the roadside ditches for decades as a reminder and a warning.