Here it comes. Much of the GOP political class has quietly been waiting for a tragedy to give them cover to do what they wanted in the first place, disarming the American people. Apparently Cocaine Mitch is sending John Cornyn to be his representative in signing away our rights.
I believe the "saying" and the "doing" will be vastly different.
The time is nearly upon us, now.
I'm good with a compromise. Allow fully automatic rifles to be produced and sold again without a FFL, and I'll go for 21 year old restriction on buying them.
But the gutless fools will still vote for Republicunts because they are 'better' than the Democraps!
Hopelessly stuck in the eating shit is better than drinking piss paradigm!!
So clueless as to wonder out loud why this country is circling the drain.
I hope the gun control bills pass. I am eager not to comply.
Imagine the shock and disdain from the lefturds when the majority of American gun owners say " Fuck Off ".
One can only dream.
The real plan: Joe wants to start a war with Russia, when that happens he will have absolute power, over 50 executive orders will be at his fingertips, they will do anything to keep the stranglehold on America.
Of the maternal variety
The great winnowing is nigh
Compromise means us giving up our rights and in return them demanding we give up more rights
There is a case to be made for something to kick things off
Never let a good crisis etc
This November might be interesting, I still don't see a "red wave" happening
I'd back this.