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Probably A Waste Of Time

….but still doing it.

I sent both of my Senators (Young and Braun) this email today urging them to oppose the nomination of affirmative action selection Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court.
Dear Senator ….

We are writing you this morning to express our opposition to the nomination of Ketanji Brown Jackson to serve as the next Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. While her positions are predictably far left politically, our primary objection is the selection process used by President Joe Biden. By declaring that he would nominate only a black woman to fill a Supreme Court vacancy, President Biden made racial discrimination against 94% of the American people  his primary criteria for making his choice. This is not only immoral but also likely illegal. On that basis alone her nomination should be rejected by the United States and we urge you to oppose this divisive nomination.
It probably won’t do much but at least we are on record. It is obscene that one of nine people that make rulings that are in essence without recourse has been chosen because she is a woman and black.
If you have Republican Senators it might not hurt to send a similar email. I have no faith in the “democratic” process but I still like to do what I can to throw a little sand in the gears now and then.


  1. Anonymous

    They are not even trying to hide what they intend for us, and instead are grinning in our faces, taunting us with "Whatchoo gonna DO about it, YT?" It sickens me no end that there seems to be so many Whites cheering on our elimination. What in hell do they suppose their own fate is going to be? Is it so important to them to punish legacy White America that they are willing to sacrifice themselves in the process? This is hatred so intense it is all-consuming. This is insane.

    Poopypants Biden will be safe behind his Secret Service detail, and the rest of the elites think their money will buy them immunity. But does lowly Karen from HR really think that her "Right-think" views are going to protect her from the savages when they come howling for [White] blood? Such clueless types will be the first ones into the boiling pot.

    They called Charlie Manson mad for thinking he could incite a race war and then emerge as leader in the aftermath. How is that any different than what Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg, et al are intending?


  2. Troy Lee Messer

    …It sickens me no end that there seems to be so many Whites cheering on our elimination….

    Me too. Your average white American male is a pretty pathetic piece of shit. No culture but consumerism. Fat, uninformed, Godless, atomised, hen-pecked. This is the demographic that is going

    Present company excepted, of course.

    Mr. Sido's post a few days ago saying "I love being white" was refreshing.

    … But does lowly Karen from HR really think that her "Right-think" views are going to protect her from the savages when they come howling for [White] blood?….

    Your average HR cunt deserves being stoned to death having the termerity to tell a white man wheather he is qualified. What does some obese cunt in HR know what a competent engineer looks like? How many mens lives have been destroyed because some cunt, "well, he didnt comb his hair right"
    Stoning HR cunts should be a sport.

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