As the first purchase for my Tacticool rifle project, I decided to go with the barrel. For my build I went with this one:
It is from Ballistic Advantage, their 16″ bead blasted stainless steel fluted premium series barrel chambered in .223 Wylde. I like the bead blasted stainless to reduce reflection. The fluting is technically to reduce weight but I mostly got it because it looks cool. I have a muzzle device coming in a few days, I’ll post an updated pic when I get it put on the barrel.
I'm looking forward to seeing how this progresses. Are you a fan of .223 Wylde in general or just for this project?
Fluting will also increase surface area and heat transfer is very much based on surface area vs diameter.
So a fluted barrel should cool down quicker.
I see you have the same background I do, albeit mine is a bit more faded and worn in LOL
I noticed that from your post the other day.
That is probably true as well but it mostly looks cool
I am not really a good enough shooter for the Wylde to make a difference but it is supposed to be better if you shoot a lot of .223 and most of the hollow point or soft point ammo I have is .223. We will see.
Smooth edges on the flooting will also reduce stress risers and reduce the chance of cracking.
You should tell people tge flutting is for the heat.
That looks great. I have put together tons of those.
If you need any help, let me know.