There are a couple of great ways to keep right-Wing Whites from organizing at more than a “frens and naybors” level:
The first: any time any group gets to a significant size, find ways to infiltrate the group with undercover agents and informants. The Feds spend lots of money on this activity according to this post:
The best part of the article is that some of these people apparently have no idea why they are being paid and the Feds are actually authorizing these informants to commit crimes:
The other is to convince everyone on the right that every single group is riddled with informants so no one will join them except autists and retards.
Either one works for keeping the right disorganized and suspicious of one another.
The reason I bring this up: a recent Patriot Front rally in D.C. that got a lot of media coverage and then received a lot of the same basic response from /ourside/:
It is understandable. Most people hadn’t heard of Patriot Front until just recently so it seemed like they came out of nowhere and showed up in D.C. with a pretty large crowd of guys with a great deal of coordination. You can see pics of the rally on their Gab page:
We are pretty deeply conditioned to assume that the group is indeed full of Feds or itself a full blown Fed op. I have known about these guys since they came around in 2017 but like I said, many on /ourside/ never heard of them and that got the glowie alarms going off like crazy.
Are they a glow-op? I have no idea. It is quite possible but it is also possible that they are a legit group that certainly has a few Feds in the ranks. Regular men can organize and coordinate actions without it being a set-up. The 2A rally in Virginia a few years ago is an example, while Unite the Right in Charlottesville was the opposite.
Anyway, I have never interacted with the Patriot Front guys. No idea what their deal is, but I like at least some of what they say and do. Their logo is going to rub people the wrong (?) way:
It evokes a lot of the early 20th century Austrian painter with the funny moustache imagery but the ideas behind it are at least as deserving as most of what passes for serious political theory in the 21st century. Yes there is a fasces in the middle of the logo but you know where else you find fasces? Lots of places…
Also here is former Vice-President Joe Biden sitting between two fasces….
There are a ton of places in official U.S. government seals and symbols where it appears.
Speaking more broadly, what role can large, national organizations play in the dissident right community? Did the pop up rally in D.C. accomplish much? Not really anything concrete although I bet their web traffic at Patriot Front went through the roof. It certainly raises awareness and hopefully gets people thinking about some of these issues outside of the guidelines drawn up by the Uniparty hacks. It won’t ever accomplish anything nationally because there simply are not enough people who are going to get involved. Even these guys mostly are mostly covering their faces because for most people, being associated with a group like Patriot Front is going to get you labelled all sort of bad things because normies are only going to believe what they see on Wikipedia:
You get all the scary buzzwords there: White supremacist, neo-Facist, “American nationalist hate group”, alt-right, Neo-Nazi, racist, anti-Semitic, etc. Being ID’d at their rally means the end to most careers and probably loses you lots of friends and family.
As I said, I don’t have any affiliation with the group but I also don’t have much I disagree with when it comes to their stated goals and positions. It might be worth checking out, although the first whiff of something organized that even skirts the line of being illegal would mean it was time to bail. If I were running an organization, the leaders would be exclusively drawn from middle aged guys with actual families. It is way too easy to embed a Fed who is late 20s without a wife and kids.
Anyway, I don’t know if they are Feds and neither do you unless you have some sort of tangible proof. So good for them for saying things that need to be said and doing stuff that most of us aren’t going to do because we don’t want to get in trouble. It may not be your cup of tea but let’s not reflexively assume everyone is a Fed, especially when we don’t know anything about them.
Yeah, the comments sections on some of the /ourside/ websites reporting on PFs DC March were hilarious. "I'm a big blobbity-blah and I know everything about every Alt organization and I've never heard of these guys. FEDS!!". Some folks much kinder than I tried to explain, No, PF has been around for several years and are active in many states, which got the commenters to then accuse the "explaining party" of ALSO being a Fed.
Personally I appreciate what they're doing and have been paying attention to them since late 2019/early 2020. Would I ever join their organization? NO. But then, I'm not a joiner by nature. I do support their cause tho and hope the morons dragging them this past weekend didn't do any significant damage to their credibility.
I find their direct action events far more inspiring than the usual disorganized shit shows put on by the overweight, tattooed, duck dynasty beard wearing, plate-carrier brigades. Not to be a prick, but I find those guys (and yes, I know a lot of them are Vets) to be an embarrassment and a hinderence to winning hearts and minds of Joe and Jane Normie.
There was no reaction by the DC police or any fed organization, so I figured they were feds.
What tipped me to the idea they were feds is when they used u-hauls to move people. DC cops watched and didn't bust them for having people in the truck box.
DC cops could have given out lots of tickets on that stunt but didn't. That screams someone told the cops not too.
Which for me is a red flag.
Perhaps the FBI can stop an attack that the FBI planned, funded, and equipped . . .
So, the best way for the feds to discredit any group is to just not arrest them?
Mr. Sido, thanks for the privilege of posting here. And since I am to the right of Pinochet, I wont be offended if this is taken down.
…You get all the scary buzzwords there: White supremacist, neo-Facist, "American nationalist hate group", alt-right, Neo-Nazi, racist, anti-Semitic, etc…..
Dont forget the scary Christian Nationalists. The self fear and hatred whites have towards their own race is disgusting. There is nothing scarier than a man proud to be both white and Christian. Even the "christians" at Babylon Bee are scared of white people congregating to facilitate their own interest.
Libertarian Christians is an oxymoron. Christ didnt follow the Non-agression principle.
IMHO, the starting point of Christian Nationalism is Vox Day's 16 points of the alt-right. So I wish I could ask the Bee, or anyone who denigrates the concept of Christians who are Nationalist, which of those points they have issues with.
…I find their direct action events far more inspiring than the usual disorganized shit shows put on by the overweight, tattooed, duck dynasty beard wearing, plate-carrier brigades…
agreed. Most Whites just arent serious. Ace of Spades still whines about first world problems. There is a slow motion genocide going on, but Hey, I need more RAM. So things cant be too bad. Ill believe whites are serious when they take the word nigger back and stop fearing being labled rascist. Because the whole @#$@#$ing world is rascist except stupid f'ing virtue signaling cowardly white men.
It isnt the use of the word that I give a shit about, it is the cowardice that the nigger spell has over whites. If you are so afraid of a mere set of syllables that you are too afraid to enunciate them behind closed doors, well, then your DNA line deserves extinction. Again it isnt the word itself, it is the fear of the word.
….What tipped me to the idea they were feds is when they used u-hauls to move people. DC cops watched and didn't bust them for having people in the truck box….
I noticed that too.
When it comes to organising, the right is literally retarded. I take full responsibility for my share. Are we too stupid to crack this nut?
….Would I ever join their organization? NO. But then, I'm not a joiner by nature…..
As the most guilty as you can be INTJ hermit, I believe (and I hope this is not some cousin of confirmation bias or projection) that this is 80% of the right's problem.
The right is, definitiinally, much more individualist. This is an aspect of our nature that has to be overcome.
….Not to be a prick, but I find those guys (and yes, I know a lot of them are Vets) to be an embarrassment and a hinderence to winning hearts and minds of Joe and Jane Normie….
People like Aesop rubs me the wrong way to the point I think he is a fed. Mouthyness without action is a hueristic I use to determine to what degree a person is full of shit. And white cucky Boomers are the worst.
Hey I just ordered a plate carrier!
Perhaps they took them by surprise and they didn't do anything illegal
I don't think he is a Fed, but I also don't find him especially interesting. If he spent less time shouting his ridiculous threats and more talking about things he knows about, he would be more interesting but that doesn't get the click I guess.
Wanting to join a group, say, a bunch of Honkies wanting to stop OtherColor attacks, is just playing into the governments hands. If you don't join, if no one joins together, you have millions of guerrilla fighters who cannot be stopped. This is what happens when you Dog Lovers think a pack is the answer to threats. Cat People understand what I'm saying. I'm all for Tribe, but that must wait its place after the failure of our civilization and national government. Not during its reign.