I haven’t poked fun at libertarians for a while but someone directed me to a tweet from Nicholas Sarwark and it made me GOL (guffaw…
During this busy week I haven’t been watching the news as closely as usual so I missed that there were a whole bunch of mass…
The real problem at Twitter had nothing to do with “spam” or “bots”. The problem with Twitter is that the content moderation is entirely one-sided…
The legend of Ruby Ridge, Randy Weaver, has died at age 74. Randy was a simple man who simply wanted to be left alone but…
Gun makers are damn near giving away guns but ammo is still crazy expensive. Even obscure ammo brands of new 5.56 are over $/47/round and…
If Trump still had his Twitter account and tweeted this: Quit fucking talking about it Beetlejuice and do something.
Link to story. Depending on what source you use, the annual GDP of Ukraine is somewhere between 100 and 200 billion…from Wikipedia. Let’s give them…
Welcome to your new country. Philly will institute weapons scans of middle schoolers starting Monday. Critics say, ‘This is not OK’ Subhead: All sixth through…
Hat tip to Counter-Currents for this article about Sylvia Plath, Sylvia Plath: Stasis in Darkness, and especially this musing from her diary on motherhood. I thought…
Last month our overlords decided the Army needed a new rifle and new squad automatic weapon and selected an offering from Sig Sauer… Army chooses…