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Deism: We All Must Hang Together Or Surely We Shall Hang Separately

A submission for you to ponder on a Sunday morning.
Our path forward isn’t an easy one under ideal circumstances and it will be immeasurably harder the more we allow ourselves to be divided from one another. Because our religious faith, or lack thereof, is so deeply personal, it is also a powerful tool for division. Over the last few years especially it has become quite apparent that at least some of the voices that are given a significant platform in the religious world are not only not on /ourside/ but are actively working in opposition to our people. 
Many of the most ardent enemies of White people are found in leadership positions of the Christian church, both Catholic and Protestant. Not just the clergy however, the most prominent Orthodox voice in America, one Rod Dreher, is a soyboy and cuck who endlessly is undermining our people. It is precisely because they are in positions of trust that they are so dangerous. 
While Muslims are pretty based on a couple of issues, they also generally hate most White people and really hate our Western culture (although they are happy enough to profit from it and enjoy not living in a festering shithole country run by imams). 
In general, many atheists and various pagan/occult/spiritual types are leftist as well, I believe most likely as a knee-jerk reaction to their religious parents rather than from real convictions. 
Like Elrond sez….

Again brothers, what you do and where you go (or don’t go) on Sundays is very important to you but it won’t mean much if we are extinct. Only by accepting our differences and banding together can we have any hope of surviving. 


  1. Mike Austin

    So much to unpack from your essay. Whole books could be—and have been—written on the topics you brought up. To state my position as a Latin Mass Catholic: If my enemy takes a bullet to the head, I don't give a shit where the bullet came from.

  2. E M Johnson

    and yet, the very next post takes a poke at "jewish" pedofiles.. pedo's deserve whatever they get and so do commies that the original source meme for that post comes from. broad brush on jews alienates potential allies too.. just my .02 cents

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