We are officially in the “Holiday Season” here in the U.S. of A. and that means work is getting super busy for us. Cold weather and more frequent get-togethers means that the Amish are looking for rides more often that usual. When the weather is nice, they like to take their buggies but when it is cold? Buggies suck. While most “English” people don’t think about it that much, we drive our cars every day and it doesn’t really matter if you drive your car 100 miles for 8 days in a row, but horses can’t go long distances every day or they wear out. For us that means we are gone a lot more often and have correspondingly less time together. Blogging has to take back seat and nothing super interesting is happening right now so the posting might be a little sparse for a while.
‘Tis The Season
Never fear, all is well here but when the wheels are turning we are making money so that has to take priority.
I assume you're either an Uber or Lyft driver? Is that a worthwhile way to make some money?
Sort of, but we work for ourselves and only drive Amish, some we are regularly contracted with and others are on-call. It is a nice living and very flexible, plus no globohomo bullshit.
I've mentioned to people living far away that I live near a substantial Amish community, and I've found that the Amish have kind of a bad name about their horse husbandry. My Texas sister, for example (Yes, there are Amish communities in Texas) says the Amish notoriously buy "breakdowns" (horses with problems) cheaply, then basically work them as hard as possible until they croak. That may be true, but Amish in one area differ from Amish in others. I'm no horse expert, but the horses I see around here look to me like they get good care — I don't see bony-looking ones, or any with obvious skin/coat problems. What's your impression?
Most of the horses owned by Amish are at least several thousand dollars and many are above $10k. They sure aren't pets but they are treated very well by them. There are some random exceptions but generally speaking they are incredibly well cared for.
Now dogs? That is a different story.
Be safe on the roads!