We woke up to a few more inches of snow but it looks like there is plenty more on the way, red arrow indicating about where we live….
A band of snow from Abilene, Texas to Newfoundland. Plenty more to come and now the wind is really picking up so the drifts are getting to be a problem. I have seen all of one car on my road which normally is very busy in the mornings. Of course the Amish all think the roads are fine because they saw a couple of people in 4-wheel drive vehicles out driving but I shut them all down.
A bright spot, it is the wife’s birthday so she can stay snugged in bed for the day. We both seem to have the omicron coof, her a little worse than me, so rest and vitamins are the order of the day. I mostly have a nagging cough and drainage but then again I might just have what old timers called “a cold” although apparently no one gets the common cold or flu these days.
Power is on, internet is working, coffee is hot. Life is pretty good here at the dissident bunker.
Arthur, at least two of my comments on your posts have disappeared in the past week after being visible for a couple of days. FWIW I always post anonymously. One comment was highly critical of blacks and one poked fun at (((others))) but neither was terribly profane, IMHO. I recall you saying that you don't censor. What's going on?
Sounds like you've got the situation squared away quite well, well done. Happy Birthday to your Mrs. and good luck with the coof. I caught it on 1/14/22 and it beat me like a red-headed step-child. Didn't make it back to work til the 28th and even know, a week later at best I say I'm only 80% "back to normal". Take care of yourselves!
I don't censor and I don't delete comments. No idea why your comments would disappear after they were visible, I can check the spam filter but I don't think they would go to spam after they showed up.
If anything the coof has been just irritating for me, I still am working and doing my thing.
We used to call it "the crud".
14 below here last night in North iowa. Some snow cover. Seen worse. Used to drive semi out east. Retired is better. Lol.
It is supposed to get pretty cold here but not that cold.
Amazing that we used to just get sick, now it is a global crisis.
Happy birthday to the wife ! Between the snow and the possible coof, sounds like you can "quarantine" for a few days.
Stay warm sir.