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The F Word

People are starting to talk about the inevitable four dollar a gallon gasoline. Oil prices apparently are at an 11 year high and gas here locally is going up as I type to $3.79/gallon. Obviously our main business which requires an awful lot of gas each week is going to be impacted. 

The present lull is being beset by an awful lot of shocks. Why do you think they suddenly changed the unchangeable science and are dropping mask and vaccine mandates? Inflation for food is just going to keep climbing, gas prices are going to hit $4/gallon in many places and there is a real possibility of the conflict in Ukraine spilling over. 
Like John Wilder wrote this morning in his post When Change Comes, change is in the air. It probably won’t be anything good, at least in the near term.


  1. jl

    It could be worse…I paid $5.09 last night. Up $0.10/gallon since Sunday, when I filled up the wife's car. Good times… unfortunately 26 miles each way it a bit too much for a daily commute on a bicycle.

  2. Greg

    Here in the Oregon Outback ™, we're at the long end of a precarious supply chain for gas. Ours went up another dime last weekend to $4.15. But at least we're not (yet) Califrutopia stupid about it. We have very limited shopping here (one grocery store, one hardware store, and a decent pharmacy) and any big box shopping is 90 miles away, for which we keep lists. Since the expense of the trips is starting to go up exponentially, such trips for us will become much less frequent.
    We were discussing grocery inflation over dinner last night, and while we have not yet been forced to make any changes in our diet, we can see that down the road. We eat and live pretty frugally already, and are as prepped as we can be for the storage life of supplies. Another old maxim: The most expensive food you buy is food you throw away. So dinner tonight is leftovers, and we're grateful to have it.

  3. ricker62

    Here in eastern Missouri our price is near record highs for us, $3.59 / gal.
    It may not be an all time high, but it's certainly up there.
    Even though I only commute 25 minutes each way to work, it is still affecting my normal life and activities to have gasoline so expensive.

  4. Anonymous

    yesterday it was 3.75 for gas, today it is 3.89 got to love these dumb fucks don't ya ?
    and if we keep pissing on vlad, why would he sell us oil ?

  5. Xzebek

    I was speaking to the owner of an Exxon gas station in New Jersey (which apparently has had low gas taxes) who said he expects $6 per gallon by this summer. Incompetence and idiocy are bringing us there.

  6. Anonymous

    Haha… i wish only a c-note.
    Work truck hokds 132 liters. Waa down to a 1/4 tankand gas stations around here wont let you select more than $100 of gas at a time. Put in the $100 then did a 2nd of $98. So nearly $200 to put in about 105 liters of fuel at 1.69 a liter.


  7. JackDup

    Part of their plan to get us to switch to electric cars. Better buy a locking gas cap, motorhomes will be a dime a dozen when gas hits 6 bucks a gallon.

  8. George True

    Maybe not entirely. I am hearing more and more about retirees whose motor homes are their primary and only residence. As real estate and everything else goes hockey stick up, it might be more than the senior age group that adopts this living arrangement out of sheer necessity.

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